
Chapter 365 - Toy

While Alfonso and company were busy on the third circle of hell.

Near Sky City.

Someone opened his eyes.

"Ahh… my head… I haven\'t had this feeling since I drunk fifty jars of wine back in the days" Said a young man with black hair and a patch.

"Hey kid, why do you wake me up, I haven\'t recovered all my powers yet" Said the man.

"Hey, kid!"


After some seconds without an answer, the young man scratched his head.

"What the hell…?" Though Chrono.

He sat in the bed and took some deeps breaths.

"His soul isn\'t here… but he can\'t die because I am here, which means…"

"He must be in the Underworld"

"So many hardships"

"So much sadness"

"So much pain"

"Poor, poor, Alfonso"

"Let\'s take some seconds of respect" Though Chrono

He closed his eyes for a few seconds…

"Okay, that\'s enough of that poor bastard~"

Chrono smiled from ear to ear.

"Haha, I can even picture his stupid face haha, oh god I wish I had a camera on me~" Said Chrono.

He stood up from the bed and took out his clothing.

"But seriously how can this guy look at himself in the mirror and don\'t get a boner? He is too girlish" Said Chrono while looking at Alfonso\'s body in the mirror.

Of course, he looked the huge… thing between his leg and he somehow made a bitter smile.

"Well, not this part but still…" Though Chrono.

"If I had a normal body and not this defective doll, I could get so much fun~" Lamented Chrono.

"Oh well, when life gives you lemons… you get a hooker… wait… that\'s not right…"

"Oh well, who cares~"

Chrono put his clothes on and went out of the inn.

"Hmm~ strange~ I thought that little girl would be checking his little darling" Murmured Chrono.

He walked out of the inn, but nobody was in sight.

"Oh! Come on! I finally get to enjoy some time without that idiot yelling at my/his ear all time and nobody it\'s here!?"

"I need some toy to play!" Shouted Chrono.


From a few kilometers, Chrono suddenly heard a couple of voices.


"Fuck! I will never surrender!"

Chrono saw a figure with blood on his stomach running towards his direction.

Behind him, four shadows were following him.

"NOAH TERKIN! STOP YOUR FUTIL RESISTANCE!" Shouted one of the shadows.

Chrono looked at this scene and he couldn\'t help but smile from ear to ear.

"Hello there, my cute little toys~" Murmured Chrono.

Noah run with all the strength he had left but, the amount of blood he had lost was too much.

"Fuck, fuck! Who are you!? Why are you after me!?" Shouted Noah.

"You don\'t need to know that" Said one of the shadows.

Noah finally couldn\'t keep going and he fell to the ground.

"Shit!" Though Noah while he tried to stand up, however, he was too tired and he had no strength left.

"Is this how it ends!?" Though Noah.

"You little rat, you finally run out of gas" Said one of the killers.

"Let\'s finish him, for the lord"

"FOR THE LORD" Said the other four.

 The man lifted his sword and he was prepared to pierce the abdomen of Noah!



"What\'s wrong?" Asked one of them.

"I… I don\'t know…"

The man tried to move his hand, however, he soon discovered that he couldn\'t move his entire arm.

"Well, well, well, who do we have here~!"

A mocking voice came from the side.

Noah and the 5 killers turned around and saw a young mand looking at them.

"Alfonso… Lockheart…" Said Noah with a weak voice.

"You crippled man, stay out of this!" Shouted one of the men.

The smile of Chrono became wider after hearing the man.

"What did you just call me?" Asked Chrono.


Chrono disappeared from sigh and quickly reappeared in front of the man.

His smile was as wide as it could be.

"I said…"

The man backed a little but Chrono quickly grabbed the back of his head.

"What did you just call me?" Asked Chrono once again.

The man freaked out, but, before he knew it, he felt a huge pressure coming from the back of his head.

"Ahh!" The other four backed immediately.

The man felt a cold all of sudden while his head suddenly became… thinner.

"Just as I thought~"

The man suddenly felt a ringing on his ears.

His eyes started to close and the last scene he saw was a man grabbing something squishy and that was palpating.

"Your brain is just as small as your powers~" Said the last voice the man heard.

The man fell to the ground and everyone looked with horror the carnage scene.

Noah felt the urge to vomit while looking at the smiling Chrono with a brain in his hands.

Chrono put his feet on the man\'s head and smiled at the other assassins.

"You see guys"


Chrono stomped the brainless head of the man.

"I really, really~ hate"


"The word"




Nobody could talk and the assassins had never felt so terrified before.

Chrono looked down and seeing that there was nothing else to stomp to, he kicked the body to the side like it was some kind garbage and he threw the brain to one side as well.

"Well, now that my brainless friend has been deal with, let\'s talk" Said Chrono with a smile.

"…" The five assassins didn\'t move a single finger.

"You see, my original plan was to screw with you, but just a little"

"Maybe some break bones here and there"

"A little bit of permanent brain damage"

"And a tiny bit of amputation"

"But nothing serious you know~?"

"But now? my mood is spoiled~"

"So, we have a bit of a problem you see~"

He walked slowly towards the assassins.

"Because, if I kill you too fast, I won\'t have more toys to play with"

The assassins wanted to run as fast as they could, but they knew that, if they moved a single finger, the man in front of them would kill them without taking a second thought.

"So, I will give you a chance"

"I will count out to ten"

"Run as fast as you can~"

Chrono made a candid smile.

"If you managed to escaped… you are free~"

With giving much time to the assassins to think, Chrono taped his eyes.


At the sound of his voice, the four assassins spread out in all directions at full speed.


Chrono finished and in a second disappear.

Noah heard five cries of pain coming from all directions.

In not more than twenty seconds, Chrono came back bathed in blood.

He walked towards Noah and sat beside him.

Noah looked at the smiling Alfonso bathed in blood.

"You…you didn\'t say… that you were going to count to ten?" Asked Noah.

"Have you tried to run in this garbage body?"

Noah was speechless.

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