
Chapter 293 - 292: Not Sisters?

"Anastasia." Eunji called her sister with a raise brow with a subtle movement from her right index finger and thumb.

"Evelina." Anastasia called her back.

"Are you? Are you really my sister?" Eunji raised the question that she had been wanting to ask her.

However, instead of answering her straight away, Anastasia only chuckled and then laughed hard while looking at her.

"So you remembered that you did have a sister." She said with sarcasm.

Eunji then flicked her fingers and threw her silver needles towards Ana but somehow, the latter had managed to avoid the silver needles using her very own, too.

"Oh sneak attack! I like it. You're indeed fast with your needles. But don't forget, you're not the only needle user in this room. And besides, is this how you're going to greet me, little sis? I'm very disappointed." She then shook her head and made a pout to convey that what she's saying was true.

Eunji then got up and sat on the side of the bed.

"Yeah. I do remember about having a sister and I have to make sure that the person I'm looking at right now is not a con. They said you were dead and I believed that until you showed up in front of my kids and husband. It's easy to be deceived with today's technology. So I have to be rude if that's what you're implying." Eunji calmly told her while not breaking the eye contact.

"Yeah. I thought you were dead, too. And then here you are. Sitting in front of me with the same face that I have." Ana fought back.

The two were trying to calculate each other's next moves.

"So, did I pass your test?" Ana asked and Eunji was silent. She didn't have to say it as she knew that Ana had already knew her answer.

These two had a very unlikable separation that night. If there's hostility between them, then, that was because Ana wanted to kill her for real that night.

Like for a second, even if she had snapped out of the drugs that she was forced to take, she still continued to attack Eunji.

It was until then that Eunji gave her a fatal stab on the chest and she had grown weak near to death. Then Mike Roland's group came and she was taken away and then passed out.

Then the reports regarding Anastasia was that she had jumped off the cliff and died there. But there's no body. They just put it that she jumped on the cliff and died to close the case.

"Why are you here? Where's Nathan?" She asked Eunji.

"He's not here obviously. He's somewhere over the rainbow." Eunji replied.

"Cut the crap, Eve! I'm not here to play with you." Ana yelled at her in frustration.

"I'm not here to play with you, too Ana." Eunji said as she stood up and slowly walked towards her.

"My husband had something else to do for our family. Don't worry, he's fine. I asked him to use his name as a bait to lure you out. And then I succeeded." She said making Ana's lips to twitch a little bit.

Eunji could see some jealousy in Ana's eyes but she decided to push that thought away first.

"Nathan is not the only topic that we would be talking about. Don't worry, I'll ask him to talk to you, too. But for now, let this moment to be about just us. Before things gets out of hand, I want to talk to you Ana." Eunji then looked

Ana looked at Eunji and she knew that since she's here, Eunji would surely demand for answers.

Something that she wanted to avoid since she had woken up.

"What happened to us Ana? We have been so close before. What had changed? Why did you want to really kill me that night? Why did you want me to kill you, too? We're sisters who supposed to love each other, right? Then why did we end up like that, that night." Eunji asked her.

"You said it to yourself. 'Before'...that's the clue. Before you came, I was the best. But when you came...you showed to everyone that you're better than me!" Ana spoke in an angry tone.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Eunji asked in confusion.

"See? You don't know a thing! And you're still insisting that we're sisters. You're pathetic, Eve!" Ana coldly spat at her challenging every thing that she had known about them. About her.

"You were supposed to be my shadow. But what happened when you came? You were immediately mom's favorite. Even dad favors you, too. Then when you became better, you showed to everyone that you're better than me." Ana continued telling her a story that Eunji didn't want to believe.

"What? Are you telling me that you were jealous of me?" Eunji asked Ana in disbelief.

"Jealous?! That word could not even justified the feeling that I felt especially when I found out something about you and me, Eve." Ana answered her.

"I found out that we're not really sisters!" Ana continued.

Silence enveloped the entire room after Ana dropped that shocking revelation.

"What?!" Eunji asked in disbelief.

"You're lying right?" Eunji was more than confused now.

"Lying? How I wish I was! Have you ever wondered why you are younger than me?" She asked Eunji.

Eunji could tell that she was indeed not trying to lie to her. That she was telling the thing that she knew and not lies. That they were true.

But she just could not dare herself to believe it. She just can't.

"Is it not because I was born with birth defects? That I am weaker than you?" Eunji tried to challenge her.

What the hell?

"See? You are not even sure. Right?" She said with a knowing look.

Her father told her that she was a late bloomer because of her heart problem. She had suffered a lot of birth complications to the point that she was hanging by the thread.

And now Ana's trying to tell her that what she believed all these years were fake?

Ana sighed when she saw Eunji's frowning face.

"Our parents...or should I call them my parents?" Ana asked Eunji which made the latter to be even more confused.

"Who knows, they may not be your parents, too? Maybe? I don't know. For the sake of the fact that we have become sisters because of their arrangement, that's why I'm telling you this. So you'll wake up from this fake reality that they wanted us to believe." Ana added.

"Don't say that Ana! They're still our parents. They had raised us and showered us with their love and affection." Eunji argued with her.

