
Chapter 101 - 101: The Downfall(1)

Diana stood from the tower of the royal palace staring at all those crowds stupidly celebrating a new hero while one enormous dragon was flying casting a black shadow on one big part of the empire.

One of the nobles stepped up turning down their head walking to inform Diana from behind her back.

"The emperor is nowhere to be found, your highness..."

"Huhh?? Did you not listen to what I said?? He already died!! Now go and create a fake corpse of him!!!" she tosses the vase of the flower down to the floor shattering to pieces as she glared at them gritting her teeth telling them to f*ck off.

All of those nobles were frightened by the sight they thought they would never witness again in their luxury life, the dominant aura of Diana was the same as her father.

She tosses her hair to the back then turned to stare at the dragon Igneel and all the dragons soaring alongside its leader. The dragon hadn't done anything but Diana kept feeling ominous.

"I won't let anything ruin my chance to become an empress!!!" she destroyed the rose in the palm of her hand then walked inside closing the door of the balcony.

She stomped her way out of the palace to bring all the knights to deal with the situation but all the knights were laying on the ground sleeping in a time of danger.

"Wake up, you fool!!!!!!" her aura turned deadly shouting on all those knights which some of them were sucking their thump while sleeping like a baby even after a roar of the dragon that almost created the avalanches killing all of them.

"Huh??? Where--what??? What time is it??!!!" all the knights were confused waking up next to each other, the last thing they remembered was a man telling them to go catch Marinette.

"What're you waiting for??? Execution??!!! Hurry and transform!!! Kill all of those dragons!!!"

"As your order!!!"

The knight got up bowing down to Diana, their newest princess obeying her order but when nothing happened, they stayed the same.

"Our power...is gone!!?"

Diana exhaled out of frustration, and the chanting the hero thingy of the people walking to the palace kept getting on her nerves. She walked hurriedly kicking the old man still sleeping on the ground along her way after beating up all of those knights.

"People is such a disappointment!!!! Gosh!!!" she murmured to herself using her death roses magic creating vine catching Aurora's unconscious body from all of those foolish innocent citizens who couldn't seem to be aware of the situation they were in.

"Did you all see the dragon up there???!!!! Did you see??!!!!! Hurry, evacuate!!!" she pointed at the shortest mountain surrounding the empire.

The fear started overwhelming the people again, and suddenly out of nowhere, the ground started shaking like an earthquake. Diana held onto Aurora's body looking at the crack appearing everywhere on the rocky ground.

Afterward, the house started breaking, the tile of the roof fell down, and the reason for such a powerful thing was the creature coming out of the underground.

A big dragon with the size equal to one palace came out making a bit pit connecting to the underground city, seeing the dragon like that, the first time they saw such a big dragon after Igneel, the citizens were panicked running for their life without knowing the direction they ran.

They bumped into each other, stepped on each other, some even abandoned their little kids just for their lives.

Death Roses Magic: Roses Vine

Diana grabbed all of those children in one place with her magic avoiding the adult from killing them by stepping on them.

She used up her magic to catch all of the citizens taking them to the nearby mountain away from the empire.

It was only the knights and her against the big dragon, slightly smaller than the mighty dragon Igneel. It was none other than the underground dragon.

The dragon crawled to Diana who stood tall in front of it, Diana gathered all of her magic energy buffing herself with the sharp gaze in her eyes. She created a barrier protecting Aurora then grabbed one sharp shiny sword from one of the knights.

All those knights didn't even have the built for sword-fighting, the only thing they could do was transform into dragons. Now that their convenient power was gone, they were all fired by Diana.

[You ungrateful human!!!!!!!!! You trapped us for thousands of years!!!!!] Diana heard the voice of the dragon in front of her like some sort of telepathy.

[I won't forgive any of you!!!!! I kill each and every one of you!!!!]

"You...whatever your name is, as long as I'm alive, you won't lay your claw on any of my citizens." she stood with full guards raising her sword at the dragon.

Diana's eyes turned bright like the blue sky above them, the new morning of the empire will mark her day to be an empress, and she won't let anyone or any creature ruin that day.

Her movement was precise, as she charged at the dragon, she didn't charge carelessly, she ran above one single strand of vine connecting the ground to the dragon's neck.

The dragon unleashed its fire breathe burning the end of Diana's hair. Part of Diana's hair turned black, but she rocked with it. Aurora who was in Diana's barrier was woken up by the sound of a sword clashing against a claw.

That moment awoke wonderful memories inside Aurora, the reason why she loved Dianna just by reading the novel.

