
Chapter 319 - 317: Clearing The Misunderstanding

Ana had become silent when she heard Nathan\'s question.

"I was indeed commissioned but I didn\'t take it. And I didn\'t know that you\'re the foster son of the King until recently." She straightforwardly said.

"Is it?" Nathan responded with a scoff.

Ana picked up her tea and took a sip on it. The tea tasted bland when it reached her tongue.

She also beckoned for Nathan to sit down so they could talk calmly even if their emotions were already all over the place.

But Nathan didn\'t sit down.

"Fine. Let\'s discuss about your first statement. About not intentionally killing me. And I want to hear your honest answer." She started making the atmosphere tense once again.

"Go ahead." He taunted.

"It was not your intention to kill me at first because the order was given to you later, am I right?" She asked while looking at her eye.

Nathan was silent as that was the truth.

"But do you really think I will believe you?" She asked him in seriousness and being emotional at the same time as she tried to hold back the tears which made her eyes to glisten.

She then look away to hide that from him.

She didn\'t want to be weak in front of Nathan. However, Nathan had seen that. But there\'s no way he would use that against her

Her emotions were proof that she was actually in pain. That she was not playing around and bluffing.

Ana inhaled deeply and she started once again.

"That day, it was actually you who injected me with the tranquilizer and handed me to my enemies, right?" She then paused as she looked at Nathan in the eye and continued.

"And then you allowed yourself to be tortured just so I could witness that. So that in exchange of your life, I will drink that drug that would make it easier for them to manipulate me!" She angrily said that while still holding back the pain that she was feeling inside her chest.

Ana had been begging them to release Nathan. At the same time to stop hitting her because she was with child. However they didn\'t listen. That pill was the bargaining chip for Nathan\'s freedom and for them to stop hitting her.

However, she was not sure if it would affect the baby.

And she did took that drug even if she knew she was pregnant.

She loved him so much to the point that she would choose Nathan\'s safety over her own child.

"Do you really think that I would not find out about it?" She mockingly asked while trying to wipe away the tear that had successfully dropped down her cheek.

Nathan was stunned upon hearing what she had said.

He swore that none of that happened at all!

"What? Don\'t you remember?" She asked in disgust as she slammed the table in front of her spilling the remaining tea on the floor.

"Then, how about that night. When you push me down the cliff?! Are you going to deny that, too? Can you tell in my face that you didn\'t remember it?" She taunted.

"Of course I won\'t remember any of it because it didn\'t happen!" He immediately answered.

Nathan was sure that it didn\'t happen. He had no recollection of such!

So this was the reason why she was so angry at him? The reason why she wanted revenge?

"Are you even listening to yourself? You said that you have taken that drug, then, did it ever cross your mind that everything you have seen and heared after that is not actually true? That everything was just a product of hallucination and manipulation?!"

Nathan was both angry and mad at himself and the situation.

He was not heartless to not fee guilty and blame himself for what had happened to Ana.

He had become a big part of it. But did that warrant her to ask such? Absolutely not! She had every reason to be angry at him but she had no rights to ask him to leave Eunji.

But then, Ana took something from her pocket and tossed it in the air and Nathan caught it on reflex.

"Then, what\'s that?" She asked.

"That\'s what I grabbed from the person who have pushed me off the cliff that night!" She said.

Nathan examined it closely and his hands trembled when he realized what it was.

"Are you going to tell me that it\'s not the ring that I have given you? I made it into a necklace along with your dog tag, remember? You vowed to never remove them from your body."

She then took the said dog tag from her pocket and tossed it to Nathan.

Nathan of course had recognized them as it was his. The ring and the dog tag belonged to him.

"Now! Do you dare to tell me that it\'s not you that night?!" She interrogated with extreme hatred making Nathan to stagger on his feet.

"Tell me!" She demanded.

She wanted answers.

Ever since she had regained consciousness, she had given it a thought that maybe it was not really him.

But when she saw those items, she was a hundred percent sure that it was him.

She had personally picked that ring when they had once went to the market together. In fact, both of them chose a ring and gave it to each other as their love token.

She still had the ring that Nathan had given her. She still kept it despite the fact that Nathan had hurt her so much.

Nathan looked down as he clenched both of his palm into a tight fist and his shoulders were trembling.

His shoulders were trembling not because he was crying but actually he was laughing.


There\'s nothing funny to laugh about but he found himself laughing because he felt like he was going crazy!

Ana had become more furious because she thought he was mocking her more.

As soon as he had recovered, he then looked back at her.

