
Chapter 92 - 92: The Aftermath



Kim Eunji groaned the moment she felt the light touching her face.






She then felt something heavy on her chest.






She slowly opened her eyes and the first thing she looked at was the object pressing her chest.






She scrunched her nose but eventually smile when she saw Nathan's head on her chest. And seems like the latter was sound asleep.






She also sighed when she saw that she was dressed up in her pajamas. She smiled as her heart was moved by his simple act of caring for her.






But her body felt like she was hit by a car. Her body was terribly sore. Especially on the area down there.






'Gosh! I really needs some conditioning exercise more.' She thought.






Looking at the culprit, she really wanted to beat him for punishment but instead, she reached out and gently caressed his smooth and silky hair and enjoyed this intimate moment together.






But she frowned when she realized what the latter was wearing. He was wearing his office attire and when she looked at the time in his Patek Philippe watch her eyes widened in shock.






"Shoot!" She's late for the student assembly.






As soon as she made the abrupt movement, the man who's head was lying on top of her chest moved as well.






"Good morning." Nathan hoarsely greeted when he saw that his wife had woken up.






Kim Eunji chuckled and corrected him.






"Nah, it's more like good afternoon. It's already twelve in the afternoon." Kim Eunji said in a hoarse voice.












"Yeah. Wait, why are you still here? Shouldn't you be in your office today?"






"Why? You don't want me to be here?" Nathan cutely pouted as soon as he heard what she said.






Kim Eunji gently tapped his head as she tried to got up but eventually failed.






"It's not like that. You should be at work by now. It's already--" but as soon as she saw Nathan's tired red eyes, her heart softened.






"Forget it. Stay for a while and sleep. Did you sleep last night?" Kim Eunji let him rest his head on her head still.






"I did. A little. Had to wake up early to meet a client in the company and also resume the meeting with my employees yesterday."






"And then?"






"Well, the meetings went well." He truthfully answered.






"Then, you should have rested in the resting lounge in your office instead of driving all the way here. The distance is quite far."






"Nah! It's cold there that I could not sleep." Nathan's answer made Kim Eunji's heart to soften.








"Oh hubby, what should I do with you?" She softly said.








"Stay for a while." Nathan simply said.






"Hmm. Why didn't you let Aunt Lucy wake me up earlier? I'm late for the student assembly now. The School Director would surely be unhappy about this." Kim Eunji said.






"Well, you were still sound asleep when I left that I didn't have the heart to let them disturb you. And besides, I know you're tired because of last night."






Kim Eunji blushed hard as she heard that. Should he really point out the obvious?








"Should you really remind me about that?" She refuted.






"Why? I'm just stating the truth. We're pretty wild last night and I love it! I want to do it with you all over again, every night." Nathan said in a serious tone with a bit of teasing in his voice.








Kim Eunji's eyes widened in shock.








Seeing that his wife was still speechless, Nathan added, "Don't worry about that. I already settled it."








"What did you do?" She curiously asked him.








"Well, I called and told them that you'll be coming over later today or tomorrow instead."








"Seriously? Why did you do that? Wait, you didn't tell them who you are, did you?" Kim Eunji asked him.






"Well, as your husband, it's my responsibility to inform them. I'm now responsible of you. But don't worry, I didn't inform them who I was and what's my relationship to you when I called."






Nathan lied when he said that. He did inform the School Director on who he was when he called but he hide his true relationship with her and introduced himself as her guardian instead. He didn't explain how it happened as he didn't want to slip. However, sooner or later, the School Director would find out who he was in her life.








He was also confident that the School Director would know his place. Or else...he didn't want to tell.








Kim Eunji heaved a sigh of relief when she heard him. However, Nathan was a bit upset when he saw her reaction. Call him a stingy person but he wanted her to be proud and introduced him as her husband to everyone.






Of course, Kim Eunji saw that hurt in his face that's why she reached out for his face and gently touched it.








"Don't be mad. You're in the spotlight and I'm sure a lot of women were fantasizing you right now. If they knew that I'm related to you, what more your wife, those kids would surely come at me and bully me. Am I not going to be pitiful if that happened?" She cutely reasoned.






