
Chapter 354 - 352: Worst News Ever

"Hello?" The woman answered on the phone.

"Kel, it's me."

Eunji waited for a while for Kelly's response on the other line.

"Oh! I'm sorry. You must have called the wrong number dear."

Eunji knew that it's Kelly. She's very familiar with the timbre of her voice. So she must be really upset with her for her to say such things to her.

"Kel, please. Don't be like this." Eunji pleaded.

"Oh! So you know how to call us now, Eunji. I thought you forgot how to use your phone."

Sarcasm was evident in Kelly's voice. At the same time, Eunji could feel the pain that she had inflected on her.

"What do you want?!"

"Can we talk?" Eunji was hesitant at first.

"I'm sleepy. You called on the wrong time. Bye!"

Kelly was about to drop the call and Eunji told her to stop.


"What do you want?!"


"What?!" Kelly was getting impatient on the other line.

"Can we meet tomorrow?"

Seconds of silence passed by and Eunji was playing the hemline of her sweater as she felt tensed.

"Kelly?" She called her name again unsure if the latter would respond to her or just drop the call.

She was sure that she's still there listening on the other line.

She could her some muffled sobbing and a deep sigh on the other line.

Poor Kelly. She must have been crying.

"Fine! Send the location. You know how. And! Don't try to say some b*llsh*t! I won't accept a shallow reason as to why you have been ignoring me. Us!"

"I'll try."

"That's not what I want to hear. Do it!"

"Okay. I will." Eunji didn't have a choice.

In order to gain her trust back, she should be honest with her.

"I miss you Kel." She said faintly because she knew her voice would crack should she said it louder.

"Gosh! You're ruining my beauty rest."

"I'm sorry."

Eunji asked for an apology though she knew her sorry was not enough to make up what she had done.

"Save it. I don't want to accept your sorry for now."

Eunji smiled sadly as she already expected this happening the moment she had decided to call her.

They made a pact and she forgot about it.

Nathan who was driving the car reached out to hold Eunji's hand for support.

Eunji then sent her their meet up location and when she's done, she placed her phone back on her bag.

"Do you want me to come with you tomorrow?"

"No. It's fine. I'll be meeting her at the hospital so we will be fine."

Eunji thought that meeting at Mo Hospital was the ideal location since it's where Mo Jing-sheng was taking his office and so it would only look like she would just be visiting him.

As for her, she's reluctant to leave J's side unless he's completely fine.

Nathan only hummed in support to her wish.

Reaching the hospital didn't take long since there's no traffic.

Before Nathan and Eunji got out of the car, Eunji asked Nathan to wear a skin mask just like her.

That way, no one could recognize them while they were looking after J.

When the preparation were done, Eunji and Nathan disembarked from the car.

Mo Jing-sheng had given them access to his private entrance and that's what they used in getting inside the hospital and into J's area.

Mo Jing-sheng had arranged a VIP room for the couple to stay for the night after Nathan phoned him that they would be coming back to look after J.

When they arrived at the VIP ICU ward, Nathan asked a doctor to check on his wife since Eunji was still pale and she was complaining of a sharp pain on her pelvic area.

"I'm fine. Really. Love. I'm a doctor myself. I know what's wrong with my body." She stubbornly insisted.

But Nathan didn't buy her reason.

He still asked the doctor to check on her.

But before any procedure was done, she asked the doctor to sign an NDA. The doctor didn't mind and signed the NDA.

The doctor asked Eunji to undergo a few lab tests to have a more comprehensive results and at the same time make sure that she's not missing anything.

Eunji was asked to take a rest and there, she was asked to lay down and not move.

J's ICU room was just a couple of doors away and was guarded by both Nathan and Eunji's men.

When the doctor came back, she was accompanied by another doctor who introduced herself as an a resident OB-GYN of Mo Hospital.

A nurse also came in to put the IV needle on her wrist.

Nathan was sitting beside her and was holding her hand when they came in.

"How's my..."

Nathan paused as he didn't even know what they were.

They're divorced. Yet, they're still living together and with kids.

"Partner?" Nathan finally found the right term.

"She's fine. However, the baby wasn't."

"What?!" The couple were both shocked hearing this.

"She's on the earliest stage of pregnancy and the fertilized egg didn't have a strong hold in her uterus so she suffered from a miscarriage."


Of all the people, Eunji was greatly shocked.

She would know that she's pregnant through her pulse, right?

Nathan was shocked, too.

He was even unaware that he dropped her hand in shock.

He didn't expect that they were pregnant. No one expected that they're pregnant and now the doctor was telling them otherwise.

"But why din't I feel it?!" The news had not sunk in to her yet.

"Pregnancy symptoms are usually not the same every time. As what I've said. It was still so early in the pregnancy that when you take a pregnancy test, you'll get a negative result depending on how sensitive the PT kit you used at home."

"But! No!"

"No! I'm just on my period. I didn't lose the baby, right? Please tell me I didn't lose my baby."

Eunji was in denial.

Nathan on the other hand didn't know how to react. He didn't know how to process this news at all.

"Don't worry. You might have a miscarriage now but that didn't mean you won't be pregnant in the future." The OB said hoping that what she said would at least comfort the couple.

