
Chapter 65 - Cheers To Friendship

Eun-Sun was still in a daze till Chang-Wok directed her to her new work space. She had thought he definitely wasn\'t going to give her the job, but then he suddenly changed his mind and gave it to her. Eun-Sun couldn\'t believe it.

"This is Park Eun-Sun and she\'ll be working with you from today" Secretary Chang-Wok announced as soon as they walked into the vast office space which was designated for the development department. Secretary Chang-Wok nudged Eun-Sun to introduce herself to her new boss and others. She took a step forward and bowed, "I\'m Park Eun-Sun and I\'ll be working with you. Please take care of me" She said and bowed again.


The others introduced themselves and soon she was settled at her desk space. Eun-Sun\'s face broke into a smile as she stood before the desk, which had nothing other than a desktop on it. There was this joy that was bumbling in the pit of her stomach.

This was it. Her first real JOB!.

Her smile widened as she picked up her phone to text Hei-Ran to inform her about the good news.

Her smile broadened when Hei-Ran called almost immediately. She lowered her head to pick the call.

The first thing she heard was a loud squeal promoting her to withdraw her phone from her ears.

"Would you stop screaming?" Eun-Sun chided with a smile.

"Let me scream my lungs out Eun-Sun, this is great news" She said excitedly. Eun-Sun was sure she was gathering attention to herself where she was right now. Hei-Ran\'s joy made Eun-Sun feel more happy.

"Sure it is" Eun-Sun giggled.

Hei-Ran gasped dramatically, "Eun-Sun did you just giggle?" That was the first time in forever she was hearing a giggle escape Eun-Sun\'s lips.

"Yes. Why?"

"That\'s the first time. It\'s your first job, your first giggle....I mean it seems things are finally looking bright for you" Hei-Ran chirped excitedly.

"I think so too" Eun-Sun replied.

"You have to focus on your work okay. Remember to be nice to everybody. No nonchalant attitude and please keep your temper in check, you can\'t afford to get sacked" Hei-Ran paused when she heard her name being called. It was her boss.

"I\'ve got to go. Come home on time, we have to celebrate okay?"

"Okay, and call Ji-Sang too. He said he had something to tell us" Eun-Sun added.

"Okay sure I will. Be a good girl, I love you baby girl"

"I..I know" She replied, but Hei-Ran had already dropped the call. She knew better than to wait on Eun-Sun for a reply.


Eun-Sun went back to tulip villa after the close of work to inform In-Ha about her job. She actually didn\'t want to go, but she decided she had to.

She still felt it was right to personally inform about it, since she wouldn\'t be able to return there anytime soon and after all he considered her a friend...well that was his decision not hers. And he has been enthusiastic about the interview when she told him.

In-Ha was about setting up a game to play when he heard the door bell rang. He furrowed his brows when he thought about who it might be at the door. No one visited Dan-Han, and Dan-Han would never ring the bell of his own house, the man would rather tear the door down than ring it.

In-Ha has been bored all day. The house felt lonely without Eun-Sun. He regretted not taking her number so he could ask about her interview. He really hopes she\'ll get the job.

He looked at the door cam to check who it was, he was dumfounded when he saw it was Eun-Sun. He rushed up to the door and opened it, with a goofy smile on his face.

"Good even...." Eun-Sun swallowed back her words when In-Ha immediately pulled her in for a hug. She stood stiffly as he hugged her. She wasn\'t expecting that. She tried wriggling herself free from his hold and In-Ha quickly let go of her. He had done that on impulse. He noticed the frown forming on her face.

"I\'m sorry. I\'ve been bored out of my mind and I sorely missed your presence. Please don\'t give me another shoulder flip. Please I\'m sorry" He apologized earnestly. He also didn\'t know why he had hugged her like that.

Eun-Sun looked at him, with the way he was apologizing and begging not to get a shoulder flip, she felt helpless.

"It\'s okay" She would have said don\'t do that next time but she also knew there might be no next time, since she won\'t be coming back here again.

"Thank you" He chirped excitedly. "So how did the interview go?" He anxiously asked. He almost had the urge to call Dan-Han to beg him to intervene on her interview, but he decided against it. He was sure that won\'t lead him anywhere with her given her personality and he was sure Dan-Han would probably do the opposite of what was expected of him, the moment he made the request.

"What do you think?" She asked with a smile.

"You got it?" His eyes opened as he anxiously asked her, a radiant smile etching on his lips.

"Yes I did" Eun-Sun answered nodding, In-Ha\'s smile was contagious and she couldn\'t help but smile too.

"Really?" In-Ha asked in surprise. He was geniuey happy for her.

"Yes. You\'re looking at the latest staff of the development department of PK Corps" She replied with a cheeky smile. This has always been one of her dream. So telling someone about this new identity, that she is a staff of PK Corporation, was making her excited. And In-Ha\'s excitement was reflecting on hers.

"That\'s great Eun-Sun. Congratulations. You really made me proud"

"Thank you" Her smile wasn\'t leaving her face.

In-Ha noticed the way she was smiling brightly. Other than the little smile he had seen on her face, this was the most beautiful smile he had seen. He wondered if he should tell her to smile more often. It was at this moment that he noticed she was formally dressed and she had a bit of make up on. She was looking beautiful, which was miles away from her usual look. He was almost tempted to say she looked beautiful, but he knew how that would make her feel. She\'s a freaking time bomb. Now that she was all smiling, he didn\'t want to open his mouth to spew nonsense and then ruin the mood.

"We should celebrate! Come on let\'s celebrate your new job. It\'s not everyday someone gets a job at PK" In-Ha announced.

"I\'m sorry, but I don\'t think I can. Thank you for kind words and for being happy for me. But I have to go" Eun-Sun rejected his idea. She didn\'t think it was right to still hang around her ex-boss who had tried flirting with her. And most importantly Hei-Ran and Ji-Sang would soon return back from work and they\'ll be waiting for her.

In-Ha could see through her, "You don\'t have to be so cautious around me anymore, we are friends remember? So just continue seeing me as one" He said with seriousness. "It\'s just a drink, I promise it would be a non-alcoholic one. Pretty please" He made a cute face for Eun-Sun. "I just want to with celebrate you, and secondly I could some company. Maybe half an hour— please! please!please" He continued begging.

But was In-Ha truly seeing her as a friend or he was still hoping for more? In-Ha didn\'t know why he kept insisting to be close Eun-Sun, the girl looked small but she intrigued him more than any one of his women. He had always kept a clear line with all his women. It was either pleasure or nothing. Never has he tried being close to any woman before except when he wanted to sooth his desires, but here he was doing what shouldn\'t be heard of. He was clearly known as a playboy but he couldn\'t tell what was happening to him right now.

Eun-Sun sighed warily when she noticed how he was pleading with her. Initially she would have found it to be very annoying, but now she was less irritated by what he does. "The truth is I\'m meeting my friends at home, and we\'re supposed to celebrate together" She tried explaining.

"But I thought I was your friend too. Let\'s just celebrate your new job over one glass of wine. Thirty minutes please" He continued pleading.

Eun-Sun looked at him and sighed. "Just one glass and strictly thirty minutes" She told him.

"Of course. Thank you" He smiled excitedly as he gave her way for her to walk in. Eun-Sun strolled into the house and followed In-Ha to the bar when he opened a bottle of non-alcoholic wine, and poured out a glass for the them.

"Here\'s to your new job and to more wins and opportunity in life and cheers to becoming great friends" He cheered before clicking glasses with her.

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