
Chapter 343 - 341: Alora's Rebirth

Eunji, Nathan and Li Wei didn't go home immediately.

They had decided to follow Sam and Celine who were having fun at Lotte World ahead of them.

After having fun at Lotte World, Eunji brought them to her favorite five-star restaurant in the city.

Eunji always had a thing in food and fine dining. So she made sure that she was a VIP member of those restaurants that she liked.

It's up to her on which identity she would disclose to the owners so she would be granted with this privilege.

The moment Eunji presented her VIP card identification, the manager personally came to greet her at the reception.

Eunji didn't say that much and she was glad that the new manager was not chatty like the previous one. The manager welcomed them and she personally brought them to her private room specially reserved for her.

"Please let me know if you're ready to take your order, Ma'am." The manager politely said after handing them the menu booklet.

Eunji had ordered her favorite healthy dishes for everyone to enjoy. She had also asked her companions if they had anything else to add and so they had decided to add two to three dishes.

Since they had a toddler with them, she had ordered kid friendly dishes and the kitchen crew were very delighted to prepare those dishes for them.

"Expect for your order to be done after thirty minutes to an hour. However appetizers would be delivered after five minutes. And this Mr. Cute's food would be done within thirty minutes." The manager said giving them the estimated time for their orders to be done.

She then excused herself and walked towards the kitchen so she could bring their orders and so the kitchen crew could start cooking.

"Did you have fun baby?" Eunji asked her son after the manager left.

"Yes, Mommy!" Li Wei said.

"I'm sure niichan, Sophie and little Eve would have a wonderful time, too should they come with us earlier."

"I agree! D*ng! I'm really glad that we have chosen to explore Lotte World first. I didn't know what I have missed during my childhood had I not gone there." Celine said. However, her expression had changed when she mentioned the word childhood.

However, she tried to force a smile as she knew talking about her childhood would only spoil the mood.

"I agree with you, Yuki-neechan! I'm glad that they had decided to establish and build attractions like these that are not only for the kids but also for the adults like us. I have never experienced those in my childhood, too."

"Well then I guess, it's better to invest in attractions like that." Nathan said.

"Well, I already did. I have asked someone to become my dummy investor in Lotte World." Eunji said in as a matter-of-fact tone.

"Woah, I didn't know you're that quick!" Nathan complimented.

"Well, I know the trend and an opportunity arrived so I didn't dare not to to grab it." She said proudly.

They had continued chatting and paused when the waiters came in with the first batch of appetizers for them and for Li Wei.

"The Young Master's food will be done after fifteen to twenty-five minutes." The waiter who had delivered the appetizers said then he left the room after that.

"Are you already hungry, baby?" Eunji asked her son.

"It's okay Mommy. I'm still not that hungry. I still have biscuits with me in my bag." He said while showing off his bag to them containing all those healthy snacks Celine and Sam had packed up for him for this trip.

After the promised time, Li Wei's food came in.

Eunji took a test taste to make sure that her son would like it.

Then, she let Li Wei to eat it.

Twenty-minutes after, their orders came and finally they could enjoy their dinner.

"I hope you enjoy the food, Madam VIP!" The manager who personally accompany the waiters in bringing their food orders said.

"Of course! We will." Celine enthusiastically answered in Eunji's behalf.

They did enjoy their food so much that when they came out of the restaurant, they were so full.

They could not find any negative comments about them. The food and all tasted fantastic. It's no longer a mystery why Eunji had become a VIP member.

When they went out of the restaurant, Celine and Sam's guards opened the door for everyone to enter the van.

When everyone were already inside, the driver then asked, "Where to, Mistress?"

Eunji had asked them if they wanted to go back to Busan tonight or went back to her penthouse and sleep there for tonight.

Sam and Celine had voted for the latter while Nathan and Li Wei just waited for her decision.

Eunji preferred the latter. She still had to do Alora's program and also write the chemical composition on the drug that was being injected to Ana as per Master Liu's request.

They were driven going back to ELEK Group building as per her instruction to their driver.

While they were on the way, Eunji called Sophie's phone.

"Eomma!" Sophie's cute face was shown on the screen.

"Hello, baby!" She greeted her daughter. Nathan also butted in with his greetings.

While Sam, Celine and Li Wei just waived "Hello" on the screen.

"How's my big princess?" Nathan asked.

"Appa!" Sophie had become more excited after seeing Nathan on the screen.

"I'm fine Appa!" She answered Nathan's question.

"Is that Daddy and Mommy?" Li Jun's voice also echoed.

"Yes!" She said and shared the screen with her brother.

"Hello son!" Eunji and Nathan greeted their eldest.

"Eomma, are you on the way already?" Sophie asked.

"That's why I called Sophie. Eomma and Appa will be going back to Busan tomorrow morning." Eunji said.

