
Chapter 273 - 272: Am I Too Late?

Eunji and Lee Yunha then left QPRC and drove a BMW car. They used it in driving around the city.

With Eunji's direction, Lee Yunha had driven towards the city's arts center building. She received an intel that the kids were out and were attending this art exhibition being held in there.

Bai Li Wei was fond in painting so the adults thought that exposing him in such events even at such a young age would be helpful to develop the child's interest with the said craft.

And they were being accompanied with their Aunt Yuki, Grandma Mei and 'their mother, Eunji' who was actually Anastasia.

Nathan was with them, too. In fact, this event was sponsored by Bai Corp. So as the chairman, he had to be there. He was being accompanied by Tang Hao as his assistant for this event since Marco was having a meeting with Angelina at NJ Holding, Inc. building.

As they were driving closer to the venue, she recalled the conversation she had with Angelina while they were inside the car earlier.


"What? Your twin sister is alive?" Angelina asked in shock.

"Yes and she's with my family now. That's why all my efforts are thrown down in the drain because she showed up. My mission had been compromised the moment she came and pretended to be me." Eunji said.

"Why would she do that?" Angelina asked.

"I don't know exactly but J said she was out for my husband's blood."

"Wow! That's just beyond my imagination." Angelina said in disbelief.

"Yeah. I really thought she died that night. Well, the reports I found had supported this latest development so it's not that shocking for me. But still..." Eunji sighed.

"What are you going to do?" Angelina asked her.

"If you meet her?" She added.

"Honestly, I don't know..." Eunji sighed.

"Why? Aren't you happy that you had reunited with her? Your mom's already with you and your sister's alive. You know...family reunion?" She pried.

"That's how I should feel right? But I feel conflicted instead." Eunji admitted.

"Oho! So you feel threatened? She's your love rival after all." Angelina said.

Threatened? If that's the right word then so be it.

***End of Flashback***

She wondered what Nathan was doing right now.

Eunji looked at Lee Yunha but then she looked away immediately.

As they entered the main entrance of the compound, they were asked to present identifications.

The security was very tight because of the said event.

The attendees of the event were a mixture of arts enthusiasts who were also the fans of this famous painter. Or those socialites who didn't know much about arts but still attended for the sake that women from their circle were also there.

Except for those who understood what arts is, these socialites were there to accompany their male counterparts or to flaunt their wealth to the other attendees.

Art exhibitions were a perfect place for the riches to flaunt what they have towards the other members in the circles.

Except for those who loved and appreciated this craft, the rest didn't care about the masterpieces being displayed after all.

So given their backgrounds, it should be understandable that the securities within the venue should be tight.

But the actual reason was because three important people were actually present on one venue.

Eunji and Lee Yunha had no other choice but to present their identification to prove their respective identities to these guards.

Yunha had presented her KSA ID card while Eunji presented a fake ID. Something that she's been used to and a master of doing since time immemorial.

She also presented an invitation card for this event so they entered with ease.

But still, they received the skeptical look from the guards because they were underdressed for the event except for the fact that they were driving a BMW.

They were only wearing white printed T-shirts, thick jacket, jeans and sneakers.

Eunji was sure that if she didn't present the invitation card, they won't be allowed to enter the premises.

And she was sure that they would receive the same treatment when they entered later.

They then entered the building's lowerground parking lot after they received their parking ticket.

Lee Yunha drove around to look for a vacant parking space.

Because some event was also going on in the same building, the parking lot was quite packed.

Lee Yunha pulled over after she found the vacant parking space finally.

Before they got out, Eunji and Lee Yunha decided to upgrade their outfit based on the event.

Good thing there were clothes being packed on the backseat of the car for these kind of situation.

Lee Yunha removed her thick jacket showing a leather jacket inside before her white shirt was shown.

She then wore her eye glasses and her earpiece. Next was her cap.

Eunji on the other hand decided to modify her outfit a little.

She removed her thick jacket and white T-shirt. She changed into a white camisole and put on her white Celine Sartorial Jacket. She also wore her black boots which gave her an extra four inch height.

