
Chapter 56 - 56: She's Unbelievable

"Mistress..." Marie whispered as she was at a loss for words.

"I did tell you not to call me that, didn't I? Call me Eunji when we're inside the premises." Kim Eunji whispered back.

"Okay. If that's what you want."

"Next time, don't be bothered by anything that's none of your concern. Arasso?" Kim Eunji asked.


"I mean, do you understand?"

"Ah. O..yes. I got it."

"Good." Kim Eunji approved. She was hoping that something like this wont happen again.

After her short rant, the gossipers decided to not gossip about Kim Eunji.

Kim Eunji no longer paid any attention to the matter. After she finished having her lunch, she decided to be busy with her phone. Marie also left her alone.

At exactly one, the examiner came to look for her.

"Miss Kim?" The examiner called.


"It's time for your interview." The examiner announced.


"This way please."

The interview would be conducted by the Dean of the department the applicant wished to be a part of.

However, this time, it was different. The School Director joined in the panel.

The examiner then knocked on the door and announced of Kim Eunji's arrival.

"Let her in." A voice of a man sounded from the inside.

"Miss Kim?" The examiner then beckoned her to come inside.

Kim Eunji then removed her glasses and clipped it in the sling of her bag. She then heaved a sigh and got inside the room. Kim Eunji then came in and walked with confidence.

"--__--" The three people inside the room were speechless the moment she came in.

"Ahem!" The Dean of the Business Department cleared her throat to get the attention of the two senior men beside her.

"Ahem...Alright, introduce your name please...and the reason why you picked Imperial University for your College education. You may speak in English if you're more comfortable." The School Director, though his face looked smug, he considered the fact that Kim Eunji came from a foreign country.

"Thank you Sir, I greatly appreciate that. Good afternoon everyone. My name's Kim Eunji. To be honest, I came here today just to inquire and then take the exam if the school has what I'm looking for." She decided to not sugarcoat things.

The School Director frowned when he heard Kim Eunji's answer however, he remained calm and tried to observe Kim Eunji closely.

"So Miss Kim according to your application, you're interested to enroll with our Business Degree Program and Computer Programming Degree Program?" The School Director asked her.

"Mm." Kim Eunji hummed.

"But they were completely two different areas of expertise." The School Director questioned but Kim Eunji's decision was already set from the very beginning.

"You have to select only one program Miss Kim." He added.

"No...I want to take one in the first year and the second one in the second year. Your school offers a flexible program for students right? I want to avail that." Though she had said it seriously, everyone in the room still scoffed in disbelief.

"I have never seen someone as arrogant as you are young lady!" The Dean of the IT Department commented expressing his dissatisfaction.

Kim Eunji believed that she had earned some enough fundamental knowledge while reading text books and general reference books when she was in between missions. They were also taught more advanced academic lessons when she was still in the Mercenary Academy aside from focusing on how to kill a person. But for six years, she knew there were things that she had missed on a lot.

Technology have been evolving and been developing making it more advanced as time passed by. What was on trend today may be obsolete on the next five to ten years.

What was best about her was though she had not held any programming books or business books in the past couple of years, she could easily learn and could self-taught herself. She could do so on her own without attending any Universities but she wanted to have proof of legitimacy...a College Diploma.

"With all due respect Ma'am and Sir Deans and Sir School Director, I didn't mean to sound as one. I'm saying this because I know that I can." She calmly implied.

"But according to your documents , you were homeschooled in the US and earned your high school diploma like five and a half years ago?" The Dean of the Business Department asked. She was referring to her High School diploma which she got with Mike Roland's help.

"Yes Ma'am." Kim Eunji replied.

"Your grades were pretty average. And then you're bragging about finishing a five year degree program for a year?! That's ridiculous!" The Dean of the IT Department was angry as he felt like Kim Eunji was wasting their time.

"With all due respect Sir, what was written in that card does not measure nor reflect my potential as a student." Kim Eunji emphasized.

Mike Roland had to put it that way in order to not attract any unwanted attention. The media would surely blow up if they'll found out that a homeschooled student had received her high school diploma for a short period of time.

"Why didn't you continue with your education afterwards. Why wait for this day?" The School Director asked her.

Kim Eunji gave it a thought before she answered.

"I had a lot of going on in my head back then. I decided to venture out and find myself. Earning a college diploma was not really my priority back then." She answered.

"So you're telling us that your parents supported your decision?" He followed up.

And now, they were questioning about her parents which made Kim Eunji to almost lose her cool. Good thing she was used to keeping herself calm at all times in the past and this had became handy.

"They're very supportive with my decision but they had nothing to do about this, Sir. I left home the moment I turned eighteen." Kim Eunji shortly shared.

"So you're a rebellious type of teenager back then? Do you think you could be a good role model for the youth? This school values greatly on good personal character. We groom our students to be responsible individuals and great role model in the society."

"Absolutely! In my opinion I was right but in your judgement, I was not, right? However, it would be unfair if my situation would be compared to them, don't you think? Humans react differently even if given the same situation. How can you tell what I did is right or not if you're comparing two different actions as a result of two completely different situations? As long as my decision does not affect or had brought harm to people, then I think what I did was justifiable." Kim Eunji argued.

"Why should we give you a chance?" The School Director asked her this time.

