
Chapter 183:

Jian Chu asked Xu Ming to borrow three hundred, and the three of them took out one hundred. The last four hundred was financed by Qin Huai and the game department. They did not take out a loan, and the loan was slow and troublesome. They had to come to see the pledged items. Then drag the things away for evaluation, review, and then release the money. It may take a month or two to get the money after such a back and forth. For such a small amount, it is better to advance his game share.

The renting of the store was also very smooth, because the market over there is still there, and a stall can be set up without rent, so many people did not plan to rent a storefront. Jianchu applied early, so they were lucky enough to choose a location Not bad, the size is also suitable, the store has two floors, more than 90 square meters, this size is enough for selling noodles.

The storefronts in this row are all newly built, they trade in rough, and they do the decoration by themselves, and they didn’t find anyone. Jianchu knows how to lay bricks, and it’s not difficult to scrape putty on the walls. Let Mu Nan and Song Jia first After scraping one layer, it will be flat when he scrapes the second layer.

Except that the tables and chairs need to be customized, everything else is easy to solve, and Mu Nan's specialty is also brought into play here, that is, painting directly on the dry wall, as decoration, but the paints are not very good now As a result, they posted information about buying on the Internet for more than a week before someone took the paint that was almost dry and asked if it could be traded.

In the end, of course, it was a deal. Mu Nan secretly mixed some private goods in it. Those paints were too dry, so he could only secretly mix in his own paints and use them. Fortunately, the wall painting turned out pretty good.

Various types of noodles in the cartoon version, tempting side dishes, rich emoji packs, and a bunch of messy chicken soup and anti-chicken soup, colorfully painted on the wall, not too fancy, but bright and bright Just looking at it makes me feel comfortable.

And there is a specially managed market in their storefront, the monthly fee is not expensive, it can be regarded as the garbage removal fee, in addition, if there is a need, you can buy an additional insurance fee, the insurance fee is the market management in the store first If there is any loss in the store, such as being robbed or stolen, no compensation will be made for natural disasters, and compensation will be settled for estimated losses in case of man-made disasters.

Mu Nan felt that it was really necessary to get one. Now it is no more than a few years ago, especially when they are still opening a food store, and they need insurance.

There is also the share sharing of the noodle shop. Mu Nan said that he will not participate in the shares. When Jianchu and the others make a profit, he will pay back the money from his family little by little. He will pickle side dishes and sell them to the shop when the time comes. In case there are three bosses in a store who can't figure out the accounts clearly, let Jian Chu and Song Jia work together to make a fuss.

Seeing that Mu Nan was really not interested, they naturally didn't force it, but Song Jia also hooked Mu Nan's neck unceremoniously and said: "Although you don't participate in the shares, if you are too busy at that time, you have to come and help. I'll treat you to a bowl of noodles."

Mu Nan rolled his eyes at him directly.

The whole courtyard knew that Mu Nan didn't like pasta.

After tossing and tossing for almost a month, the store finally opened, but it is not easy to have a lively opening ceremony at this time, so I opened the door silently. The name of the store is quite casual, it is called Youjian Noodle Shop, There is a hot soup pot, a variety of seasonings, and a painted price list on the outside, which is clear at a glance.

There are not many varieties of noodles. There are soup noodles, fried noodles, ramen noodles, sliced ​​noodles, and dry noodles, but they are all plain noodles. Ding, potatoes can be bought outside now, but pickles and green peppers are not easy to buy.

Some families grow green peppers and can still eat them, but they are a minority after all. This kind of kimchi is not something that can be grown by just any family. Chinese cabbage is not so much to be marinated, so this small dish can be regarded as this kind of noodle. The biggest feature of the store.

No matter what, the noodle shop opened smoothly. Some people couldn't help drooling looking at the small dishes painted on the price list outside, but seeing the bright and clean lights in the shop, some people were embarrassed to go in, but they were a little bit embarrassed. greedy.

