
Chapter 180 Demoness

"I am extremely confused about one thing though. If they have a million biomechs at the ready, why aren't they attacking us? I mean, based on the ones I devoured, the Biomechs allow them to breathe outside of water and even have the ability to walk rapidly on land." I asked them as I focused my attention on devouring more and more Horse Gavarels.

I first focused on two at a time, and upon realizing that I could easily handle two, I went on to three, four and so on until I found that my maximum was around nine at a time.

Poof poof poof poof poof.

A constant stream of biomech materials and power sources made their way into me and gave me a solid boost to my strength.

I was extremely satisfied by what was happening.

The long range attacks by the Horse Gavarels were nullified by the constant stream of strength I received and barring any new form of attack, I was pretty much able to last against their attacks indefinitely.

I diverted my attention to the drones which the Ancestor was controlling to check on their progress.

"WHAT THE HECK?" I turned around and shouted at him. "Why aren't the drones moving? You realize that we are on a tight schedule here??"

However, he remained silent and completely ignored me. He was staring very intently at his communicator.

I glanced at Bruce Pang, and he too was staring intently at his communicator.

"They are communicating with HQ." I finally realized. And then another epiphany hit me. "About the million Biomechs? They were surprised that the Horse Gavarels had biomechs earlier. They must be beyond stunned to know that over a million had been amassed and with land based capabilities… Holy smokes. Are the Horse Gavarels preparing an invasion of land??"

And then yet another realization hit me.

"The oceans are larger than the land masses on earth!! There must be other races and monsters that have gained what the Horse Gavarels gained. Doesn't this mean that a global war is about to erupt?"

After a few seconds, the Ancestor finally took a deep breath and sighed.

"Change of plans. We are not gathering materials anymore. We are to act as an advanced scout on the Horse Gavarels and determine the full combat readiness of their army and… their intentions." The Ancestor said calmly with only a slight tinge of worry.

"Intentions? I dare say their intentions are pretty obvious based on their biomech capabilities." I said with equal calmness. "In fact, I just absorbed one that even has flight capability. They have fliers among their number."

Bruce Pang pressed something on his communicator and immediately projected a grave looking woman in her late forties.

"Secretary Wang will remain connected with us as we proceed with our mission." Bruce Pang said heavily. "She has been briefed with your abilities and you are to inform us, and her, of any findings you discover immediately. Secretary, he has discovered that one of their number has flight capabilities."

"Explain in detail about their flight and land capabilities as you proceed with your devouring." Secretary Wang ordered with a light voice.

She gave out an aura of sheer dominance, and she completely expected me to obey her without delay.

However, for some reason, seeing her strict and unfriendly face made my rebellious streak rear its head and snarl at her angrily.

"I think words like please and thank you are in order." I said while rolling my eyes at her. I continued to devour the biomechs relentlessly even as a ringing silence that struck us much like thunder enveloped us after my words left my mouth.

I glanced at the two men in my cockpit, and was amused to see a look of shock, disbelief and… joy? Flash across their faces for a quick moment.

"This Wang Demoness had terrorized my big bro and this old man for far too long. I think it's time I flex my muscles for a little bit to help my big bro out." I thought with a naive sigh. "After all, sis in law had given me lots of delicious roast pork. I need to return the favor."

"Please and thank you?" Secretary Wang said with a tinkling laugh. "Of course. Would you please let me know the details of whatever information you discover? Thank you very much."

"Of course I will do that if you asked so nicely." I said with slight surprise. The Wang Demoness seemed pretty… undemonic?

"I only need the information so that I can prepare the country's armed forces to better fight against the upcoming invasion that's sure to happen. The country's armed forces, as you know, will probably be sacrificing their lives to fight against these monstrous creatures so that your freedom and your way of life can be preserved." The Wang Demoness began.

"Hmmm." I nodded my head appreciatively.

"They are fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters of their own families. Babies, toddlers, kids are being left without their loving presence, families are being split apart because of war. Sons grow up under the care of strangers without even the shadow of their fathers to learn from. Daughters try to bloom bereft of much needed critical guidance from their mothers.

Aged parents are left in foster care and they will live on knowing that the treasures of their lives that they had given their life's blood to raise would enter their graves earlier than them.

Lives are being placed on hold as we mobilize the men and women that would soon die for the sake of the country.

For the sake of their countrymen.

For your sake.

Every bit of information I can get at even a single second earlier would allow us to prepare the men and women better so that less of them would need to die.

I live every moment of my life in a race against time, so that better preparation could be made, so that more would come out of the war alive, where their families would welcome them with tears of joy that by the grace of God, their beloved can live through yet another war that took the lives of their neighbours and friends.

That by some miracle, their kids, parents, would be spared the agony of not knowing the loving touch and embrace of their father or mother in the coming days.

I apologize for not thinking to say please and thank you when I asked you to give me all the information you have." The Wang Demoness said.

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