
Chapter 294 - Not Like We Haven't Kissed Before

Jiang Jinyan whispered in disbelief. "Shi Nian…?"

The girl's voice that came behind the door was sincerely worried. "Are you okay? You don't sound very right…"

Before Jiang Jinyan realized it, he had pushed his wheelchair and opened the door, almost tearing it off from its hinges. And there she was, the figure that he had just used to keep his mind sane, standing in front of him. Real in flesh.

There's a small luggage by her feet and she looked travelworn, hair sticking up in all places. But amidst the dark, those golden eyes shone brighter than the gemstone, dazzling like the ray of sunshine that peeked through the shades of autumn leaves. It always managed to steal Jiang Jinyan's breath away no matter how many times he had seen it.

He lowered his head and gave a trembling laugh. "…Why are you here?"

Shi Nian scratched her nose, hemming and hawing. "Sorry…I guess I was just too worried about you. I came here as soon as school ended. Sister Meiqi accompanied me here but she has gone to the dining hall for food. Xu Binchen gege can't come because he's busy but he lent us his private plane—" Her words trailed off and she gasped in shock. "What happened to your arm?!"

She crouched down and inspected his bleeding wound anxiously. Just by looking at his bloodied nails, she already had an inkling on what was going on. The rims of her eyes reddened. "Are you okay? Why are you hurting yourself again?"

Jiang Jinyan didn't care a bit about his injuries. He reached out and pulled the girl into his embrace, buried his nose into her hair and inhaled her sweet and nice smelling shampoo. "Shi Nian, Shi Nian, Shi Nian…" He gasped out her name, over and over again. 

If the girl could see Jiang Jinyan right now, then she would definitely be terrified. His expression was twisted in crazed delight, there was a hint of madness, satisfaction, exhilaration and incredulity. He wanted to squeeze the girl into his body to prove that she was real and not only an illusion he conjured up due to missing her too much.

"Are you okay?" She wrapped her arms around him softly, stroking his back in comfort. "You're trembling…"

Jiang Jinyan eased his breathing and his tense nerves slowly calmed down under her tender touch. He closed his eyes and listened to her rhythmic pulse. It was too magical, all of his vexation and discomfort melted away in an instant.

"I'm tired…" he mumbled vaguely.

Shi Nian hummed gently. "Is that so? Let's go in first, okay? I will help you to bed and bandage your wound."

Jiang Jinyan nodded obediently, his eyelashes lowered to hide the turbulent emotions surging within. Shi Nian pushed his wheelchair back, supported him to bed and padded his back with pillows. Only after making sure that he was comfortable did she pull away. "Wait a moment, I will go and ask for a medical kit—ah!"

Jiang Jinyan yanked on the girl's arm, taking her off guard. Shi Nian couldn't keep her balance in check and fell onto Jiang Jinyan's body. She wasn't given any time to react as he suddenly turned over and smothered her in a suffocating embrace, almost squeezing the breath out of her lungs.

The full weight of a man couldn't be taken as a joke. Shi Nian couldn't even move a limb. "Jiang Jinyan…"

The man's head dropped to her shoulder, lips mumbling. "Don't leave me alone, okay?"

"But your wound…"

"Forget about it."

"No!" Shi Nian twisted around in protest. "We should disinfect it or else it will turn worse tomorrow!"

Jiang Jinyan was silent, pretending to be dead.

"Come on." Shi Nian softened her voice, coaxing him patiently. "I won't go anywhere. We should treat your wound first, okay?"

"Don't wanna…" He sounded just like a petulant child throwing a tantrum.

It was so adorable that Shi Nian's heart squeezed. She guessed that something had happened between Jiang Jinyan and his father and it wounded him so. Seeing how he acted unusually sticky and affectionate, her heart couldn't help but turn to mush. "Alright, alright, let's hug for a bit. After that, we will treat your wound, okay?"

"Don't wanna…"

Shi Nian chuckled. "Then what do you want?"

It was as if Jiang Jinyan had just been waiting for that question. As soon as Shi Nian said it, the man propped himself up, asking sincerely. "I can have whatever I want?"

Faint breeze seeped through from the half opened window and ruffled the strands of his hair. The eyes which were gazing down at her were dark and unfathomable, yet there was also a faint twinkle within them. Shi Nian had seen this kind of serious and somber look before when General Jiang was…hunting for prey.

