
Chapter 8 - 8: Rival?

"What did I do? I just want to give the two of you alone time together." Kim Eunji felt like she was being bullied by this couple.

Kelly subconsciously blushed as she felt shy as soon as she heard her best friend.

"Don't try to change the topic Kim Eunji!" Kelly warned in a serious voice.

"Is it really right for you to leave me as soon as my husband arrives? You didn't even let me have the chance to introduce you to each other. Now tell me, isn't it rude?"

"Oh." was all Kim Eunji could manage to say.

"Pardon my misbehavior then." She turned her gaze towards Mo Jing-sheng.

"There's no need to say sorry." Mo Jing-sheng said as he did not take it to heart at all. As a matter of fact, he wanted the other person to leave so that he could spend some quality time with his wife.

Kelly cleared her throat as she looked at her husband and her best friend who was now having a staring contest. They were both sizing each other. Analyzing if the person deserved to be with Kelly's side. Tension filled the atmosphere that it almost felt like it's too difficult to breathe.

Before things went worse, Kelly cleared her throat once again and then she spoke, "I know it's kind of late to introduce you both but... Eunji, meet my husband, Mo Jing-sheng. Husband meet my best friend, Kim Eunji."



The two answered in unison.

"Oh gosh!" 'Can this two stop being childish? Seriously?' Kelly continued in her thoughts.

She thought that the two would end up in a brawl but Kim Eunji broke the silence as she spoke, "Honestly, I don't trust nor like you at all. But for Kelly, I'm willing to give in and support this sudden union between you both."

"Likewise. But for my wife, I'll try to be civil with you." He had suspicions about this woman. If the lady standing guard by the door when he arrived was the one who knocked his men out of their consciousness and was working for Kim Eunji, then his wife's best friend must be not an ordinary person at all. Had the lady in female bodyguard suit showed hostility towards him, he would already assume that his wife was in danger and would immediately dashed inside the room.

Also, the lady would exchange blows with him and his men and would not step aside to give way.

Kelly face palmed herself right in front of the both of them.

She could not believe what was going on. The mighty CEO and her dashing husband was competing with her best friend who had a passive reaction when it comes to men for her attention!

But somehow deep down, she felt warm inside her heart.

"This only means both of you loved me right?" Kelly suddenly blurted.

"Yes!" The two answered in unison which made Kelly giggled in happiness.

"Alright kids, behave! I had no favorites between you two. Both of you are equally important and had a special space in here." Kelly then pointed out the space in her left chest where her heart was located.

Kim Eunji smiled as she looked at Kelly. Family. Kelly was her family here in this world therefore Kelly also held a special place in her heart.

"Alright! I understand." A huge grin flashed in her face.

Then Kelly looked at her husband and said, "Husband, don't tell me you'll act like this when our baby is born? Are you going to be jealous of our own son?"


"..." Kim Eunji and Kelly were both speechless of the man's answer.

"Sigh." Kelly could only sigh.

"So, when will I be out from here?"

"Tomorrow. They're still monitoring the baby." Mo Jing-sheng said that earned a frown from Kim Eunji.

"That baby? Why do you sound like you're talking about someone else's child and not yours and Kelly's?" She emphasized her displeasure.

"Do you know how much Kelly dreamed of having a complete family? And now you treated your son like a stranger?"

"Eunji-yah!" Kelly yelled in a pleading tone.

Kim Eunji sighed as she looked at Kelly's pleading face.

"Kelly, tell me if this man mistreated you or will mistreat you in the future. I'll put some sense in his tiny brain cells enclosed in coconut shell." Kim Eunji seriously said.

"He's just overwhelmed. We didn't plan this pregnancy. This is all unexpected. He'll come to terms with this." Kelly tried to explain and defended her husband.

"Unexpected? Then both of you should have used protection when you do that thing!"

Kelly blushed when she heard Kim Eunji.

Of course they did but everytime, the c**d*m would break off because of how wild they could be. Of course there's no way she would tell that to her best friend, Kim Eunji.

Therefore, she looked at her husband and said, "I hope you'll come to terms in our new set-up. It's no longer you and me. We have another precious life growing inside me and this special person needs both of our love and attention."

"I'm sorry." Mo Jing-sheng sincerely apologized.

No one told him that being a father could become this overwhelming.

Mo Jing-sheng's phone suddenly rang. He was reluctant to answer it but Kelly urged him to do so.

"Answer it. It must be important."

Mo Jing-sheng looked at his phone and his face turned sullen.

"I- I'll be back shortly." He said and excused himself.

"What's that?" Kim Eunji inquired.

"It's nothing. He's just having problems with work. He should be in the office right now but he's stuck with me."

"He should be. I mean... he should be by your side especially now." Kim Eunji explained.

"Wait, what did you do to make him hostile towards you?" Kelly inquired.

Though she knew about her husband's indifference towards the opposite sex, he would never say that fight in the face.

"Would knocking a few of his guards standing outside a valid answer?" Kim Eunji bobbed her head acting innocent as she answered.

"Oh gosh! You did what?" Kelly asked in disbelief.

"It's not me. It's Tiger. But she's temporarily working for me. So, I guess I should bear the responsibility."