"Will prescribe pain meds to help with the pain. Don't worry about your bleeding. It will stop after a few days just like your period."

After telling Nathan and Eunji on what she was not allowed to do, they excused themselves and left the couple alone.

"I'm sorry." Eunji started to get teary as the reality slowly sunk in her.

"I'm sorry."

She should have known better. Had she known that this would happen, she should have been more careful.

Nathan who was also silent looked at Eunji.

His mind didn't know how to process everything.

However, his body moved on his own and stared hugging Eunji.

"It's fine. Love, it's fine."

Nathan started whispering words of comfort in her ear.

Eunji had immediately become a crying mess in his arms.

"I'm sorry. It's my fault." She said in between her sob.

"Don't blame yourself. Our little angel is not meant for us, yet. Don't blame yourself. No one wanted this to happen."

Nathan pushed back the sadness that he felt and decided to be strong for his wife.


"No! I'm sorry. I failed. I failed to notice her. I'm sorry." Eunji cried her pain out.

"It's okay. Cry your heart out, okay?"

Nathan could only blame destiny for this cruel loss.

Nathan could not stop the silent tears running down his face.

It took a long time for Eunji to stop crying.

Nathan looked down and so that his wife had fallen asleep in his arms because of exhaustion.

"I'm sorry, Eunji. I failed you as a husband. And now, I feel like I failed being a father of our child, too. You know what? When you asked for a divorce, I was really upset and sad."

"But now, I realize, that it's the right thing to do."

Nathan then placed a gentle kiss on her temple and he helped her lay down on the bed.

Nathan laid down beside Eunji and he slept with his long arms wrapped around her body.

When Eunji woke up Nathan was no longer beside her.

"Nate?" She called but no one answered her call.

She then looked at the time and saw that it was already one in the afternoon.

She must have been really tired to wake up this late.

She thought that Nathan must have been in the office already.

However, she frowned when she saw Nathan's phone left on top of the table.

Eunji felt that something was wrong. That was so unlikely of Nathan to do.

So she asked Alora if her AI knew where Nathan was.

"Alora? Where's your dad?"

"Daddy left earlier. He didn't tell me where he was going though. He also left his phone and didn't use his car."

"What? Where the hell, is he?" Eunji could not help but worry for Nathan.

He's surely not in the office.

She was so caught up with her own emotions last night that she had forgotten to comfort him.

'Is he depressed, too?' She thought and it worried her. She had to find Nathan and make sure that he's alright.

What if he didn't take their miscarriage well?

Eunji pulled out the IV attached on her wrist.

Before she could even leave the room, Marco came in with a brief case on his hand.

"Good afternoon Lady Boss!" Marco greeted.

"Why are you here, Marco? Where's Nathan?" Eunji immediately asked.

"I can't answer you that, Lady Boss." Marco bowed his head when he said that.

Nathan told him to not say to anyone where he would be going.

"Ha! As expected. You're very loyal to him."

She then looked at the briefcase that Marco's holding and she asked, "What's that?"

Marco then placed the briefcase on the bed and opened it.

Inside were documents. Stock transfer certificates to be exact with the names of their children as the new owner of the stock.

Mei and Yuki had their share, too.

"What are these?!" Eunji didn't expect that Nathan would do something like this.

"They're stock transfer certificates, Lady Boss." Marco answered.

"I know what these are, but why?!" Eunji didn't feel good about this.

"I'm sorry but I don't have an answer for that. But for now, since the Young Masters and Young Ladies are very young, as their mother, you are given the legal rights to take care of the companies on their behalf."

"What?! This is ridiculous! Where is he?!" Eunji was shaking and her voice almost cracked.

Eunji asked her one last time.

"I believe Nathan had left a letter inside this briefcase. I saw him writing that before he leave."

Marco then made his bow and before he left, he said, "I'm sorry for your loss Lady Boss."

Tears poured down from Eunji's eyes and she slumped on the floor.

"Alora! Find Nathan, please! Inform me immediately if you have updates." She commanded and Alora immediately do the job.

This was really unexpected.

Nathan had left to go somewhere.

He actually left her.

Was it for good?

Eunji was still sobbing when the doctor came in to check on her.

The latter immediately came to her rescue the moment the doctor saw her bawling on the floor.

"Miss Kim! What happened?!" The doctor asked in concern.

Then hurried steps were coming towards their direction when Eunji looked up, she cried even more.


"Yukineechan!" Eunji immediately called Celine the moment she saw her.

The doctor looked at the two woman and the one who had recently entered and then spoke.

"Are you a family of the patient?"


"Oh! Then please help her calm down. She just had a miscarriage last night."

"Thank you, Doc. We will."

The doctor left and the other two people in the room cleared their throats.

"Ahm, Celine, I think I have to go to. Eunji's waiting for me."

Sam who had accompanied Celine in coming to the hospital could not help but leaned towards her and said, "Don't leave. You're already here."

Kelly frowned as she didn't get the message.


"She's our Eunji."

"..." Kelly was rendered speechless.

'What the hell is going on?' Kelly thought while looking at the woman sobbing in Celine's arms.

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