
Chapter 61 - The Interview

"Which agency?" In-Ha asked out of curiosity.

"PK Corporation" Eun-Sun announced. Though her voice was firm as usual, but there was a certain amount of joy lingering in it and In-Ha could hear it.


"That\'s great. Congratulations!" In-Ha said with a happy smile. He knew how hard it was to get an interview with Dan-Han\'s company. Because that bastard has made everything extremely hard for people to get jobs in his company. He only accepted the best of the best and that was why PK corps was thriving excellently under his leadership.

"Thank you" Eun-Sun replied.

"Well I hope you get the job okay. As matter of fact I\'m sure you will. Make me proud okay" In-Ha didn\'t know why he was geniuely happy for her. There was this certain level of excitement in his heart for her.

"Thank you sir"

"Don\'t thank me, just treat me to a nice meal when you get the job okay. Don\'t worry I\'m very cheap to afford" He joked.

"Yes I will" Eun-Sun agreed. In-Ha\'s smile was making her own smile broaden even more.

"So what about the permission?" Eun-Sun asked.

"You can take the day off of course" He assured her.

"Thank you sir" Eun-Sun bowed.

"No sir remember?" In-Ha scolded her.

"Yes. Thank you In-Ha" She said again.

"You\'re welcome tigress"


The next morning Eun-Sun was both ecstatic and nervous about the interview. She couldn\'t sleep a wink last night as she was too anxious. She had gotten her credentials ready as soon as she returned back from work.

Just at the point where she needed a job the most, the heavens finally decided to look down on her and favour her.

She grinned and hummed the next morning as she searched through the wardrobe for something formal to wear. She had prepared something last night but Hei-Ran had told her it made her look like retired high school teacher. Now she had to look for something else to wear. Hei-Ran was more than happy that Eun-Sun was finally going for the interview. She was scared Eun-Sun\'s pride wouldn\'t let her accept the opportunity Mrs Lee had given to her.

"I\'m so happy for you" Hei-Ran said excitedly as she helped Eun-Sun look for an outfit. She had hopped and shrieked excitedly on the bed when Eun-Sun told her she\'ll be going for the interview today.

"I\'m so happy too. It\'s almost hard to believe. But I\'m more nervous than happy" Eun-Sun replied as she tried on a black formal dress.

"Being nervous is normal. Use me for an example, even though I have a job, I\'m still nervous my psychopathic boss might still fire me any day. So being nervous is a normal thing for us human" Hei-Ran told her.


"Now hurry up you don\'t want to be late, and don\'t wear that" Hei-Ran frowned looking at the dress Eun-Sun was wearing. "You don\'t want to look like a temptress with all those curves I can see right?" Hei-Ran asked her with a raised brow.

"Do I look like that?" Eun-Sun asked doubtfully as she stood in front of the mirror.

"C\'mon, just wear something formal and classy but simple okay. First impression matters alot" Hei-Ran advised, picking out an outfit for her. "This will do it" She passed a shirt and skirt over to Eun-Sun. She was sure that was what Eun-Sun needed to wear for the interview.

Eun-Sun looked at the clothes Hei-Ran was handing her. She wasn\'t sure though, but she accepted it anyway.

She made a mental note to get some new clothes when she gets the job.

A job at the PK corps would be a dream come true!! This was the company she had always hoped to work with.

She hurriedly put her clothes on and got herself ready.

\'Nothing could go wrong today...Nothing!!\'



Eun-Sun made her way to the PK corporation building as soon as she alighted the cab. She stood in front of the gigantic building as her palms turned sweaty. She couldn\'t believe this! Standing her made her feel like she was one step closer to achieving her dreams. Seeing the huge building, she was sure this was where she had to work and nowhere else.

Her heart rate was way above it normal range. She was too nervous as she rubbed her palms on her skirt.

Eun-Sun took deep breaths to calm herself, she squared her shoulders before walking into the building. She walked up the young and pretty lady about her age who was typing away on the computer on her desk, at the reception.

"Good morning, my name is Park Eun-Sun and I have an appointment with the president" She said with a polite smile. Eun-Sun had called Mrs Lee to inform her about her decision to come for the interview today.

"Welcome miss Eun-Sun, hold on let me confirm" The receptionist replied with a smile as she picked up the intercom to call the president\'s office.

"Miss Eun-Sun, you can go in now. Take the elevator to the 21st floor"

"Thank you" Eun-Sun replied as she went in the direction she was given. She looked around the building that was bustling with activities as workers resumed work for the day as she made her way to the elevator.

The elevator chimed as it stopped on the 21st floor, where she was to meet Mrs Lee\'s son for an interview.

The whole floor was designated as the president\'s office. Eun-Sun was awed by the interior decoration, she couldn\'t help but look around appreciatively as she approached the secretary\'s office.

"Good morning sir, I\'m Park Eun-Sun. I\'m here to meet the president" She said to the Secretary Chang-Wok with a smile. She furrowed her brows slightly as she looked at him wondering where might have met him.

"Hi, Miss Eun-Sun, it\'s nice to meet you again" Secretary Chang-Wok replied with a small smile, when he saw the look Eun-Sun was giving him. He knew she was trying to remember where she might had met him.

Eun-Sun smiled when she recognized him as the man who accompanied Mrs Lee to the hospital yesterday. He was sitting away from them at the cafe shop so she didn\'t get to see his face well.

"This way please" Secretary Chang-Wok directed when she finally recognized him.

Eun-Sun followed his direction to the door by her left. She took a deep breath to calm her rapidly beating heart. She glanced at herself once more and squared her shoulders, "I can do this" she muttered to herself in an encouraging manner.

She gently knocked on the door to the office, before opening it when she heard a voice say, "Come in"

Eun-Sun anxiously walked into the office.

"Good mor...." Eun-Sun swallowed back her words at the sight of the man in front of her. Her heart almost gave out and the world started to spin.

\'No way!\'

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