"Who's Tiger? Is that even a name?"

"No, it's my code name Mrs. Mo."

The door opened revealing tiger in a female body guard suit. Well, that's what she's been wearing all this time.

"Oh. There she is. Kelly, this is Tiger. Tiger this is Kelly, my best friend." Kim Eunji introduced Tiger to Kelly as if the former was a friend and not someone working for her.

"It's nice to meet you Tiger. I'm Kelly Roland or now known as Mo Lien Mei."

"It's nice meeting you too, Mrs. Mo." Tiger flashed a polite smile to the latter.

"How old are you?" Kelly asked as she looked at Tiger who was a fine and good looking lady. She looked so young to be working as a female bodyguard, isn't she?

"Twenty-three Missus Mo." She truthfully answered.

"Are you by any chance a member of her world, too?" Kelly inquired.

"Pardon Mrs. Mo but I can't disclose any further information." She politely said.

"Is that so? I understand." Kelly said and didn't pry on the matter.

"No, she's the one QPRC arranged to be my personal attendant and bodyguard." Kim Eunji butted in. It's the truth anyways.

"I see." Though she could feel that there's more than that meets the eye, she decided to retreat for now because she trusted Kim Eunji.

Kim Eunji sighed as she heard Kelly's response and then turned her attention to Tiger who was now frowning while looking at her phone.

Kim Eunji felt that something was not right with Tiger.

"Tiger. What's the matter?"

Hearing her question, Tiger leaned towards Kim Eunji's ears as she whispered something.

"Seems like there's danger a few floors below us."

"Are you certain?" Kim Eunji whispered back and tried to scan the surroundings. Indeed, she could feel unusual movements a few floors below them.

No, she didn't have psychic abilities. Her senses were just so sensitive when it comes to danger and abnormalities around her since she was younger. Perks of her extensive training she enhanced that gift more. Most assassin type mercenaries had this sensitivities but hers was on a top notch because it was a gift.

"Yes. I hacked through their security system and cameras to check for any signs of danger when I came across them." She then handed her phone to Kim Eunji and continued, "But I don't think Missus Mo's the target."

Just as Kelly wanted to ask something, the door swung open revealing Mo Jing-sheng with a worried look.

"Ah Jing, what's going on?" She could feel distress in her husbands face.

"Someone dared to commit murder in our hospital."

His statement confirmed Tiger and Kim Eunji's suspecion.

"Oh my God!" Kelly yelped in shock.

"Don't worry, we captured the assailants. And the patient was saved by the doctors in time." Mo Jing-sheng explained.

The patient was a now fifteen year old orphan who happened to witness the most devastating crime scene in his life. It was the murder of his parents and siblings days ago.

He feigned death just to escape his coming demise and then give justice to his beloved parents and siblings by being as the lone survivor and witness of the crime.

When the perpetrators found out that someone survived, they became restless and made their move to silence him forever.

Unfortunately, the nurse assigned to check on him happened to come at the most crucial moment and had called for help.

It was Mo Jing-sheng's men who responded the call.

"Good grief! I hope the boy's okay." Kelly felt sympathy towards the boy. He's still too young to witness such devastating scene and to be in constant danger just because he survived." Kelly voiced out her opinion with regards to this matter.

As Kim Eunji heard of the boy's story, she suddenly thought of the innocent looking girl whom she treasured dearly.

"Carmella." She suddenly mumbled in a whisper. Heaven knows how she missed that girl together with her parents. But she didn't dare to reach out to them afraid that she would expose herself in the process.

"Eunji are you okay?" Kelly's worried voice rang in her ear that brought her back from her stupor.

"Y-yeah. I-I'm fine." Though she said she was fine but she was showing the opposite.

"Excuse me." Kim Eunji dashed out of the room leaving the three people in the room with a puzzled look in their faces.

Tiger reacted and chased after Kim Eunji.

"Eunji!" Kelly called out her name but Kim Eunji did not look back.

This made Kelly worried for her. "Phone. Ah Jing, please give me my phone."

"It's in our house. I left it in a hurry." He instead handed his phone to her as he continued, "Use mine."

Kelly took it and immediately made a phone call. A couple of ring passed and the call connected, "Hello."


"Mistress!" Tiger ran as she chased Kim Eunji.

"What? I'll be using the toilet. Do you want to join me?" Kim Eunji honestly answered.

"..." Tiger was speechless for a while. Good thing there was no other people walking in the hallway or it would be embarrassing.

"But isn't Mrs. Mo's private ward had one?" She mumbled in her breath.

As what she said, Kim Eunji entered the female CR. She then entered a cubicle and locked it. As soon as she did, she bit her lips hard to the point that it bled just to stop the sobs that were about to came out of her mouth.

She missed them so much.

Did she regret her decision of turning her back away from the world where her most beloved people existed?

The answer was no. She did not regret making that decision back then. What she regretted was that she was not able to bring them out with her.

After she had poured out everything, Kim Eunji walked out of the cubicle and washed her face.

This time, she made a solemn vow. She'll definitely looked for ways to bring her parents and Layla out from that messy world.

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