Jian Chu directly and enthusiastically shouted: "The new store has a 20% discount three days before the opening, why don't you come in and take a look, we have a menu, although there is no meat, but there are side dishes, Chinese cabbage, green peppers, shredded potatoes, three You can eat all the set meals for only 1 yuan! Today’s opening discount is 20% off, and you can eat all the ingredients for 2 yuan and 4 yuan, and after these three days, it will return to 3 yuan!”

The people who hesitated at the door at first were not greedy for anything else, but the side dishes, and it was not without these few dollars in their pockets. After thinking about it, they gritted their teeth and went back to get the bowl. The price list is clearly written under it. He needs to bring his own container. He wants to take it home to eat with his family, so he has to go back to get a bowl. Anyway, he will eat it this time. If it is not delicious, he will never come again!

Of course, it won't be too bad to eat, as long as you are willing to give oil and salt, for people who are short of oil and salt, the taste is good.

As for seasonings and raw materials for noodle making, they found a purchaser through Yu Feng to get the goods. Although it is expensive, their surface price is not low. Jian Chu calculated carefully, excluding all material costs, including rent and electricity. Inside, they sell a bowl of the cheapest noodles, and they can make a net profit of 30 cents.

Although labor is not counted, but now labor is the least valuable, so as long as there is profit, this business will not lose money.

The first day of opening was good, the business was not bad, and it sold about 20 bowls. Now the food is not cheap, and because of water restrictions, farm failures and other reasons, there have been rumors of famine, so many people I would rather spend three yuan to stock up on a few catties of unpalatable multigrain cakes than to spend the money on a bowl of noodles.

But there are still people who eat, and they are from some families who are relatively wealthy, or the conditions are average, but they are very willing. In addition to today’s discount, you can buy a full set of side dishes for more than two yuan, and those side dishes can be used as a few days when you take them home. Eating the pickles for dinner, I immediately felt that I had made a profit when I thought about it.

Mu Nan helped them all day in the store, but Qin Huai didn't go, there must be no one in the yard, although now there are self-defense forces patrolling, the security conditions are much better, but there are various rumors outside that they will die due to drought, If there is a famine and starvation to death, the melting of glaciers and the unblocking of the ancient virus will eventually all die of illness. There are a lot of these messy rumors on the Internet every day, and it is easy to provoke the weak-hearted people to do some irrational things, so the family still Someone needs to be.

Wu Zheng and Yu Zibai went directly to the noodle shop after get off work. The time when they get off work at three or four o'clock in the morning is the most crowded, and the business has been driven a little because of this, but they are still not too willing.

On the first day when the shop was closed, both Jian Chu and Song Jia were a little downcast. This noodle shop was much more deserted than their original stall selling desserts. Although they knew that their prices were expensive, it was not that they had not expected this possibility, but it was really so deserted. , is still a bit worrying.

Mu Nan explained one by one with each hand: "The store has just opened, and word of mouth hasn't spread yet. Let Song Jia edit some videos and post them on the Internet tomorrow, maybe a lot of people will come over. Besides, the sales today are not bad. Yes, we can only buy so much raw materials, if the business explodes, it will open today and close tomorrow, and now it is not possible to buy whatever you want in the past, so it is better to have a long flow than to explode."

Jian Chu turned to look at him: "You are so good at comforting people, does your brother know?"

Mu Nan smiled: "My brother never needs comfort!"

Back in the courtyard, Song Jia and Wu Zheng followed Jian Chu and the others to settle the accounts and sum up. Mu Nan didn't have the patience to participate in this, so he just asked them to agree on how many side dishes they wanted tomorrow. Anyway, how much a catty of his side dishes are is the fixed price Yes, without involving their share, much simpler.

After returning home, Qin Huai happened to be cooking the last dish, Mu Nan sniffed the aroma and leaned over: "Is this dinner or supper?"

Qin Huai pushed the protruding head away, and put the stir-fried spicy pot on the table: "Dinner and supper, you still have to go to the store tomorrow?"

If it wasn't for helping in the store, they wouldn't be eating dinner now. Usually, dinner is almost at one or two o'clock. After digesting it, they would go to bed early at two or three o'clock. Today is a few hours late, and they will go to bed after eating. I guess There will be a delay of several hours. If you still go tomorrow, the dinner time will have to be adjusted. It is best to come back from the store and take a shower and go straight to sleep.

