
Chapter 105: Her Surname is Tang

“What, you don’t believe me?” When Chen Libo saw how Wang Chao was reacting, his eyebrows creased together. “Don’t think that this is outrageous. As a man in checkmate, I have no other choice but to gamble my faith. If you still don’t believe, then we can draft up a contract and have a lawyer oversee it?”

“Youngster, I can see through you; you are the emotional type. You came to Singapore with a female companion, did you not?” Chen Libo’s eyebrows remained knitted together, “I know that you have interest in Bin Bin. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have come to fight a deathmatch on her behalf. Although there is a strong power behind you, you are a knowledgeable person. For the sake of doing things with all your might, you will try to resist anything as much as you can. This time you came here for the sake of Bin Bin, that is mostly because you like her, do you not?”

“Youngster, money and power are both needed, but affection is also a must. This is something I understand. I have a special consideration for you, otherwise, I would not dare make such a bet.”

Hearing the elder’s words grow more and more irregular, Wang Chao could handle it no longer. Gently tapping a finger onto the sofa, he spoke, “Chen Bin and I are just friends, I have no feelings for her like you say I do. I came here purely for the sake of helping, and nor do I wish to be involved in your family’s internal struggle. Whether you believe it or not, I also have no connections with the western powers as you say I do. The power I have most in my business is with my friends within the Chinese government. The friend I brought over this time is a high ranking member of the government. As for what you were saying to me beforehand, I will take this as some sort of joke, the ones that the elderly love to play around with.”

Wang Chao had absolutely no worries over refusing Chen Libo’s words. When it came to his proposal, Wang Chao would even turn his nose up at it.

What type of person was Chen Libo? A wily old fox with ambition. Although he was an elderly man on the verge of death, the more he aged, the crazier he became.

The trustworthiness in his words should first not be mentioned.

Even if what the elder said was true, he would have to marry Chen Bin and stay within Singapore for two years for the Chenshi Corporation to be willed to him after the elder’s death.

In two years worth of time, the elder would be able to concoct all sorts of diabolical plots.

Wang Chao could almost say with 80% certainty that this old man’s plan was to thoroughly bind him to the war chariot that was the Chenshi Corporation.

Wang Chao by nature was not suited for any of this secret machination plots. He was not lacking in power or money and had joined with an organization to hold a seat in the government on his path of cultivation. Just where would he have the time to fight with or against Chen Libo in any of his plots?

“Youngster, even if you don’t believe in this old man’s words, you can still think it over. You can even divulge this to your patrons. I can’t say for certain that they will be pleased with such a proposal however.”

Chen Libo’s topic had changed almost as if he had planned for this and didn’t care to be afraid of Wang Chao’s patrons. Furthermore, it seemed as if he was trying to pull the snake from the hole to see if he could get to the head from the tail.

“How about this, I will give you some time to think about it. If you agree, then I will not change my conditions. Furthermore, you can let your backers know of this. However, do not tell them that I told you this. Otherwise, they will doubt this deal and that would make your life much harder. Ah, humanity. It is always smart to give yourself several roads to chose from instead of hanging yourself off a single tree. As an elderly man, I’ve experienced many things, just like how you’ve seen many things as a youth. The things I’ve seen, one of them involves the path to darkness. There is never one that walks that path and exits from that life gracefully. To have your own affairs worked out, that is the only way!”

Needless to say, the old man Chen Libo’s ability to manipulate a man’s life was far too terrifying!

If these words were spoken to anyone else, then no matter if it was fake or true, they would consider this deal carefully.

But Wang Chao had no desires such as this.

“The words this old man has spoken, I should keep this a secret from the organization for now. The Chenshi Corporation is an important chess piece in the Southeastern Asian region. If the organization sees that there is benefit to be gained, then I would be forced to marry. Sacrifice the individual for the sake of the collective, such a result would be disastrous. If I were to play with this old man every day and his machinations, then how would I continue to practice my martial arts? In two years, I probably wouldn’t even be able to defeat Zhao Jun.”

However, Chen Libo’s words had also reminded him of something.

Thus, Wang Chao had decided that he would treat the man’s words as if he hadn’t heard them.

Just at that moment, the sound of the uncle could be heard.

“Elder, young master Aiyang has arrived.”

“Ah, call him in.”

Pushing open the doors, when Chen Aiyang saw Wang Chao, his face had a startled look to it, “Master Wang, how did you come about here?”