"Everyone deserves a chance. Also, I'm not mainly doing this for myself. Believe me or not Mr. School Director, all I want is to be a normal woman of my age who values education. I can push myself to the limits just to achieve my goal." Kim Eunji uttered seriously. She's more than determined to do it.

"Why are you so sure that you can finish this in a year....in two years collectively? Are you saying that you're a genius?" The School Director asked once again.

"You won't understand even if I will tell you. So I better not share it." Kim Eunji had no intention to explain herself.

"What if you can't make it possible after a year? Will you enroll for the regular program?"

It was the School Director who had been asking her a series of questions since the two deans already had a bias judgement against Kim Eunji.

"No Mr. School Director, I'll finish it within a year." Kim Eunji would never joke around. The three seniors in the room where taken aback as Kim Eunji's aura suddenly became cold.

They subconsciously gulped their saliva and they felt chill on their spine especially after they made eye contact with her. They suddenly felt intimidated but then with a blink of an eye, her aura changed back to being calm.

They felt like they had been played by their own eye sight.

"Well, we haven't seen your exam results yet. We'll make a collective decision after we had taken a look at it." The School Director calmly said.

Seconds later, the examiner came in with Kim Eunji's test results. The examiner then looked at Kim Eunji in shock and at the same time in admiration.

It was like she's looking at Kim Eunji like she's a pure gem.

"Miss Tang?" The School Director urged her to hand in the results. The Dean of the two departments were also intrigued because of how the examiner with the surname of Tang was looking at Kim Eunji.

However, Kim Eunji acted like she was not the person receiving Miss Tang's admiration.

As soon as they had the results, the three people behind the panel were astounded.

They tried to double check to make sure that the paper which they were holding was legitimate.

Miss Tang, who decided to stay inside the room looked at the three people who were flipping the pages repeatedly.

"Miss Tang, did you by chance handed in the wrong entrance exam results?"

The School Director asked her.

"No sir. I also had the same reaction earlier when I saw the results. However, since the checking was done by the computer, I decided to manually check it. Surprisingly, what's written in there are a hundred percent true. I also checked the CCTV footage on the room, and you'll be shocked to see it.

Miss Tang took the liberty to play the footage on the screen.

They were shocked to see how fast Kim Eunji was skimming through the test questions in one go and then took only 25 minutes to answer it all.

She only took 10 minutes to answer the difficult part of the test sets and she did not skipped a single item. She answered it all.

"Miss Kim, did you know the answers to this questions beforehand?" The school director asked.

But before Kim Eunji could even answer, Miss Tang answered the question.

"I doubt it sir. Actually, I made a mistake..." Miss Tang's voice faded.


"I had given her the wrong sets of test questions."

"What do you mean wrong?" The dean of the Business Department asked.

"Ma'am, that was supposedly the test questions I prepared for next year. And now that she answered it all, I might prepare another one for next year." She admitted.


The three immediately looked at Kim Eunji in disbelief.

'Is she for real?'

Kim Eunji looked at them innocently. She did not bother step up and explain herself.

She's more than willing to solve it in front of them too if this would solve everything.

"Now that the truth have been revealed, their attitude towards her completely turned 360 degrees.

"Miss Kim, how?" The school director could not even finish his question.

"I won't explain how. You won't even understand if even if I did. One thing's for sure, I had fun answering it. Sadly, I took longer than expected." Kim Eunji shortly revealed.


"If my test results are not convincing enough, then I'm very sorry, I think I'll try my luck in another school." She added not giving them the time to process everything.

"What?! No! Stay!" They said in unison.

There's no way they would let this monster go.

Yes, that's how they described Kim Eunji.

"Miss Kim, were very sorry to question your capabilities." The dean of the IT Department said. He felt guilty.

"It's okay Sir. Your reaction is pretty normal," she replied.

"Kiss Kim, what is your IQ?"

"I don't know, I haven't let someone to check it. The figures doesn't matter right?" As she said that, it was like she had no intention to let others find out how smart she was.

However, the truth was she knew her IQ mark. She just didn't want to share it.

"Aren't you curious at all?" The school director asked her.

"No, not all."

"Are you willing to take one for us? Miss Tang?" The School Director wanted to gamble. He then asked Miss Tang to get the test questions on the office. However, to their surprise, Miss Tang came prepared. She immediately came forward and give Kim Eunji the a ball pen, test paper, her answer sheet, and a blank paper if ever she needed it.

She was more than eager to test Kim Eunji too and find out how intelligent she was.

"Must I really answer this?" Kim Eunji asked.

"En!" They answered in unison as they looked at Kim Eunji in a different view.

"Okay." Kim Eunji then scanned the test questions. It looked like she was skimming the pages but no, she was already answering it in her head.

The time passed by like a blur. Kim Eunji then handed her answer sheet together with the test questions.

The three did not wait for the computer to verify it, they checked her answer themselves.

And they were shocked when they found out.

However, it was just a preview of the true IQ test.

But still, they concluded that she's a super genius.

"Okay. So Miss Kim, welcome to Imperial University." The school director calmly said.

"Mr. School Director, deans, thank you very much." Kim Eunji did not forget to express her thanks.

"Miss Tang will help you settle everything."

"Miss Kim, this way please." Miss Tang beckoned.

As soon as Kim Eunji left, the three looked at each other and heaved a sigh of huge relief.

Good thing they did not provoke a monster like her.

"She's a..." however, they could not find words to perfectly describe Kim Eunji.


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