Over all, she was dressed casually smart with her outfit. She did not wear her gold mask since she thought it's not necessary.

The conversation she had with J still bothered her.

The fact that he revealed to Angelina that she's the chairman of ELEK Group meant that she could not show with her gold mask since Anastasia already knew that it was her.

So she used this skin mask to get inside.

"When you address me inside, don't call me as Chairman. Use Maam instead." She reminded Yunha.

"Alright, Maam!" Lee Yunha said.

They walked towards the entrance of the building and they showed the invitation card.

The event was being held on the second floor of this building.

When they reached the second floor, they gave the invitation card to the person-in-charge standing on the entrance.

They were then allowed to enter after verifying that the card they were holding was authentic. And besides, their invitation card actually carried the unique stamp of the artist.

The event had almost started and they were the last guest to arrive in time.

Eunji looked around and saw the women wearing cocktail dresses and were holding their significant other's arms as they were chatting.

Drink was served early but it would then be stopped when the event started and the guests would walked onto the rooms were the paintings were being displayed to prevent the guests from accidentally spilling their drinks on the paintings ruining the artist's creation.

"The event will begin after five." The event host announced.

"Don't stay that close to me. You could roam around if you wanted to." Eunji told Lee Yunha but the latter was dedicated to perform her duty.

"We're here to appreciate art and relax. I bring you here to loosen up." Kim Eunji told Lee Yunha.

"I'm not the Chairman now. Consider this as one of my private affairs." She added.

Lee Yunha pursed her lips as she looked at her boss.

She hesitantly made a nod as she was afraid she would be angry at her.

"Good." Eunji said as they decided to remain on the back.

As the event started and the guests were ushered to walk into the first chamber were the first batch of painting was being displayed.

Eunji looked around the venue to look for those familiar faces.

But to her disappointment, she could not find them.

Then, she realized one thing.

Of course, Nathan was very particular with disclosing their children's identity.

There's no way he would expose them in front of these scrutinizing eyes of these people attending this place.

There's a higher chance that they had seen the paintings before everyone and was now probably resting in one of the private lounge in the building where the VIPs were mostly staying.

She then secretly pressed her earpiece and called Alora to check on the security footage of the building to see where they were.

"They're on the East Wing of this building. Third floor. You can use the exit on the forth chamber to access a secret passage leading to the fire exit that would bring you to the third floor." Alora said.

"Good. Don't let them leave the hotel unless I say so." Eunji said.

"Hmmm, actually, you could meet them if you wanted to see the kids first. They were with mother-in-law Mei and your sister-in-law Yuki." Alora reported.

"Where's Nathan and Ana?" She asked her.

"Oh...you will meet them at the fourth chamber where the painter of these paintings were waiting with them." She continued.

"What? Are you sure?" She asked Alora.

"Affirmative. I must say that you looked exactly like her Mistress." Alora commented.

"I know."

"And they looked like a perfect couple together." Alora continued.

"Stay focused, will you?" She scolded her AI. Sometimes she wondered if she had programmed this AI to be like that of a real human being shown through a LED screen and living inside the cyberspace and having fun with everything that cyberspace was concerned.

"I am. I am only trying to describe what I'm looking at the moment." Alora tried to defend itself.

"Show it to me." Eunji told Alora.

Alora then transfered the footage it was looking on the screen of Eunji's phone.

What Eunji saw on the screen made her feel this very familiar feeling resurfacing inside her heart.

She clenched her free palm into a tight fist as she looked at the man and woman in the screen.

She saw Nathan was letting Anastasia to hold his arm as they talked with Kai, the painter.

They were even chuckling and gushing with each other. They seemed happy to be with each other.

"Am I too late?" She whispered to herself.

"Mistress?" Alora echoed on her ear.

"I'm fine." She said.

'Nathan, I'll get you back. I'll make you mine again.' She thought.

"Make sure that no danger will come towards my children. I'll come to them later. For now, I'll say hello to their dad." She whispered.

"Alright!" Alora said.

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