
Chapter 243

“You have been whining since we got here. Just come with us” Ava snapped.

Ashton blinked at her raised voice before agreeing to follow them. His sisters have become way more wild than they were before, way more for him to handle. Even Caleb failed to argue with them earlier that morning.

Reaching the store, he put on a few tuxes selected by his sisters which appeared essentially the same to him, with very marginal differences like a tie or a bowtie, or the tie being of different shades of gray. Honestly he really didn’t care anymore and wanted to get out of here ASAP.

“Come on, look more alive would ya?” Ava let out a frustrated sigh.

Sensing Ariel trying to link him, Ashton replied, [Yeah?]

[Is this about your nightmares? The sudden idea that you got?] She asked.


[A little bit, yeah] Ashton admitted. [I have to get out of here]

Ariel gave him a slight nod before saying, “Let’s go home Ava. He is clearly not in the mood”.

“He is never in the mood” Ava rolled her eyes.

“I know, but I am starting to feel exhausted. Let’s go back for the day. We don’t want him to end up with a tux he hates.” Ariel insisted.

“Fine” Ava sighed before they all exited the store together. Upon returning home, he tried to look for his mate, which wasn’t a surprise that he wasn’t around. Caleb needed to spend some quality time with his son, which he understood so he decided to wait.

He was on his way to his room when he ran into a familiar figure. Ashton stood there still as a hint of fear mixed with awkwardness crept up on him. “I heard the news,” declared Mr. Wrisberg. Those two barely got on the save page, and judging from his flat tone Ashton couldn’t help but anticipate hostility towards him.

“Yeah, I...” Ashton trailed off.

Mr. Wrisberg took careful steps towards his soon to be soon in law, “it’s good that you’re moving forward, but...” he took even slower steps, “If you hurt my son again I’ll bury you alive”.

Ashton wanted to point out how that would be unhelpful as he could probably find his way out, but he didn’t want to antagonize his soon to be father in law, so Ashton gulped and simply nodded at Mr. Wrisberg. It was amazing how despite being the bigger one, Ashton was so intimidated by Mr. Wrisberg.

Ashton stood there still until Mr. Wrisberg’s scent faded away completely. Ashton took a few deeo breaths, a sigh of relief if one may, and thanked his lucky stars that Mr. Wrisberg didn’t oppose. With seemingly gaining approvals from each of their family members, Ashton was beyond elated and didn’t care anymore who thought what. His happiness was so high that he almost forgot the dilemma.... Almost.

Caleb finally arrived late in the evening, but somehow Caleb was occupied by someone or the other making it harder for Ashton to have a private chat. Turns out both of their mothers threw a party for this auspicious occasion and thus a heavy celebration was in order.

The wolves partied hard, they congratulated the happy couple, some even gave them gifts but most of them got hella drunk. Ashton’s metabolism prevented him from getting drunk, and Caleb was good at holding his liquor, so these two were still quite sober by the end of it. However, they still didn’t get any chance to talk no matter how much Ashton tried.

Feeling desolate, Ashton decided to call it a day and head to his room. After freshening up when he was finally about to sleep, he was startled by loud knocks on his door. Did someone slip from the party? God, he wanted a rest so bad.

Opening the door he realised it was none other than his mate, smiling at him sheepishly as he stared at him. “Are you drunk”? Ashton asked.

“NO”! Caleb replied way to loud.

“Kay..” Ashton helped his mate in and helped him get comfy in his bed. Clearly Caleb had a lot if he was in this state, and unwilling to disturb him he just let his mate have at it.

“Ash” Caleb called after a minute.


“I... I love you” Caleb mumbled.

“I know” a smile crept up Ashton’s face. “FYI, I love you too”. Caleb’s warm extremities warmed up further as he heard his mate say those words. After a minute or so, Caleb gently put his head on his mate’s shoulder and mumbled, “When you said we need time to reconnect, I was worried that you wanted to break up,” Caleb admitted honestly.

“I can never do that, ” mumbled Ashton. “that’s one thing I’m too selfish to do, ” Ashton reassured. Soon Ashton felt arms around his waist with a warmth that his mate’s body gave out. “You’re cozy today” Ashton chuckled at his mate’s adorableness.

“I’m always cozy. I don’t show it” Ashton chuckled at his mate’s reply. Even though this was not the conversation he was hoping to have with his mate, this was still nice. Just having his mate by his side, healthy and well, was enough to keep him content.

When Ashton noticed Caleb’s drowsiness catching up with him, Ashton positioned him nicely on his bed, allowing him to sleep comfortably. Caleb however seemed reluctant to let go of his mate, as if he was anxious or something. To assure him, not only Ashton laid down next to him and hugged him, he also let his scent out.

The scent of your mate is supposed to be comforting, and somehow it actually worked as Caleb’s agitation settled down and he drifted off to sleep. Ashton, who was busy keeping Caleb cozy, also drifted off to sleep pretty soon,as he too could sniff his mate’s scent that soothed him.

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