Nathan suddenly laughed in amusement.






"Bully you? Seriously? Who would dare? No one would dare!" What Nathan said was with double meaning. He knew that Kim Eunji would never let someone to easily bully her.








However, given her personality, Kim Eunji would want to have a peaceful university life as much as possible.








This goes for him, too. He would never dare someone to bully her there. That's why he took the initiative to call the School Director earlier. At least the bullying would be minimized if ever there's someone was bored with his/her life and wanted to make it more meaningful.





Nathan would be willing to give that to whoever dare to touch even a single strand of her hair.








"Yah! Do you want me to have a hard time at school?" Kim Eunji said in an aggrieved tone.








"I didn't say that. But I liked it. That way, you would realize that it's more safe to stay at home and be my wife rather than staying outside." He teased her.






Kim Eunji pinched his nose hard this time.






"Aw!" He whined.






"Serves your right! You just wanted to lock me up here and be my bully instead." Kim Eunji refuted.






"Your bully? I like that." Nathan smiled even more and hugged her upper body.






"Let go and stop missing around. I haven't taken a bath yet. I stink." Kim Eunji protested. But Nathan snuggled even more.






"Why do you always smell nice wifey?" He asked her instead as if telling her that she smelt the opposite of what she was thinking.






"What's your perfume?" He added.




"I'm not using any." Puzzled by his childish question, Kim Eunji decided to answer him truthfully.






"What a pity. I wanted to buy and use the same perfume so that I would smell just like you. I want your scent all over me every time." He honestly said.






"Seriously?" She asked in disbelief.






"En! Seriously." He affirmed.






"Probably it's my shampoo and the body wash that I'm using," she theorized.








"Oh. Okay. I'll start using them starting tomorrow."








"But...they're not commercially available." She said awkwardly.








"Eh? How's that possible!" He was surprised when he heard that.






"Don't worry, I'll leave the bottle that's in the bathroom. I'll just make some when I have time."






"You made them?" He asked in surprise.






"En! In fact, most of the hygiene products that I'm using were all personally made by me." She confidently said. There's no use in hiding that fact from him.








"Oh! Then...I married a genius, yeah?"






Kim Eunji only chuckled when he said that and poke his forehead in the process.






"Don't overhyped me. I'm just an ordinary person hubby, gifted with enough skills to survive."






"Sure...sure." Nathan really did not really by that idea though.








"How about me?" Kim Eunji pouted and paused, "I want to smell like you, too."








Nathan raised a brow as if he didn't get what she meant.








"What do you want to ask from me in exchange?"






"Can I...can I bring your shirts, too? I want to wear them inside the dorm. That way, I could feel you're hugging me all the time." Kim Eunji said cutely.






Nathan, who's still lying in her chest, got up and looked at her gently.






"Of course you can. You can bring my underwear, too if you want."






"Pervert!" Kim Eunji humped afterwards.






Nathan broke off in laughter when he looked at Kim Eunji's reddened face.






But Kim Eunji's stomach suddenly growled in protest.






"Let's go downstairs. Aunt Lucy prepared a good lunch meal for us." Nathan said.






"Go ahead. I'll freshen up first." Kim Eunji wanted to have a hot bath to relax her sore muscles. Good thing she had some liniment oil that's helpful for treating sore muscles or else, she would suffer all day.






"Do you want me to help you?" He offered as he was worried Kim Eunji might still be feeling uncomfortable.






"I'm fine. Go!" Kim Eunji was not on the mood to tease him.






"Okay." Nathan said in resignation.






Nathan felt reluctant to leave therefore he only stayed a few steps from the doorsteps. He watched as Kim Eunji slowly moved her body on the edge of the bed and sat there.






She slowly brought her legs to the cold floor and used both of her arms to support herself up.






As soon as she stood on the floor, she immediately wobbled as her legs were still jelly.






She was expecting to fell on the floor but Nathan used his reflex to catch her on time.






And she fell on his strong embrace instead.






