
Chapter 271 - Suicide Attemp

"Wha-what did you just say" Said Mario with a red expression.

"Excuse my vocabulary, but, I can't find a better Word to describe you right now" Said Alfonso.

"Alfonso Lockheart, don't think that your actions won't have repercussions!" Said Mario in

"I offer my respect to everyone, however, if you have that bully attitude, then, there is no need for me to be kind either!" Said Alfonso.

"Watch your mouth! Alfonso Lockheart, do you have any idea who are you talking to!" Said Mario.


"You are nothing more than a clown acting like a king" Added Alfonso.

"Good, very good, Alfonso Lockheart, since you want to play like this, then, I won't be polite either, from now on, the Violette's merchant association close its doors for you or anyone that it considers your ally!" Said Mario with fury.

"Fine by me, you are not the only merchant association in Leitol. I hope that you don't regret your decision later" Said Alfonso.

"We will see" Said Mario.

"As for you" Said Alfonso while turning to look at Griftor.

"I don't have the time nor the will to take care of you, I don't know which clown is the one who wants to deal with me, however, I have a message for him" Said Alfonso.

"I am willing to talk things peacefully, after all, the least thing I want to see is bloodshed, however, don't push my bottom line" Said Alfonso.

"I am not afraid of war"

With that, Alfonso turned around, he didn't want to stay for the show anymore.

Griftor looked at Alfonso with an anxious face.

"No, I can't let him go like this" An image of his wife and daughter came to his mind.

Although all the cells on his body yelled 'Don't do it'! He grasped all the courage that he had left and, with sweating hands, he said…

"I-I heard that the crippled madman was courageous man, it-it seems that the rumor is false"

In that instant, the temperature in the room dropped!

After saying that, Griftor covered his mouth by instinct. The people at the side of Griftor backed up in a notorious way, even Mario was stunned by Griftor.

He didn't believe that he will have the balls!

Enrique, who had looked at both parties from the beginning, grabbed his head in despair.

"A Blood bath, there is going to be blood bath, please, please, gods, don't let him turn this way" prayed Enrique.

Although most people were a little afraid of Alfonso, they weren't so scared to not talk to him, however, the word 'crippled' was a taboo for this man, and everyone knew about it!

After all, they all had heard the story about the one man that had the huge guts to call him like that, and everyone knew how he ended.

Alfonso and company stopped their tracks, the first one to turn was Demeter and Artemis, whose eyes had changed to black and red respectively. Rebecca and the pregnant woman also notice the changes, Rebecca felt the hand grabbing her trembling a little, and he turned to Dionysius and saw that he was trembling… however, he wasn't trembling in anger…

He was trembling in fear… This frightened Rebecca even more.


"Shh! If you don't want to get killed, don't talk!" Murmured Dionysius.

Dionysius turned to look at Demeter who was right behind him.

"I-I never seem aunty so angry before, in fact, I have never seem her angry!" Though Dionysius.

Although Dionysius called Demeter angry, he had a lot of respect to her, after all, Demeter was one of the very few gods that could threatened to Zeus himself.

"I-I have heard the stories that when Aunty gets angry, even the weather had to bow towards her, I-I thought that was an exaggeration, but… I think that the rumors were not exaggerated at all!"

On the other side, Susana also notice something, Io, who was by her side, had suddenly disappear.


She looked around and saw that Io was sneaking around form behind the group.

"Io? Where are you going?" Asked Susana.

"…" Io didn't answer but, her face was pale and she was sweating a little.

Io turned to look at Susana and signaled towards Artemis, Susana looked at the red eyes of Artemis and understood.

"Let me go with you" Murmured Susana.

Io nodded and when she was about to leave, she notice that another couple was also leaving with them.

"…" Io looked at Anastasia and Hans.

Anastasia looked back at Io and she immediately understood. They both nodded at each other and continue on their way.

Meanwhile, the main protagonist of the event, Alfonso, stood without turning around, contrary to what people though, he wasn't angry, he was thinking in something else entirely.

"People know that they shouldn't call me like that, although I won't do anything, the reputation that Chrono gave should be more than enough to not mess with me much, I wonder, what is driving this man to do this kind of suicidal actions" Though Alfonso.

The more Alfonso though about it, the more he thought that something was odd.

"He is intentionally provoking me, that's for sure, however, one thing is to provoke and the other thing is to go for the kill, the question here is, he doesn't seem the kind of man who would do something so pointless and foolish" Though Alfonso.

Obviously, while he was thinking, he forgot everything at his surroundings, and, for the audience, the calmly and the quietness of Alfonso, were scary!

"It seems that you are tired of live?" Said Artemis.

"W-what, I am only expressing an opinion" Said Griftor.

"If-if you have the guts, come, kill me!" Said Griftor.

When Alfonso heard Griftor, he suddenly though about a certain someone who he had screwed recently.

"Maybe…" Murmured Alfonso.

"Artemis, Demeter" Said Alfonso.

"We are leaving"

With that phrase, Alfonso left the party with his group behind him, the crowd were stupefied, they didn't know why Alfonso hadn't take actions, however, they also felt relieved, after all, nobody wanted to see blood today.

Well, almost nobody…

"This is bad, the information seem to be wrong!" Though Griftor.

He was conflicted, however, deep inside of him, he was also relieve.

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