"I see." Eunji could see the sadness in Sophie's face when she heard that they would be going back tomorrow.

"It's okay Eomma. Take your time." Sophie said.

"Have you already eaten dinner?" Eunji asked her.

"All done, Eomma. How about you?"

"We're done eating, too. What are you and your siblings doing?" Eunji asked.

"Oppa and I are playing a board game with Karina-Unnie." She said.

"That's good. Sleep after you're done playing that, okay?" Eunji reminded her children.



"I love you so much, guys." Eunji said.

"We love you too, Eomma!" Sophie said in behalf of her siblings.

Eunji then bid her goodbye when they were closer to the company building.


Eunji lead everyone inside the penthouse and she pointed out the available rooms for Sam and Celine to use for the night.

While she lead Nathan and her son to their room.

Nathan and Eunji then prepared their son's night bath so they could tuck him to bed early.

Li Wei had been complaining while they were on the way that he's sleepy.

Nathan took him to bath while Eunji had prepared her son's night ware and his milk.

Good thing Sam and Celine had packed enough milk for him to drink for the entire day.

After tucking their son to sleep, the couple then changed into their comfortable clothes.

Since she had Nathan's clothes inside her closet, Nathan had no problem changing into them.

As for Celine and Sam, Eunji had lent her unused bigger size pajamas for them to wear for the night.

Good thing it fitted them well.

Eunji and Nathan then gathered their laptop in the living room so they could start their job for the night.

As for Celine and Sam, they had decided to have an early night, too.

Eunji's attention was on her computer that she didn't notice Nathan placing a cup of hot chocolate beside her.

"Have a sip first while it's hot." Nathan said as he took a sip of his cup of coffee.

"Thank you for this." She said after realizing what was going on.

Eunji paused for a while to drink her hot chocolate and the crackers that Nathan had prepared for them.

She then looked at the time and she realized it was already eleven in the evening.

She was almost done in modifying Alora's programming. She was confident that they would finish this by one in the morning.

So, after she was done with her cup of hot chocolate, Eunji went back to her task.

Nathan also helped Eunji after he was done with his.

"Configuration, 98%." The speaker attached on the ceiling of her living room sounded.

"Configuration, 99%."

After two minutes, she was finally done.

"Project Alora rebooting in 10, 9..."

The countdown then started in her computer screen and when it was done, Eunji's computer screen then showed a 3D image of a child's face. The child then smiled and a very familiar voice but a child version of it echoed through the speaker.

"Project Alora, officially online!"

"Alora!" Eunji called her AI for the first time.

"Mommy! I'm back!" Alora happily answered Eunji's call.

Eunji had decided to reprogram Alora and made her to be one of her children rather than being a friend or a sister which was her innitial purpose as to why she had created it.

"Yes! You're back..." Eunji warmly said with tears of joy in her eyes.

"Are you going to be my Daddy now?" Alora said.

"Yes, I am." Nathan said with a smile while comforting his wife who had become emotional in his arms.

He was satisfied to see that the AI's image was a splitting image of their two faces combined.

He was satisfied with the outcome.

"Yeey!" Then Alora turned its attention to Eunji and said, "I'm sorry for disappearing like that but thank you for reviving me."

Of course, Alora had retained her memories. Thanks to Eunji's efforts.

"Don't mention it. Are you fine with the new identity I have bestowed upon you?" Eunji had to ask.

Should Alora disliked this new identity, she could restore it back to its original program.

"Of course! I'm very satisfied, Eomma." Alora said as it decided to use Eomma to call Eunji.

"That's a relief." Eunji said in relief.

Now that Alora's officially back, Eunji could now freely and officially start her plan of counter attacking and revenge.

"I guess you should sleep now, Eomma. Now that I'm back, I'll take over the rest of the tasks. Leave it to me." Alora said.

"Thank you, Alora. I know your Appa and I could count on you." Eunji sincerely said.

"Of course. You have given me my existence. The best way to repay you for that is to do my job well."

"Aigoo! Okay, we'll go and rest now. Don't forget to run a full system check tonight. Goodnight Alora."

"Will do that. Goodnight too, Eomma and Appa." Alora said with a smile before the screen went back to normal.

"You did it, Wifey!" Nathan gave Eunji a celebratory hug after that.

"Anniyoh, it's all thanks to you. For not giving up and fighting beside me."

"Of course. You asked for my help and I am more than willing to support you in every way as your husband."

"Seems like we have some good news tonight, eh?" Celine asked after she saw Nathan and Eunji hugging with bright smiles on their faces.

"It's a good news indeed. Alora's back!" Eunji shared and Celine was genuinely happy to hear the news.

"Oh, wow! That's a great news indeed!" She said.

"Yes it is!"

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