Chapter 79 Not Much Time Left

"You came back wasted last night. We met in the sitting room, and I asked you to go to your bedroom before I left for the laundry room. Then, instead of going to your bedroom or any other room to sleep, you went into Mr. Fang's bedroom..."

"Wait! I did what?!" Zhang Liling cried out in fright. Her eyes widened in shock at that bad news. She went into Mr. Fang's bedroom, how?!

How did she climb the stairs in her drunken state?

The butler shook his head bitterly before continuing, "I'm not sure of what next you did there, but Mr. Fang sounded very angry when he called me to come and take you out of his bedroom. You were laying on his bed when I came over. Young lady, you were quite heavy and I almost sprained my waist while pulling you down the stairs."

Butler Gu refused to believe that she just stayed put on the bed because how can she do that given her personality? Also, Mr. Fang had been furious when he called him to come over. And after taking a shower, he asked him to check if he still had any alcohol scent on him.

This can only signify one thing, Zhang Liling must have done something outrageous.

Zhang Liling was out of it. She couldn't believe that she went into Mr. Fang's bedroom. And just like what the butler said, out of all the rooms she could go into, she found her way upstairs and straight to Mr. Fang's bedroom.

'What did I go to find in Mr. Fang's bedroom?!' Zhang Liling cried in her heart.

She was thinking if that was how uncontrollable her feelings for him had gotten to.

Butler Gu was kind enough to let the breaking news settle into her mind before going on to ask, "Do you want to hear your punishment me now?"

'What?!' Zhang Liling couldn't get any more shocked than she already was. She fixed her gaze on the butler.

"I have a punishment already?! I thought I would get the chance to apologize and explain myself before I would be punished?"

She was thinking, 'that way, her sentence would be reduced.'

"Miss Zhang, I don't think you know how serious the situation is. You don't have that kind of privilege, not after making Mr. Fang to sleep in his study last night!"

"What?! Mr. Fang slept in his study?!"

Butler Gu ignored her question and continued, "It's too late to demand for a privilege because your punishment was dished out last night."

Mr. Fang slept in his study without requesting the butler to arrange another bedroom for him because, he couldn't sleep in a place with an unfamiliar scent.

In the entire house, apart from his bedroom, his study was the next room that carried his scent, so he optioned to spend the night there.

Seeing as Zhang Liling was not saying anything, the Butler quickly listed her punishment since she was running late already.

After hearing about the sheets she had to replace, and the room she had to air, she was about to sigh in relief when she heard, "Mr. Fang wants you to appear before him latest, an hour before lunch with the new sheets."

The butler turned to leave but Zhang Liling chased after him. "Butler Gu, can't I give you the sheets to pass to him after I buy it? You see, my body is not feeling well."

"Miss Zhang, even if you want to quit your job today, you must do as Mr. Fang has instructed!" Butler Gu replied without looking back.

Zhang Liling stopped chasing after him and stood at the corridor to bite her lips. 'What did she do to Mr. Fang last night? How else was he going to punish her?'

First of all, she needed to get started with her duties. So, she went into her bedroom to pick up her phone before rushing out.

She had no idea of where Mr. Fang was at the moment, but she must make sure not to run into him until it was at the right time or else, her heart may finally end up dropping out of her chest.

First thing first, Zhang Liling went into Mr. Fang's bedroom to clean and air it out. This time around, she followed the instructions strictly from the contract on how to clean his bedroom.

The exact quantity of the scents and the particular ones to use, was the exact thing she did.

After cleaning his bedroom and bathroom, and airing the place out, she went on to clean the house before taking a slight break.

She was so tired and hungry. She was already sweating and panting for air while sitting on a stool in the ante-room.

When she thought of having breakfast first because her next task was to go and find the exact sheets she soiled with her alcohol scent, she found it the best step to take, but quickly changed her mind.

She didn't have enough time to even go looking for that exact brand, texture, material and colour of bedsheets without breakfast. And according to Butler Gu, she had to present the sheets before lunch.

She was going to be late, but she hoped that somehow, she could still make it a minute to lunch time.

With that thought, she ignored the hunger and tiredness she felt, went into her bedroom to pick up bag with some cash and her credit card in it before leaving the estate.

She met Butler Gu outside and informed him of her next movement.

"You are going to be late," That's all he said to her after checking his wristwatch.

"I know," Zhang Liling replied before leaving in urgent steps.

The kind of emotions she was feeling at the moment, was almost making her teary. She felt like crying for putting herself in that kind of predicament.

She had the guts to drink till she was drunk. It didn't just stop there, she went ahead to cause trouble and force Mr. Fang to sleep in his study. Then she slept in and woke up late, neglecting her duties.

When she recounted all her mistakes, she knew that it was enough to get her fired.

On her way out while waiting for the cab she ordered to arrive outside the estate, she phoned Bolin to ask about the particular store to get the exact sheets she had to replace.

"... I sent you the picture of the bed sheet, please check it out."

In-between cleaning, she had gone into the laundry to take pictures of the sheets she needed to get, and not just that, she felt the material for herself.

,m Because she was already late and didn't have that ample of time to check for the sheets in all the high-end stores in the city. She figured a few things out.

She could ask Bolin about it, as he should be able to tell the particular store the bed sheet was purchased.

Secondly, the sheets were not shipped otherwise, the Mr. Fang she knew, would not give her that kind of time frame, so that meant that the bed sheet was most probably bought from a store in the City.

Bolin glanced at the pictures Zhang Liling sent to him before responding. He could vividly remember the particular store he bought all the beddings and toiletries.

"... Why do you need to get a new one, did the old one get damaged?" Bolin asked curiously after mentioning the name of the store to her.

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