There's no way she would allow Ana to question the affection that her parents had given to them. Is she trying to tell her that those feelings were fake, too?

Ana bit her inner lip when she hear Eunji's statement. But still she didn't let it to get in her way.

Eunji demanded answers from her...then she had no other choice but to tell her the truth that she knew.

"I'm not stopping you from calling them whatever you wanted to call them. But for me...I'm so done with them." Ana was stubborn, too and that's a fact.

"You see. You have investigated everyone yet you didn't even investigate your own birth origin? Little sis, that's sad." Ana told her.

Eunji had become really confused. What she wanted were answers from her and now she got more questions in her mind. And what Ana was doing right now was really not helping her.

If she was trying to mess up with her head then she had succeeded.

"Cut the crap Anastasia! I'm not playing with you." Eunji coldly said.

"Do you think I am playing with you, too? I'm not, Evelina! All these years I thought you are indeed my sister but we are not!"

"Then what are you to me? If we're not really sisters then what are we? What are you to me?" Eunji asked her.

"Are you trying to tell me that we're in no way related to each other? Not even by blood? Then why do we have the same face?" She added.

"Evelina there are technologies that could make us have the same face. To put it bluntly, you were part of an experiment. A experiment that only Miss Layla, Kim Nam Joon and Min Joon together with a few other people had known about. And I exist because of that experiment, too." That's the hint that Ana had given her.

"Miss Layla's with you, right? You may go and ask her if what I'm telling you is the truth or not." She added in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Ana. I'm warning you. I can make you confess everything the way I wanted." She said.

"Don't! I'm scared!" She said while placing her hands on her chest. "Kidding!" She said with a short laugh. As if trying to mock Eunji's skills.

"You will never understand unless you know why you exist, Eve. And you'll never understand my pain." 'Yet I'm doing this for the fact that...' Ana continued in her mind.

"Then... let me understand d*mn it!" Eunji cursed in frustration. She knew she had lost this confrontation right now because she failed to be calm and focused.

But who could dare to focus now when you have discovered something that instead could give her answers, made her to be confused even more.

"No I won't Eve. I won't. I'll let you find it out yourself. And once you found out the truth, you know where to find me." She then sighed after seeing that she had earned Eunji's interest now.

Eunji then tried her sneak attack against Ana. This time, Eunji tried to use her speed and strength in attacking her.

If talking to her would only make her even more confused then, she would just hypnotize her so she could extract information from her.

But she knew that Ana won't be an easy target. She's stronger, too. A formidable opponent.

And as expected, Ana managed to dodge and even block her attacks. This surprised Eunji because the last time they spar, they were more or less the same on skills. And she thought that she had improved her skills even if she had been on break.

But compared to Ana now, Ana had become quicker than her.

"You should have ended me completely that night, Eve. These secrets should have been buried with me in my tomb and should have not hunt you." She said while pushing Ana harshly away from her and she even made a few steps away to keep a safer distance from Eunji.

"As for Nathan, your dear husband...do you really think he was telling you the real him? He's more than that. He had been fooling everyone about his true identity."

"Stop! That's enough! Stop confusing me!"

"Have you even asked him on how deep his involvement in the underworld or in the black market since the beginning, Eve?" Ana asked her

"Or did you let the lust to over power you?" Ana looked at Eunji and then continued.

"You didn't even question his involvement or his role on that biggest night that had changed both our lives!"

Seeing that Eunji had been silent, Ana used this opportunity to continue speaking.

"He was involved in everything Eve. He was after us. Or to be precise, he was after me since my existence was known by everyone. He was the gun man they tasked to kill me. But I'm pretty sure, they would be after you, too should they know you existed, too."

Eunji staggered on her feet as she tried to find her balance. Good thing she was near the wall and she leaned on it for support.

"Now, tell me Eve. Do you still have the confidence to say that you still love him despite the fact that he had been hiding many things from you?" She asked.

Did Nathan really betray her just like what Ana was telling her?

"He was one of the bad guys who was after you, too Eve. He had indirectly caused the suffering of the people whom you treated as family. Can you forgive him?" She asked Eunji but Eunji had remained silent.

"I thought being a mercenary had already erased your naivete, Eve. You should have known that not everyone could be trusted. That even the people whom you thought could be your family could hide a very big secret about yourself that you deserved to know. People could dare to betray you no matter how close you are to them."

"Look at you? You have become weak! Vulnerable! Pathetic!" She ended.

"Your issues with Nathan had nothing to do with me, Ana. What's between Nathan and me, you're completely out of it. I don't want outsiders to meddle with my marriage." Eunji fought back.

"Stay away from my family, too. They have nothing to do with this. And if you were still fantasizing to be with my husband, then I think you have to try harder. What we have is something that you could not understand."

'Lastly, I'll prove to you that sisterhood is not just defined by blood but by the bond being shared with both parties. And I'm not weak just because I had learn how to love.' Eunji wanted to tell her that but she knew that Ana would insist on what she had believed.

"Lastly, the next time we meet, you're now my enemy." She said as she walked out of the room and closed the door with a loud bang.

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