"What? You\'re the mighty Nathan, right? Let me hear your excuses now!"

"No! You have misunderstood!" Nathan interrupted.

"They have taken them away when I was still locked up in that h*ll cell." Nathan explained.

Nathan was sure that it was stolen from him while he was being locked up in that torture cell.

"Yes, I was tasked to kill you. But I declined it not knowing that I would be abducted by the man who was serving the former right hand of the King who have been giving me orders all this time. I was bought into the same place where you were. I have endured the torture hoping that they would set you free!"

Nathan shook his head while his hands in the air as he helplessly continued explaining his side of the story. It didn\'t matter if she would believe him. The important thing for Nathan was he let her know his side of the story.

"I\'m not a total scum to turn my back towards the person whom I have vowed to protect with my life!"

While they were having this confrontation, someone was watching them.

One of them was very familiar to both Nathan and Eunji as they had met him.

Nathan was very familiar with him since he had met him several times. He was none other than Frederick Heart.

While the other one was a mysterious person wearing a black cloak and a black mask that covered the face and a voice changer hiding the person\'s gender and identity.

"I told you Boss, that woman is still in love with Nathan. From the looks of it, we can\'t use her against him. It\'s just a waste keeping her alive all this time." Frederick pointed out.

"Shut up Frederick!" The cloaked person reprimanded and Frederick made a zipping motion on his mouth.

"Any update from Tang Hao?" asked.

"Not yet boss. That d*mbass have been silent lately." He said.

"Then find the man!" The cloaked person ordered.

"Yes Boss!" Frederick was like an obedient dog beside this cloaked person.

It was so funny to watch how he was such a c*cky man in front of Nathan but would wag his tails for this mysterious person.

"And also, send an invitation to the Luo Brothers." He added and Frederick Heart obliged.

Back to Nathan and Ana\'s side, the atmosphere was still very heavy.

Then suddenly, Ana heard the cloaked person speaking on her ear monitor.

"What are you doing Ana? Why are you wasting your time talking to him. Why don\'t you shoot him instead? He\'s clearly lying to you."

"Shut up!"

Ana meant to silence the person on her ear.

Ana was starting to get confused with everything. There were parts of her memory that she had not fully regained. But she was certain that all she knew that happened were actually true.

However, if what Nathan was telling her was true, then that means she was being fooled. Ana could feel her legs to turn jelly.

Ana could feel her world crashing once again.

Nathan thought that Ana was still talking to him so he asked her, "Shut up? Why should I shut up?!"

"You\'re accusing me of the crime that I didn\'t even do. You let a misunderstanding to cloud your judgment!" He added.

If there\'s something that he should ask an apology for was he allowed himself to forget his promise to her. He failed to live up to his promise that he won\'t fall in love with another woman.

That only meant that the love he felt towards Ana was not the kind of love that could stand the test of time just like what he was feeling for Eunji.

Also, Nathan was sure that Ana was not alone in this. Someone should be helping or worse, manipulating her to gain benefits.

Someone who was trying to draw a wedge between Ana and Eunji.

"Go back to the person who only want to use you in causing chaos between Eunji and I." He said.

"Remember this, no matter what you say, I won\'t leave my wife! And you have no say to this since you have already declared that she\'s not your sister." He said.

However he corrected himself and said, "Actually, no outsider has the rights to dictate my marriage with Eunji!" Nathan said.

Nathan then turned around and was about to leave when he heard gunshots behind him.

When he turned around, Ana had already shot the cameras which have been monitoring them since earlier.

She also threw away the earpiece she had on her ear and shot it in the air.

She then placed the gun into the table calmly as if she had not just used it.

Then, Ana started laughing like a mad woman.

"Hahahahaha! I\'m sorry about that."

Derek and the rest who were outside immediately barged in after they heard the gunshot from where Nathan was.

All of their guns were pointing at Ana.

"If what you\'re telling is true, then we\'re not yet done here. For the sake of the past that we once shared, can I ask you a favor? ALONE?" She said as she looked at them.

Nathan gave it a thought on whether he should listen to her or not.

But for the sake of their past, he decided to listen to her one last time.

"Leave." Nathan told his men.

"But Master Boss!" Derek was about to make a protest but Nathan shook his head leaving them with no choice but to go out.

Nathan was on all ears while Ana was speaking.

After Ana was done, Nathan turned around and left leaving Ana slumping on the floor.

This time, she no longer stopped the tears that wanted to escape in her eyes and poured them all in.

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