Diana in the novel never learned any sword fighting skills, but she was one of Aurora's favorite characters who yearned to do new things, Diana always want to learn how to wield a sword.

Aurora's eyes were filled with tears seeing how Diana came so far on her own without the help of the crown prince, Richard like her last life.

Diana fought the dragon with one single sword wearing the full set of dresses made of roses was like she was on the stage performing. Her blonde and black hair at the end added extra elegance to her fighting.

It was marvelous, beautiful, breathtaking, Diana never missed a single move. While the dragon kept getting the wound from her attack, Diana was running on the dragon's back unscaling its skin like she was doing a cooking show making food out of the dragon's flesh.

The dragon unleashed its scream spread its wing using the last move it could think of to gain an advantage on Diana but when it was flying upon the sky ready to unleash its breath firing at Diana, Diana disappeared from its sight just to appear the moment before it died.

One single cut was the final move of Diana to kill the dragon with size were twenty times bigger than her.

The dragon fell down laying in the puddle of its thick blood leaving its mouth and eyes open with the grudge against humans.

"Dragon Saphira, revive!!!" a woman came down from the sky then touched the dragon's belly murmuring those words.

Diana wiped the sweat on her forehead panting stepping to the sideline sensing nothing good came from that woman in a red dress.

And without her knowing, when Diana looked upon the sky, the dragon Igneel was gone and vanished with all the other dragons.

Cold sweat traveled down to Diana's burnt face, she gulped clenching tight to her sword staring at that woman standing in front of her.

"We need to kill those humans, Ivy!!!!!! We suffered so much because of those humans!!!" the dragon's big body faded turning into smoke then another woman with white hair appeared inside that smoke sobbing talking to the woman who she called Ivy.

"Saphira, let's go home..."

"What???? Ivy, no...we need to...I was trapped under this empire for many years...you want me to forget about everything???!!!"

"I don't want to lose you too, Ivy...I'm really tired...please, I beg you one last favor... let's return to our home."

"No...no...Ivy...I also want to go home!!! I really do!!! Let's just forget about me!!!!! What about all of those dragons???!! What about our fellow dragons who were forced to work for them as a slave???!!!" dragon Saphira hit her chest hardly crying her heart out standing between the line or obeying her queen, or doing what her heart wanted her to do.

Her once beautiful heart now turned black because of all of those humans.

"Princess Saphira...we won't ever forgive them...but we...should listen to our queen this time..." many peoples in the white dress walked past Diana coming out from everywhere to hug Saphira and Ivy(Igneel) crying together.

Diana's hands were trembling dropping her sword down to the ground, then her knees soon fell down right after.

"Let's go back home...together..."

"I...I can't...those humans...they took all of your power...why...why are you nice to them...???"

"We were the one who made the land to a frozen land killing their ancestor thinking of them just a livestock...let's end this..."



"I...I also want to go back to our home!!!! I dreamed of this day long ago!!!! Ivy, I really miss you!!!" Saphira wrapped her arm around Ivy crying on her shoulder.

The other soon turned to dragon, spreading their wings flying to the sky returning back to where they came from, a place where the dragon called home.

Saphira turned to a big dragon, her dragon form putting Ivy on her back then flew to the blue sky following the sun with one last glare at Diana.


"Yes, my queen???" 

"Bring me to the mountain over there, there's one person I want to meet."

"A human??"

"Please give me a minute to say goodbye to him..."

"Take your time." Ivy hopped down Saphira's back, Saphira looked at Ivy's back as she walked to a hut with a roof made from bamboo straw.

After many years, she finally got to see that man for one last time before she returned to where she belonged.

"Prince Ember...it's been a long time..." she walked a little step at a time walking with her bare feet and the dress slightly touched the muddy ground.

"Ivy?? I'm glad to meet you!!!"

"I really...really miss you, your highness." her voice was shaking, there were many emotions inside her, which she would never think she would experience when she was once a dragon who only thought of a human as livestock before.

"You don't have to call me that, I'm Ember."

"Yeah...it's just been so long..." so long, a very long time, if she didn't try to remember his face, his hair color, his eyes color, she might not be able to recognize his face.

"How have you been??? Are you eating well??"

"Hm...yeah, I'm eating well. What about you, are you happy here? I really want to stay here with you, Ember."

"What stopped you?? I always welcome you with full arm, Ivy~"

"Can I really...stay here???"

"Of course. This is also a place where you belong."

"Yeah...this is the place I belong...I'm glad to meet you again after all this time...I love you, Ember." 

To be continued....!

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