
Chapter 461 - Lawyer Comes

"Anya, it's time for dinner," Hana came over to them, giving Anya a cardigan.

Anya removed the blanket that covered her body and put on the cardigan. She also wore socks and sandals to keep herself warm.


"You look like a polar bear, so warm," Tara took Anya's hand as she walked towards the dining table together.

Thanks to Tara, Anya felt in a much better mood. She could eat half a portion of rice and a bowl of soup.

After lunch, Tara accompanied Anya to chat and watch TV together in the living room. Meanwhile, Hana made snacks for them.

Anya looked towards the window and saw rain falling again. Due to the continuous pouring rain, she could not go anywhere for fear that her health would deteriorate.

"When the rain stops, I'll take you for a walk later!" Tara said.

"Tara, Aiden wants to divorce me before the new year. We don't have much time for fun," Anya said with a bitter smile.

"Don't think like that. In a few days, Aiden's mood will improve and you guys will—"

"His mood will improve after I leave his life," Anya whispered softly.

"Don't you guys want to settle this matter properly? You can still talk about it without the need for a sudden divorce like this," Tara realized something was wrong with Anya's attitude.

"I don't have to explain anything to someone who doesn't want to believe me," Anya stared out the window calmly.

"Then what do you want to do? Accept this divorce?"

"I don't know. Harris said it was Aiden's father who asked people to take me to the operating room and abort my pregnancy," Anya said.

If Bima and Aiden didn't want this child, if all members of the Atmajaya Family didn't want this child, would she be able to protect her child from them?

In what way?

Maria also helped persuade her to abort this child.

She wanted to run, hiding from everything. But how long did she have to run?

In the end, she couldn't avoid this problem.

"Why did Nico's grandfather do that? This is none of his business. It's up to you and Aiden, whether you want to keep this child or not," Tara became even more confused and didn't understand the situation.

"They don't want to tell me anything. They just want to throw me out of this house and kill my child," Anya laughed bitterly. The rain was falling more and more heavily, making her heart colder than ever.

"Don't be too concerned. When Nico comes home, I'll ask him to find out what really happened in the Atmajaya Family," Tara felt something strange about this situation.

When Anya was pregnant, Tara knew very well Aiden was so happy. Not only Aiden, but also the entire Atmajaya Family.

"Now I feel very sad. I can't protect my child just because I married into a rich family. They didn't want to tell me the reason why they wanted to divorce me and accused me of having an affair instead. I can only survive for the sake of my child," Anya said.

"Anya..." Tara's voice sounded choked. Seeing Anya's current situation, she didn't just feel sorry for her, she could also see her fate in the future.

Would she also experience the same thing that Anya experienced now?

What really happened to the Atmajaya Family? Even Nico, who was part of the main house, didn't know it at all.

He was the direct grandson of the Atmajaya family. Even though he was already 26 years old, everyone still thought of him as a stupid child.

During Aiden and Anya fighting, Nico didn't come to their house for fear that Anya would question him about the Atmajaya Family's matters.

What should he tell Anya, if he didn't know what happened?


In the afternoon, Harris came to the house together with a lawyer.

"Why are you home already?" Hana was amazed when she saw Harris. "Is Mr. Aiden coming home too?"

"He's still in the office," Harris said in a low voice.

"Do you want to see me?" Anya had prepared herself to face everything so she looked calm. She had met the lawyer beside Harris. Lawyer Eddy had helped her sue Raisa and told her to apologize to her before.

"Madame, I am Mr. Aiden's lawyer. Today, I have come to discuss your divorce issue," Eddy handed over the divorce documents to Anya politely. "Please read it thoroughly first. If you are not satisfied, we can discuss it,"

Anya did not open the sheet of paper and immediately tore it. "I won't sign it. If Aiden wants a divorce from me, tell him to come and talk to me himself!"

"Mr. Aiden can't see you. Please don't complicate my work," Eddy seemed to have guessed that Anya was going to tear the paper so he took out a copy from his bag and gave it to Anya.

Anya wanted to tear it up again, but Harris stepped forward and said, "Madame, Lawyer Eddy brought ten copies of this document. There's no point in you tearing it up. You better read it and find a way to make the most of it,"

"Are you also suggesting that I divorce Aiden? No one other than you knows what Aiden and I went through to become like this. We love each other. I don't know what my fault is that Aiden wanted to ruthlessly kick me out like this," Anya tried to say it in a calm voice. But her eyes couldn't lie to her feelings.

Heartache and pain radiated from her, making Anya's eyes, which usually looked bright, turned red.

Hana immediately approached Anya and tried to protect her. "What are you doing? Anya is pregnant. Why did you force her to divorce?"

Harris looked a little embarrassed and said, "Mother, this is not what I wanted. Mr. Aiden asked for it,"

"There is no need to involve Anya if there is a problem in the Atmajaya family. Anya is innocent and she shouldn't be treated like this," Hana tried to protect Anya from Harris and Eddy. "Don't corner Anya like this. You guys go, let me keep the documents for later,"

Seeing Anya's current condition, Harris knew he could no longer persuade her. In the end, he decided to take Eddy away.

"Rest well, Madame. We'll be back tomorrow," Harris said before leaving.

Eddy did not want to go because he felt his task was not finished, but Harris forced him and even almost dragged him away. When he got into the car, Eddy looked back at Anya and said, "Harris, if we come back without results like this, Mr. Bima will blame us."

"If we force something to happen to Madam, Mr. Aiden won't forgive us. You know, Mr. Aiden is much scarier than Mr. Bima," Harris warned Eddy.

Even though Bima ordered them to get Anya sign the divorce papers right now, Aiden did not want them both to harm his wife.

"The atmosphere at the office is so bad, it's the reason Mr. Aiden wants a divorce. But in my opinion, Mr. Aiden still deeply cares about Mrs. Anya. Why do they have to divorce? In addition, under the conditions for divorce, Mrs. Anya is asked to abort the pregnancy. If Mr. Aiden does not want to have the child, there is still another way besides getting a divorce,"

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