
Chapter 289 - 288: Rising Doubt?

"Don't be upset with them. I asked them to not tell you so I could surprise you." She said as she rubbed his hand gently as she tried to appease him.

"Aren't you surprised last night then? I had to create a mess in your company's server so I could lure you out without making everyone suspicious that it was me." She added.

"Right. You did surprise me last night." He half smiled as he was still upset with it.

"See? Everything that I did would be pointless up to this point should I let them spoil my surprise for you. And besides, I had to inform them to help me in protecting the kids while you are away from them. At least they would know the hidden danger lurking in our home." She then slowly brought the conversation towards the topic about the impostor Eunji who was currently living with them.

He did not ask for clarification on what Eunji meant about the danger that she was talking about as he already had a rough guess about it.

"How did you survive that accident? Your surgeon had announced you dead while you were in the operating table." He asked.

Eunji sighed as she decided to tell him how she survived the accident and the person who helped to revive her. As for Sophia's existence, she planned to surprise him about her.

She also told her the people who caused her accident as told by Jin Jie.

She also didn't hide the fact that she had killed Ling Bao. After all, Nathan was the former's half-brother.

She could feel Nathan's rising anger when he learnt that the people whom he had suppressed in the past had caused her, his precious wife, to almost die.

"How dare they! I'll kill them!" He furiously said.

"Yes. They deserved to be punished but I won't allow them to die right away. Don't worry, I had already started on them. In fact, the reason why I had made my most trusted agents to guard the mansion is because I messed up their party earlier. And I kind of hinted my true identity to them."

Hearing her say that, Nathan could only sigh.

"Hubby...I know you wanted to do it for me. Don't worry, I could handle them well. Just sit back and relax. Enjoy the show that I'm cooking for them. Don't worry, I will ask your help when facing my bigger opponents."

Now, she was having doubts if she should inform him about her plan to enter the International Prison or just hide this plan from him.

She knew that just like Mr. Laurent, he would be greatly against this idea.

"Alright. I'll let you handle them...but...I will interfere if the situation will be not in our favor. And I would like to witness how my little kitten turn into a wild and proud tiger." He said.

"Don't worry, I will make you proud." She said as she kissed his cheek.

"When are you going to come back home with me? The kids have been looking for you. Especially little Midori." He could not help but ask.

"Really? How about you?" She teased.

"You don't have to ask. I miss you so bad. I miss sleeping beside you every night. I miss making love with you every night." His voice darkened as he said the latter part.

Eunji knew where this would lead so she had to cool him down before things went out of control.

"But I thought you have a good relationship with that woman. I even saw it with my own eyes yesterday." She said and Nathan could only sigh.

"About yesterday. I'm sorry if you have to witness that. I had to protect your place in my life. I never announced to the media that you are dead. Thus rumors that we were already divorced or I was mistreating you resurfaced on the internet. I could not just tell the truth that you were dead which turned out that you weren't."

"Since that woman insisted that she was you, I use her to debunk the rumors. But don't worry. It was only for show. Even if you didn't show up in front of me last night, I had no plans in treating her well. I never accepted her as my wife. I didn't even let her sleep in our room. In fact, I am investigating her background. Believe me please!" Nathan tried his best to explain himself as he didn't want another round of misunderstanding to get in between them again.

"I believe you hubby." She looked up and smiled at him lovingly.

"Thank you." Nathan said while heaving a huge sigh of relief. He saw her being affectionate with the woman yesterday. And he knew that any wife would be jealous.

"Don't bother. You won't find anything about her. Whoever was behind her, I suspected that they had planned it really well since the beginning. So don't bother looking since they had already deleted everything that would lead you to them."

"They had already established their well-fabricated lie to make you and everyone to believe that she's real. Unfortunate to them, I am alive and breathing." She said.

"I guess you have an idea on who she is." Eunji continued.

"Your twin sister, Ana." He said softly.

"Well, that's what everything is pointing to. That she's my sister." She said meaningfully as she removed herself from his embrace.

"So you mean you doubted that she is not your sister?" Nathan asked as he looked at her.

"I have to talk to her to believe it myself. In this days with high technology, everyone could now easily pretend to be someone else. Of course I know about it because I'm a master of it as you could see." She chuckled dryly.

Eunji had a point. Everyone could do plastic surgery and pretended to be her or her sister.

"Why do I feel that I should thank her for making you jealous and made you to reveal to me that you are alive?" He said with a little bit of disappointment in it.

"If you want to thank her, go ahead. I won't stop you. I won't deny the fact that she's partly the reason why I had revealed that I'm alive earlier than what I had planned. Simply put, she ruined my entire plan." She honestly told him while looking straight in his eyes.

Nathan was rendered speechless. However he had managed to compose himself as he cleared his throat.

"So you plan to confront her?" He asked her.

"Yes. I want to know why she is doing this. There are tons of questions I have to ask that I needed her answers." She then slightly paused as she continued.

