
Chapter 109

The wolves who were nearby came running to his rescue in his wolf form, but when they noticed that Christian was standing while he gazed over the unconscious body they relaxed considerably. None of them shifted back and instead tried to link with him. [Is he down? What should we do with him?] The in-charge amongst the group spoke up.

Normally, irrespective of his personal feeling, in a situation like this he would suggest that he would take them to the pack house and keep him locked up in the holding cell. Given how that was currently occupied by Ashton, having an unconscious Alpha near him was probably not such a great idea. “We will take him to St Demoir Cellar”.

[But, sir-]

“Don’t worry about it. Trust me on this.” Christian voiced with authority. Being the only one in human form, he picked him up and put him over his shoulder. Even for Chrsitian who was used to heavy lifting, he must admit Sebastian was indeed heavy, even for an Alpha.

The wolves circled around him and accompanied them till the St Demoir Cellar. Once they reached the guards stopped them, “Password”? The grumpy guard asked. The password was something that changed weekly. To avoid the ones who had the ability to shapeshift, this system was implemented. It would ensure that the person is what his face depicts.

“Yesteryear” Christian replied without skipping a beat. The guard let him in. This place was darker than many places being official prison for dangerously rogue wolves. This place screamed cruelty while all the noises from all the corners and scaringly hollow corridors gave it a haunting edge. It was cruel to bring anyone who was not yet proven terribly guilty here, but at this very moment Christian didn’t have any choice, since this place was the closest. He had no idea when Sebastian would wake up, so he had to be as prepared as possible.


Christian reached the end of the aisle where the cells were least dangerous. He chose the one which reeked off with the minimum wolfsbane on the door, and did not tie him up with the chains that were available in the room. It was too early to punish him like that. He exited the room while he waited for his father to arrive.

After around 20 mins his father arrived looking tired than usual. Christian briefed him on everything that went down, that made Mr. Wrisberg questioned his own decision to invite this wolf here. He was usually very sure of his decision, so the fact that he misjudged made him infuriated.

After what seemed like an eternity (2 hours) Sebastian lids started to tremble and he finally opened his eyes. “What... ouch!!” he said out loud, only to wince in pain. “What is going on”? He tried to locate the site of injury in his head.

“You tell us, we let you stay here. I invited you here only to get betrayed”? Mr. Wrisberg voiced in an intimidating voice. Sebastian frowned, yet unable to comprehend the situation. Sebastian’s gaze slowly shifted to Christian’s face, searching for answers, but instead he found disappointment displayed clearly on his face.

“How the hell did I betray you”? Sebastian frowned, still flinching at the pain once he sat up.

“You attacked me”! Christian prompted.

“Why the hell would I attack you”? Sebastian scoffed.

“That’s exactly what we want to know”. Mr Wrisberg clarified in a cold voice.

“Look, I have no idea what you are talking about. The last thing I recall was I was at the party. Now I am sitting in a dark smelly basement, while my body hurts like hell”. Sebastian declared while looking right into Mr. Wrisberg’s eyes. He looked at Christian and asked him, “You said I attacked you, what happened exactly? Tell me everything”!. He demanded with such a fierce voice that he sounded almost convincing.

Christian retold the entire encounter with him in the woods. The more Sebastian heard, the more he pressured his mind to recall it. It wasn’t as if he didn’t recall, he did remember bits of it, like you do when you’re drunk. Did he somehow take some kind of drug?Then why would he be specifically violent towards Christian? If he was at the party when he blacked out, shouldn’t he attack them first.

“So? Still remember nothing”? Christian mocked. All the trust Sebastian had managed to get from him was not there anymore.

“I mean, nothing clear”. Sebastian sighed. “I was talking with this woman Valerie Durance, she is getting married I think, ask her. Maybe she can fill you in on what happened”. Sebastian suggested.

“So what? You’re talking to her, and suddenly you backed out”? Mr Wrisberg asked in a calm, wary voice.

“Not exactly”. Sebastian sighed. “I think that’s when things started to get hazy. I think I was done talking to her, and I turned around...or something”? He whispered unsure of his own memory.

“You are accusing one of our omegas for making you attack him? You really think we will believe you”? Christian asked skeptically.

“So what, just because she is from your pack and she is an omega she can’t do something shady like this”? Sebastian sneered. Christian who knew that being an omega had nothing to do with what they are capable of maintained his quiet. “Besides...” Sebastian continued. “I am not accusing her. Like I said, I was done talking to her. She even invited me to her wedding if I could make it. What I am asking you is to check is what happened after that”. He clarified.

Both father and son duo took this advice under consideration and Mr Wrisberg gestured to him with his head to get on with it. Christian nodded before he tried to link Valerie. When he got through it, he questioned. [Did you recently meet anyone named Sebastian?]

[I... don’t think so.] She hesitated.

“She denied that you met her. She didn’t know anyone named Sebastian” Christian declared.

“Ask her if she met anyone named Kyle”. Sebastian prompted. “Throw in my physical description if you will”.

“Why Kyle”? Christian narrowed his brows.

“What do you mean why? I am famous, dude! I have to be careful in a crowd with my real identity”. Sebastian declared with pride.

Christian frowned skeptically at his narcissism before doing what he was asked. [Oh yes, quite a sweet guy]. Came her reply. Christian frowned as he failed to associate sweet with Sebastian. Did she get the wrong person?

[Do remember when you last saw him?] He interrogated further.

[Yes, I was talking with him around two hours ago, I think. He said his stomach started to hurt so he left abruptly. It did feel a bit odd. Is everything alright?]

Ignoring her query he asked further, [Do you remember him taking something?]

[Well, he was simply drinking. So is almost everyone here.] She threw in the details. [Am I in trouble?] She couldn’t help but ask. It’s not everyday the future head Alpha communicates with a common omega via a link.

[No, but I advise you stay put. We might need you later.] He informed, before disconnecting. He turned to his father and nodded slightly.

“So, your story checks out, but that doesn’t prove you are innocent”. Christian declared while Sebastian simply glared at him.

“What do you want me to do, take a drug test”? Sebastian scoffed.

“Actually that’s not a bad idea, except any drug in your body would have been flushed away by your high metabolism”. Christian shrugged.

“Give it a try then. Any rare chances that it’s there, it might just prove my innocence”. Sebastian sighed in defeat. He regretted more than ever coming here. All he wanted was to connect to his roots and now he is stuck in another conspiracy. This time, he is determined to never come back.

Christian glanced at his father for approval before shifting his gaze back to Sebastian. He ordered a few wolves to get him the syringe and when it arrived he drew his blood. He was very careful when he entered or exited the room, worried that Sebastian might try to run away. Not only that he didn’t, not once did he make a fuss about being trapped here, or approach the gate to break his way out. His behaviour both fascinated and scared him. Exactly what was going on inside this guy’s head, Christian wondered.

Once Christian was done he announced, “You can leave when the test results show up positive. Till then, you are trapped here”.

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