"Yukata! That was close wifey. Now. Stop being stubborn and let me help you." Nathan nagged her a little.






"And who's fault was this?!" She glared at him.






"I'm sorry. I overdid last night. I just can't control myself." Nathan immediately felt guilty.






"That's why let me make it up to you. Let me bath you."






Kim Eunji did not stop him this time. What's the point? He had already seen every inch of her body. It's suitable to say that he's more familiar of her body than herself.






Also, his act of asking for forgiveness was so cute.






"Are you angry?" Kim Eunji had been quiet the moment they entered the bathroom. Nathan was now scrubbing her back.






"I am fine. Don't worry." She reassured.






Nathan wrapped her body with the bathrobe when she was done bathing and carried her back to the room.






"Could you please grab the bag where I put the kit that had my anti-allergy shots?" She asked after Nathan placed her in the dressing chair.






"Thank you." She thanked when Nathan handed it to her.






As she opened it, Nathan saw that there were a few vials left for her shots.






Kim Eunji opened another compartment and took a small bottle containing a very fragrant substance.






"Could you please apply it on my body? Don't think about it, hubby. I can't accommodate you right now."  She honestly said.






"I know. Lay down, I'll apply it to you."






Though he promised not to think about it, he's a normal human after all. Therefore, after applying the substance in her body, poor Nathan had to take an extra cold shower to suppress the heat that he was feeling.






Kim Eunji chuckled when she saw him run off and slammed the shower door shut.






Second's later, water flowing from the shower head could be heard.






Kim Eunji waited for the liniment oil to take effect and waited for another two minutes.






Two minutes after, she got up from the bed as if nothing happened. Her body was not that sore as it was before. She could manage to walk.






However, a certain area was aching for attention.






Therefore, she groaned in frustration.






"Happy thoughts. Don't be so greedy Eunji. Happy thoughts okay?" As if it was really helpful.






She heaved a sigh when she somehow managed to control her emotions.






She then got up and changed into a white long-sleeved turtle neck top and black pants.






But before that, she did not forget to apply the cream for her wounds that were now a red and fresh scar.






Ever wonder how her body recovered so well? Thanks to that cream that she had been applying since she got the accident.






She still covered the one on her forehead with the Band-Aid to hide them.






Nathan also came in after he had his shower. He tried his best to not look at her while changing or else, he would have another round of cold shower just for this day.






Seeing that his wife was able to walk after applying that oil, he heaved a huge sigh of relief.






"Don't you need my help?" He still offered a hand.






"No need. I might not control myself and pounce at you." Kim Eunji honestly said which made Nathan speechless. However, his eyes turned a shade darker which made Kim Eunji to subconsciously gulp.








'Why am I becoming a pervert, too?' She asked herself.






Nathan immediately close the distance between them and took her lips.












After another round of making out, the couple somehow managed to go downstairs to have lunch.






After they had lunch, they then visited a family planning specialist for consultation. Well, it was the same doctor who had checked her before.






The couple were given a lot of options, however, they narrowed it down to pills and using c*nd*ms.






The couple agreed to use both as they're both safe.








After the consultation, the couple returned home as Kim Eunji still had to continue packing up. She also decided to move tonight since Nathan would be flying to New Zealand.








"Do you really not want me to send you off?" she asked after receiving Nathan's rejection.






"Nope. I might not want to release you and bring you to New Zealand when you come with me in the airport."






"Oh? Is that what they called separation anxiety? Don't be over dramatic. You'll be only away for a week, isn't it?"






"Hmp! I'll be away for a week but you'll be gone for a month. Where's the justice?" She complained to her.






"Stop complaining. We're no longer living in the ancient times when pigeons were the main carriers of messages. We're now living in the modern world. We could still communicate you know." She reasoned but it was like she's fooling herself as she didn't believe what she was saying.








"But I preferred holding you in my arms at night than just looking at you on the screen." Nathan said that made Kim Eunji's heart to soften.








"Geez! I'll miss you my hubby." She honestly said.








"I'll miss you, too wifey." Nathan then planted a gentle kiss on her forehead.

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