
Chapter 643 - Negative

"You're the one who got hurt, but instead you comforted me. I'm really selfish. I shouldn't have put myself and the people around me in danger just because I wanted to catch Keara..." Anya turned and hugged Aiden with a little difficulty because of her already enlarged stomach. 

"Aiden, I'm sorry. I didn't expect Keara to be this cruel. I'm not her sister. How can I have such a cruel sister?" As she kept crying, Anya felt that her breath was getting shorter.


Aiden couldn't get mad at Anya when he saw her like this. His little wife was much more mature than before, but her heart was too kind. She did not think that someone could be as cruel as Keara.

If she kept going like this, how could she fight back against Keara?

Keara really was crazy. Her hatred for Anya was so great that she came to the hospital herself to hurt Anya.

Even if there was something on the knife, there was no evidence to suggest that Keara put it under the bed.

"More than twenty years ago, Fany Srijaya burned an orphanage to kill all the children there. Two years ago, Tony changed the results of your DNA test, making Galih and Indah mistake you for your mother's dead child. Do you know why? You are never a sister to Keara. You are the barrier who snatched everything she thought should've belonged to her. Never think of her as your sister," Aiden said firmly.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry..." Anya kept apologizing and cried sadly. Her heart was filled with guilt and regret.

The doctor and the nurse in the room were immediately taken by the police for further investigation. However, since there was no CCTV in the room, no one knew who put the knife down.

Upon further investigation, the police found that the nurse who changed the base of the hospital bed received 100 million rupiah in cash a few hours ago in her bank account.

It could be ascertained that the nurse was doing this for someone. But the nurse herself had absolutely no idea where the money had come from and who had sent it.

Apart from the doctor and her, Keara was also investigated because she entered the room before Anya.

Keara said that when she was undergoing the examination, she was also lying in the same bed and nothing happened. As to what happened after she left the room, she had absolutely no idea.

The news of the investigation reached Anya's ears at noon.

She really wanted to beat herself up as she contemplated all this.

She felt so stupid!

She should have known that Keara was a cunning woman. Even if she committed a crime, she would always have a thousand ways to cover it up and avoid suspicion.

But Anya foolishly left herself and her child in danger. If she kept it this way, she would not be able to fight Keara.

In the evening, the hospital called and gave the news that the knife contained the HIV virus. But the virus was dead because it had been outside for too long.

The doctor told Aiden that the virus could only survive in the human body. When outside the body, the virus could die within a few days.

They said that Nadine had to undergo some tests to confirm her condition within one week.

It didn't end there. The doctor asked her to take the test twice to make sure that nothing had happened.

If both results were negative, there would be nothing to worry about.

Aiden was very worried when he heard the explanation from the doctor. He didn't dare tell Anya what the doctor said for fear that Anya would feel so guilty.

When he entered the room, he saw Anya sitting with a sad face without doing anything. Aiden could only feel worried when he saw her like this.

He had tried to comfort her, but Anya still couldn't get over her guilt and regret.

"Anya, the hospital just called me. The doctor said that the virus will die if it stays outside the human body for too long. The doctor also advised Nadine to have an antibody test in one week," Aiden said cautiously.

"Will Nadine be alright after the test?" Anya asked hopefully.

Aiden nodded.

Tears immediately streamed down Anya's face. "I want to accompany her."

Nadine asked permission to take a week off from work and spend time with Anya. She was afraid her thoughts would wander if she was alone.

Anya felt so guilty that she could not sleep peacefully during that one week.

One week later, Aiden asked the doctor to come and draw Nadine's blood from the house. The man was afraid that something would happen if they went to the hospital again. In addition, Anya's condition had been declining a bit in the last few days, so Aiden didn't want to take the risk. He did not want Anya to catch a disease if she went to the hospital.

Since it was done at home, Anya and Nadine looked very relaxed. After Nadine's blood was drawn, they could still sit on the sofa watching TV and eating fruit.

They both pretended to be calm and fine.

However, Anya was actually very nervous and almost went crazy. But she was afraid her feelings would affect Nadine, so she tried to restrain herself.

It went the same for Nadine. She knew her aunt was feeling guilty, so she tried to remain calm and cheerful as usual. But deep down inside, she was afraid that the test results would not match her expectations.

At dinner, Nico and Harris left early. Tara came later than them, but she also came earlier than usual.

Hana didn't know what was going on, but she could feel a strange atmosphere at the dinner table. Something must've gone wrong today.

All food was served on the table. But even the greedy Tara didn't lift her spoon.

"Nadine, don't worry. Everything will be alright. Even if you are sick, medicine nowadays is getting more and more advanced," Nico said in a low voice.

"Nico, you better keep quiet. Don't comment and make the atmosphere even worse." Tara kicked Nico's leg quite hard.

"I'm also worried about my sister. If this kind of disease is quickly found and treated on time, it will not be dangerous."

Anya, who only listened to the side, was very worried when she heard that. She could only hope that Nadine would be alright.

Aiden continued to stare at his cell phone. The head of the hospital had promised to inform him immediately as soon as the results came out.

Usually the test results would come out the next day. But since Aiden asked for it, the head of the hospital was willing to send it as quickly as possible.

Harris gripped Nadine's hand tightly. Nadine had been resisting his touch lately.

She didn't want to be hugged or kissed by him. She didn't even dare to take Harris' hand, worried that she would pass the disease on to him.

The more cautious she was around him, the more Harris suffered.

Nadine didn't do anything wrong, but why did she have to suffer like this?

Time passed, but not a single person touched their cutlery. Hana asked several servants to bring the food on the table back to the kitchen to be warmed.

Just as they were waiting for the food to come back, Aiden's cellphone rang and a message containing the lab results came along with a voice message.

Head of hospital: "Sir, don't worry. We've checked it three times and it's negative. No infection occurred. If you are still worried, you can check again in a month."

Aiden immediately let out a sigh of relief. "Do you guys hear it? The results are negative. In one month, I will arrange another test to ensure her condition."

"Uncle, it's okay. Let Harris accompany me to the hospital tomorrow and arrange the schedule," Nadine's hand gripped Harris' hand tighter.

"Good. Let's eat now," said Aiden.

However, after hearing the good news, Anya immediately cried as loud as she could at the dining table.

She tried hard to hold back for the whole week. She did not dare to cry nor show her feelings.

She was afraid Aiden and Nadine would worry about her. She always blamed herself, feeling both scared and guilty to death. But she didn't dare say it.

Now that she knew Nadine was fine, she couldn't hold back her tears anymore.

Nadine got up from her chair and approached Anya. "Auntie, I'm fine. I'm glad you are fine too. Rather than worrying about myself, I was more worried about what if I didn't check the bed at that time and got you hurt. Two years ago, my stupidity caused you to separate from my uncle, and made you lose your child. This time, I found the knife and saved you. Let's just say we're even. Don't feel guilty. I can't bear to face you if we keep going like this."

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