Gulping, she started to get all jittery. Why did it seem like…she had just unknowingly jumped into a trap?

"Hmm?" he urged softly with his low voice that could always make her ears turn numb.

"You…" Shi Nian withdrew her eyes and it was unknown when she started to breathe through her mouth. No wonder that her lips were starting to get dry. "What do you want..?"

He clasped her chin and brought her eyes back, forcing her to bear the intensity of his stare. It was a bit too heavy, honestly. As if he could devour her whole just by looking. Shi Nian's throat constricted when Jiang Jinyan leaned in, so close that their breaths mingled and noses brushed against each other.

Her eyelashes quivered violently as the air he exhaled tickled her lips. Her eyes could see nothing but her own reflection in his pupils. Red faced, dazed and muddled. Did she really look that silly right now?

The corner of Jiang Jinyan's lips curled up slightly. "If I say I want to take a bite of you, will you let me?"

"B—Bite…" Shi Nian's breath stuttered. "Y—You want to bite me? Why…?"

He shrugged lightly, the movement caused their lips to graze against each other. So soft and light that they only touched for a split second but it was already enough to make her lips tingle as if all of her nerves were jumbled there in a mess. She couldn't help but shrunk her neck and bit her lips in shock.

"Why are you so surprised?" He gave a light chuckle and leaned in for another peck, then another and another again. "It's not like we haven't kissed before."

Shi Nian gasped amidst the kisses he showered down. "Your wound—"

"I said forget about it." He knocked his forehead against hers. "Look at me. Just focus on me and me alone."

"…hmm!" Jiang Jinyan swooped in and caught her lips in a fervent kiss. Her eyes widened in shock, not because of the kiss because she had somehow seen it coming, but because of the intensity he gave off. His tongue seized in forcefully, all hot and silky as it plundered her mouth, chasing and entangling itself with her tongue. It was as if he was desperate to sink himself into her, drowning in her warm and sweet mouth, taking all she could offer.

It was a kiss that's totally different from the previous kiss they shared before. At that time, there wasn't this kind of urgent, intense and mad urge nor was there this kind of overwhelming and delicious pleasure that swept all over her cavity up to the top of her head.

"Ah…ha…Jinyan…" Shi Nian shivered from the sensation, her hands grasping onto his shoulder tightly. Her half lidded eyelids reddened and tears welled up in her eyes due to the passion. Her mind was in a trance, fuzzy and tingling.

"Shi Nian…Shi Nian, my Shi Nian…" Jiang Jinyan rasped and sucked on her lower lips, sinking his teeth onto the plumpness until a faint mark was formed there. It was sweet, too delectable and exquisite that he couldn't bring himself to stop.

His hand trailed down from her cheek down to her neck, unbuttoning the topmost button of her shirt. An expanse of fair skin appeared in front of his eyes as well as the prominent curve of her collarbone. The necklace he gifted her was there, twinkling above her skin and moved along with her harsh breathing.

"Ah, no!" Shi Nian gasped sharply when he left her lips and dove onto her neck, biting and licking across her collarbone. Ever since he saw it the first time before, he had already developed an urge to trace it with his lips and teeth.

Soft and delicate moans slipped out from Shi Nian's lips, her toes all curling up, round and adorable. She panted, whined and squirmed, waist arching up at the hot, tingly sensation of his tongue and the hair that fell over her neck. Her heart felt like it was going to explode soon and she desperately wanted to escape. 

"It's ticklish…" She tugged on his hair in daze, forcing the man to lift his head up. 

In an instant, her breathing ceased abruptly.

Lustrously dark eyes. Ruddy cheeks. Glistening lips. Messy jet black hair. The devil was back once again with his devious smirk. He deliberately licked his lips and drawled, eyes landing on the strawberry marks on her skin. So breathtaking like cherry blossom petals amidst wintry snow. "Thank you for giving me a bite."

"Y—You…" Tears welled up from Shi Nian's eyes due to shame and she hollered angrily. "Let me go! We should treat your wound. NOW!"




A/N: uwu spoiled Jinyan is too adorable (/ε\*) so sneaky but not yet NSFW so I don't put the warning kekeke

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