“I was called here by your sister Chen Bin to act as your substitute.” Wang Chao gave a look to Chen Aiyang.

“Well, I’ll give you two youngsters time to talk. An elder like me shouldn’t speak up in such a case. I’ve grown old, I need a nap.” Chen Libo rose from his chair and gave a meaningful look to Wang Chao.

“Great uncle, please be careful.” Chen Aiyang hurriedly helped him leave the room.

After Chen Libo had left and was helped into a wheelchair by the uncle, he spoke, “Aiyang, do not go neglecting the guest now.”

As soon as Chen Libo exited the room, the uncle had asked, “Elder, where do you wish to go now?”

“A’Ming, you have been with me for many years now. On the surface, our Chenshi Corporation looks to be tranquil, but underneath, trouble is brewing. I truly do worry. After I die, everyone will scramble to divide up the company.” Chen Libo sighed. “But that youngster I just saw isn’t too bad. Even in the face of death, he would remain calm even if its Mount Tai itself crashing down onto him. With such a character, if we were to make him one of our own, what more would I have to worry?”

“What does the elder wish to do then?” Uncle Ming asked.

“I plan to have Chen Bin married to him as well as giving 30% of the Chenshi Corporation stocks to him. Within two years, he will have this. With him and Chen Aiyang, I will be able to rest in peace.”

“Elder!’ When the uncle heard this, he had been stunned almost as if he couldn’t believe his ears, “Elder…this is…you are inviting the wolf into your home. That youngster clearly has some sort of hidden agenda.”

“Pah, inviting the wolf into my home! I want to to invite him! If the wolf dithers on the outside and watches its prey, then it would bring forth anxiety! If I fear not the thief doing the stealing, then I fear the thief thinking about doing the stealing.”

Chen Libo let out a breath as a dangerous glint appeared in his eyes. Almost as if he had returned to his youth with all of its dominating power, his elderly body began to exude a powerful air.

“Even if he is an evil wolf, then I will turn him into an obedient watchdog! We’re leaving!”

“Where do you wish to go?”

“Help me go to the Li family, I wish to go see Mr. Li. In Singapore, the Li’s are in control. This part of the Southeast Asia is controlled by America. If the Europeans wish to get involved, then I will borrow the power of the Li family and the Americans. I’m old and about to die, after my death, you may as well say that the Chenshi Corporation will be my betting stake. I will partake in the world’s biggest gamble!”

Just as Chen Libo was preparing to meet up with the Li family who held all the political power in Singapore, Wang Chao and Chen Aiyang were inside conversely seriously with each other.

Wang Chao gave a look to Chen Aiyang, seeing how he walked with several steps that seemed to glide and float, despite his well looking expression, he did not have the same expert movements as before. Whenever the wind blows, the blades of grass would follow. This same grace was not existent in Chen Aiyang’s movements, indicating that the damage he suffered was very severe.

But when Chen Aiyang saw Wang Chao, his eyes had been bright. The two sat down and began to exchange some words before Chen Aiyang finally spoke, “Master Wang, you’ve improved in your martial arts once more, it seems far greater than usual almost as if you’ve stepped into the Transforming Jin stage. How did you manage that? Would you be able to show me a demonstration?”

Standing up, Wang Chao began to move into the horse stance. Stepping in a straight line, both of his hands shot out like cannons with a rippling sound of thunder.

Wang Chao’s “Pounding Horse Stance” required to use an explosive amount of Jin and to spike the hair up so that the skin would become like iron. The air in front would shake and the ground beneath would tremor.

In an actual war, this would be like using a cannon to continuously strike!

“Your muscles and bones act as one, and the sounds of thunder follows your fist. What an excellent ‘Pounding Horse Stance’ as well!” Chen Aiyang praised over and over again!

Wang Chao’s Chopping Jin of the tiger stance required a pounce to unleash a strike that could cleave a mountain with unbelievable force. But this pounce was not meant for a long time. Midway through it, the pounce would inevitably lose power. Although Wang Chao would use it in conjunction with the eagle stance, no matter how strong it was, Wang Chao had not yet reached perfection with either of the two. There was only a small chink in its power and was still a far ways away from being called pure.

If he were to come across anyone stronger than him in martial arts and more familiar with the transition between tiger to eagle stance, then Wang Chao’s strikes would be easily dodged.

But the horse stance coupled together with the Pounding Fist was different. A horse would stampede across the ground with long lasting endurance in one single smooth motion.