Mu Nan shook his head: "Don't worry, it's so late, there is no business in the future, but Jian Chu said that the business is kept, no matter whether there is business or not, they will close at this point in the future, I will take a stroll over to have a look when I have nothing to do , The business is so bleak today, I sold 23 bowls of noodles, and they were all for the discounted side dishes, but after the discount, I won’t make any money at all, and I don’t know if I will sell it when the original price is restored later. go out."

If it weren't for the market price, Mu Nan would have wanted to lower the price of the side dishes for them. But if this is a long-term development, it is not appropriate for him to lower the price to subsidize it himself. It's nothing, it can be subsidized, but it's a pity that there are too many space restrictions and limited conditions.

Qin Huai: "It's useless to think so much. We can only wait until later to see whether we are making money or losing money. Moreover, in the past, most of the shops opened for a few days and couldn't continue to operate, and then closed."

Mu Nan covered his mouth: "It's the first day they open today, so you're not allowed to say such frustrating words, even in secret!"

Qin Huai smiled: "Okay, I won't talk, let's eat."

Spicy hot pot is also Mu Nan's favorite. Although the ones made by Qin Huai are not spicy at all, at most they have a slight taste of sauce, but it is quite rare to eat them once, so Mu Nan happily washes his hands and puts them on the table. It's a pity that Qin Huai The soldier did not allow him to drink, saying that it was too late and he was going to bed later, and the carbonated drinks were not good, so he could only drink iced mung bean soup.

Mu Nan sighed while eating: "Although the world is not good now, but I don't know why, they opened the store, and I also feel a sense of stability."

Qin Huai poked him lightly on the forehead: "It turns out that your safety is given by others."

Mu Nan said: "It's not that kind of stability, it's the stability of the general environment, but now thinking about it, it was not easy. When we were trapped in the house, it was so difficult for them. They had no money and couldn't afford sky-high prices. , I was hungry and smelled the fragrance in our house every day. Later, the weather was hot. Although there were subsidies from the government, it was miserable. I vomited after eating instant noodles. It’s not easy to empty out the catastrophe. Now that I’ve opened a store, I hope it will go well this time. This store will continue to open in a safe and stable way. I don’t want to be rich and rich, just be well-off and well-off!”

It's not that Qin Huai is not optimistic about their opening of the store. Since the government has opened up the lease and sale of front-facing stores, there will definitely be some support in the future, but selling food, among other things, once the food raw materials are limited, the store will be in danger. Unable to operate, and now, despite the continuous construction of farm after farm, the crop harvest has not been satisfactory.

He also analyzed these things for Jian Chu when they opened the store, but in the end he decided to try. Now that he has decided, then try, as long as he can bear the result of failure.

After eating and taking a shower, lying comfortably in the air-conditioned room that has installed doors and windows and cleaned up, Mu Nan couldn't help but sigh: "It's still comfortable at home."

Qin Huai said: "I'm going to start exercising tomorrow. For a few days, I saw that the doors and windows at home were not installed and I had to sleep in the storage room. I was afraid that you would not sleep well, so I stopped running. I will continue running tomorrow."

Mu Nan snorted: "Got it."

Just as Qin Huai was about to say something, the cell phone beside him rang, and when he picked it up, it was Shi Yuanfei's.

Mu Nan leaned over and took a look: "He's back? When did he come back? Why are you looking for me?"

Qin Huai replied to Shi Yuanfei's invitation to meet him tomorrow, and didn't ask for details. If there is anything to do, we will know tomorrow. It's too late now, so he pushed Mu Nan onto the bed: "Sleep. Well, I have something to say tomorrow."

Although Mu Nan was a little curious, but it was only a little bit of curiosity. Right now, he was really sleepy and yawned, and he didn't struggle anymore. Instead, he rubbed himself into Qin Huai's arms, found a comfortable and peaceful position and fell asleep. .

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