"And if she's indeed Ana, I still want to know why she is aiming at you. What wrong had you done in the past for her to hate you that much?" She said and Nathan had become silent for a moment.

"If she's not my sister, I would let her have a taste of my ruthlessness. She put my children's life in danger because of what she had done." She said with a hint of venom in her words.

"And if she's my sister, I hope any misunderstandings and hatred between us will be cleared out and what remains will be forgiveness."

He finally broke his silence and ask her.

"What if she said something about me that I had not tell you yet, are you going to listen to her then?"

Eunji's expression changed a little however that little change happened so fast that it was as if it didn't happen.

Eunji didn't know where Nathan was coming from. Should she be suspicious of him, too? Is he hiding something from her again?

"Whatever she had to tell me...I have to hear it and it's up to me to decide whether to believe her or treat it as nonsense." She frankly told him.

Nathan had no other choice but to let her do what she wanted to do.

"Alright. I will support you with your plan. Tell me if there's anything I could help with. Don't worry, I will let you to meet her." He said while hugging her.

"Thank you hubby!" She then hugged him back.

"I love you. You know that. I hope you will trust my love for you." Nathan sincerely told her.

"Nathan, your love and the kids are the reasons why I keep on pushing everyday to be better. To punish those people who were the reasons why we got separated. The reason why I am here...with you. I could feel your sincerity. And if there are things that are hard for you to tell me now, I won't force you to tell them right away. Just give me a heads up so I could prepare myself and my heart."

Nathan leaned his forehead against hers as he hummed in response.

"So I guess, you won't be coming home to the mansion with me tonight?" He asked softly.

"Unfortunately yeah. But if you could make an arrangement to be with you and the kids, I'll really appreciate that." She replied softly.

"Of course. Well I guess I have to temporarily arrange everyone to leave the mansion since it's no longer safe if your theory is right." Nathan then wrapped his arms around her upper body to give her a hug.

"I have a safe place for the kids, mom and Yuki-neechan to stay. As for our friends...to mom and dad, I could arrange to tighten the security around them. But of course everything should be done in a subtle way to not make our enemies to be suspicious." Eunji offered.

"May I know where is that safe place?" He asked her while not breaking the hug.

"In Seoul. Master Liu and I had already arranged this in case the worst case scenario happened." She honestly said.

"Okay. I will make the arrangements and follow you there as soon as possible." Nathan said with a sense of urgency in his voice.

"Lol. You don't have to pack up a big luggage you know. I already prepared everything for everyone. However, I'm afraid Neechan had to take an indefinite leave from the industry. She's no longer safe. Especially that Luo Mian is after her. They wanted to get even with you after what you had done to their sister. But according to my data, they didn't have a sister."

This new information made Nathan to frown a little. Good thing he was hugging her or else she would be able to notice that too.

"And they had the intention to harm me too. Unfortunately, the Lings and the Jins were faster than them." She added making Nathan to broke off the hug and looked at her with disbelief.

"Hubby, are they telling the truth?" She asked him hoping that he would answer her question.

Nathan sighed as he knew he could not dodge this one.

He had to at least tell her about it.

"If my guess is right...I indeed harm her...." He said.

"How?" She asked.

"It's a long story. And it's in the past. As much as possible, I don't want to talk about that. I didn't even know that she's related to them and they treated her like their biological sister." He said.

"Her name is Zhao Xie. And she was one of the women I had a contract with in the past. She had developed feelings to me while we were in that arrangement and had called it quits with her. I know in myself that I could not reciprocate her feelings and I don't want her to suffer should we continue the arrangement. If you could read the contract I let them to sign, there's a clause there to not develop feelings. That is to protect them from me." Nathan said regretfully.

"She could not accept that and she had gone crazy. The last thing I knew, she committed suicide but she survived it and was now being treated in a mental facility overseas."

"--__--" Eunji was at a loss for words.

"I know what I did to her was very horrible. And I wanted to apologize to her but when I came to that facility, that's when I found out that she was related to the Luo brothers and with their arrangement, I could not visit her which was I think for the better so she could heal faster."

Nathan looked down as he felt embarrassed with himself.

"I know I am such a horrible person in the past and I know I am being punished from heaven's retribution until today. I deserved it, I won't deny that."

He would also accept if Eunji would hate him after learning what he had done.

"Hey, where's the proud man who captured my heart?" Eunji said softly while holding his chin up to make him look at her in the eyes.

"I didn't marry a sulking man, yeah? You had become a better man than who you were in the past." She added with a chuckle.

"You're not angry at me?" Nathan asked her in disbelief.

"Why should I? It's in the past. But still, I'm not going to tolerate what you had done. It's wrong! But the fact that you acknowledged it and you tried to apologize to her, that makes me proud of you, hubby." She then smiled to him sweetly.

"That's a relief. Thank you wifey. I'll make myself even better for you and the kids." He swore.

Not everyone had the guts to admit what they had done wrong to other people. What more saying your apology to that person without expecting for that person to accept it or not?

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