The Pounding Fist was fierce and the Jin was explosive. It was far stronger than the Chopping Fist of the tiger stance! A horse was long-lasting and unbelievable fierce. With a single string of motion, it could explode with Jin that would never rest.

A horse could lift its hooves to trample a person. Charging at an enemy could cause damage to their feet, tibia, calf and knee. There were many different ways to injure a person, but as long as they are trampled on, then everyone beneath the leg could be reduced to powder and kill of their fighting spirit.

The Pounding Fist would continue up the path. In the middle of the path, the horse stance would spring forth with a heavy foot that would cause damage to anyone caught underneath.

The horse stance to move past everything and the Pounding Fist to explode. In the face of an enemy, they would be forced down with never enough bravery to stop. It was far stronger than the Chopping Jin of the tiger stance and more utilizable.

Wang Chao’s current martial arts could make use of the ‘Pounding Jin of the horse stance’ and collide with anyone without mercy. The only thing he had to fear was someone innocent getting caught in it.

“While I have managed to spread the Hidden Jin to all over my body, I have not yet been able to uniform both my muscles and bones, and neither am I capable of unleashing the sounds of thunder. If we were to contest each other in firmness of foot or leg, I’d imagine I would find it difficult to defend myself against you.”

Chen Aiyang’s expression had a stunned look to it.

“Your Fishing Toad Jin swallows the Qi like a toad. This is one of the Daoist breathing exercises that first strengthens the inner organs to swell with the sounds of thunder before tempering the marrow. After that does one begin to temper the muscles and bones. Our goals are similar, but our paths are different. My martial arts has only permeated my inner organs, but it has not reached a level where I am able to unleash the sounds of thunder with my inner organs, correct?”

“Your inner organs releases the sounds of thunder while my muscles releases the sounds of thunder. One is internal, the other is external. In the very end, our paths are different, but our end goals are the same.” Wang Chao spoke.

Chen Aiyang’s marrow tempering technique belonged to the Daoist breathing exercises. His inner organs had first been strengthened before it could unleash the sounds of thunder to temper the marrow. By now, he had already reached a high level state where his inner organs reached a freakish level as well.

But his muscles and bones had not yet reached the realm where the sounds of thunder followed the fist. Compared to Wang Chao in a match of strength and Jin, he would not fare well.

But his heart, lung, liver, and intestines were much stronger than Wang Chao’s. If the two were to meet in an actual deathmatch, then Chen Aiyang would just need to be careful to dodge the brunt of the blows and to borrow power to defeat power. After dissolving Wang Chao’s strength, he would wait for him to be out of breath before retaliating, and by then, Chen Aiyang would be the winner.

Furthermore, Chen Aiyang was still recovering his strength. If he were in his prime and the two were to fight, then Chen Aiyang would be faster than Wang Chao.

If someone were to shoot him in the heart, as long as first aid was applied, Chen Aiyang would have a chance to survive. Wang Chao would not.

“Your Jin has already spread throughout your entire body? Your pores as well? Have you reached the Transforming Jin yet?” When Wang Chao heard Chen Aiyang, he had been astonished.

Chen Aiyang reached the Transforming Jin stage with the sounds of thunder in his organs would no doubt be able to temper his muscles and bones if he practiced without fail. With his inner organs capable of it, if he could master the muscles and bones, then he would draw close to the realms of Yang Luchan, Dong Haichuan, and Sun Lu-tang. However, he was only drawing close, and not yet standing at their level.

For the entire body to unleash the sounds of thunder from both the organs and muscles. This was almost essentially the highest realm of martial arts where the spirit returned to nothing.

As for the classics of the fist where returning to nothing was achieved, one would be able to dodge danger without even thinking about it. That would be sincerely considered to have achieved the Way. The heart and soul had to be cultivated without the body failing either.

That was why even when Cheng Tinghua had reached a realm of perfection with his Bagua Zhuang, he had not yet reached a prophetic level of dodging danger. In the end after killing many enemies, he had been killed by gunfire.

For anyone whose martial arts had attained the sincere Way, no matter the dangers, they would be able to predict and turn peril into safety and enabling it to be good.

“Ai! Transforming Jin I have, but I lost. The way I lost had been especially cruel!” Chen Aiyang sighed.

“Just who was the person that defeated you?”

“A woman who went by the surname of Tang.” Chen Aiyang spoke dejectedly.

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