
Chapter 112 - Denial

In-Ha sat dazed in his room, his back against the headboard as her stared at nothing in particular. But his mind was clouded with thoughts of Eun-sun, or rather thoughts of him liking her.

He was still in denial. He didn\'t want to believe there was an actual possibility that he liked the girl.


He didn\'t want to. He didn\'t have the heart to like another human being. He was damaged goods, far too broken corrupt and bad for any girl like Eun-sun who was naive and innocent even though her fiesty character wouldn\'t let you see that. But he knows, because he has been with countless number of women and her kind was always different to spot out.

There were points in his life when he thought about forgetting the betrayal he had endued in the hands of the people he loved but he couldn\'t. There was a time when he was a sunny and loving guy, but not anymore. He still had the sunny part of him, which has turned flirty but he didn\'t have the space on his heart to love someone, most especially someone like her. He didn\'t want that. He didn\'t want to love anymore, all he wanted to do was have pleasure and wreck hearts of all the gender that made him into this man he was right now.

But why was he feeling different for her.

His mind flashed back to their time back at the restaurant. He couldn\'t lie he was more than amused by the way she gobbled down those food. He had been too lost in his thoughts that he couldn\'t get himself to eat much, but that gluttonous monster in the shape of a petite girl had done Justice to everything, much to his amusement.

She ate with no care in the world, and there was this one time when he saw her smile with the lady who owned the restaurant he swore he felt something in his heart at that moment.

In-Ha was still thinking when he heard the door creak open. There was only one person in this house with him at the moment, and it was Dan-Han.

He snapped his head towards the door and he saw Dan-Han standing by the door, his hand buried in his pocket.

"Hey bro" In-Ha greeted in a less usual tone, which Dan-Han noticed. He knew In-Ha like the back of his hand, and that worried look and dull tone was not something that usually came from him.

"Who do you want dead now?" Dan-Han asked as he walked into the room. He took a look around and he cringed in his head. The room was messier as usual. The guy just knew how to throw things around. For instance the clothes and shoes which he had worn last. night were lying on the different parts of the room. Dan-Han walked to the sofa but he saw briefs there, he hissed and decided to stand. The man was never going to change. Not that he was a dirty person, he was just a lazy mind which has somehow manifested in the physical.

"I don\'t want anybody dead. Not everyone is as evil like you, your wickedness" In-Ha said dramatically as he rolled off the bed.

"At least that\'s why I don\'t have enemies lurking around" Dan-Han replied as he picked up one of the throw pillows from the floor.

His words made In-Ha scoff, "You mean that\'s why you have more enemies than you can count" In-Ha said sarcastically as he walked towards the bathroom. "And by the way, why are you here?" He paused and asked.

"Nothing" He replied nonchalantly, but In-Ha didn\'t believe him. Dan-Han was a great friend but he was never the type to pay mindless visits or check up on anyone. The only thing he knows how to do was to run the Lee empire and keep to himself like the social recluse he is. So he didn\'t believe Lee Dan-Han had just come to check up on him.

"I don\'t believe you" In-Ha said walking back to where Dan-Han was standing. He crossed his hand and looked at him, with his brows cocked.

Dan-Han looked like at In-Ha silently. He didn\'t know how he was supposed to ask the question he had in mind. There was something he had noticed about In-Ha from yesterday little spying scene and that has stucked in his mind. He had seen the way he looked at Eun-sun when she wasn\'t looking, and it wasn\'t one he had seen in him since Ji-A. He didn\'t want to think it was what he was his mind was insinuating. But he\'d undoubtedly say there was something different about In-Ha.

"President Lee?" In-Ha called him like he usually used to.

"Nothing I just wanted to check up on you" Dan-Han said casually said, even though that sounded very awkward.

"Hmm?" In-Ha\'s lips slowly curled up as he leaped towards Dan-Han and playfully hooked his hand around his neck. "You\'re now how valuable I am right?" In-Ha teased as he Dan-Han who suddenly let a low growl, with his eyes glaring daggers at him. In-Ha swiftly removed his hand from his neck and retrieved his steps backwards.

"Damn it Dan-Han, you\'re not an animal. I\'ve told you so many times man stop doing that. You\'d never get woman at this rate" He hissed. Dan-Han glared at him as he fixed his suit back. This was the reason one shouldn\'t be too nice with words to others.

"Anyway, can we hang out today? I\'ll Jae-Hyun so we can meet at the club" In-Ha suggested as he anxiously looked at Dan-Han to give him a response.

"Okay" Came his response, as he turned around to leave.

"Don\'t miss me too much" In-Ha didn\'t forget to tease him one last time but Dan-Han ignored him as he walked towards the door, while In-Ha chuckled.

Dan-Han suddenly paused by the door, his eyes scanned across the room one more time before he looked up at In-Ha again.

"Do clean the room yourself" Dan-Han said coldly before shutting the door.

"Why me? There\'s an house keeper" In-Ha yelled across the room, but Dan-Han was already gone.

"Always acting like an old man" In-Ha hissed as he picked up his shoe which was lying on the floor.


Mi-Ok had several frown lines on her face as she laid in front of her laptop.

"Mi-Ok, you haven\'t been to the spa recently" Came a voice from her laptop. Yeah, she was making a conference call.

"Not just the spa, she hasn\'t gone shopping nor clubbing either" Another voice complained.

"You should say she hasn\'t been on the tabloids recently" Another scoffed. Mi-Ok glared at the girl who just said so, while the other girls tried not to chuckle.

That was Mi-Ok least valuable friend. They knew they hated each other\'s guts but they still hung around each other. Each throwing the weight of their family\'s wealth around.

"I guess being on a tabloids is better than having a debauched and lousy brother who soils your family name in mood. Did I hear he would be jailed soon? How\'s your family coping with that? Do you want the Choi\'s to loan you some money?" Mi-Ok asked back tauntingly, while the others tried to stiffle their laugh real hard.

"Mi-Ok-" The girl roared.

"That\'s enough" The first girl chided. She was tired of them always at each other\'s throat, cussing and fighting at every opportunity. As much as she found their feud entertaining it was still tiring.

"Mi-Ok tell us what\'s wrong? Why haven\'t you been out of late?" The girl asked with concern, while the girl Mi-Ok had quarelled with rolled her eyes.

"Nothing is wrong, I have just been taking some time away from the limelight" She lied. She couldn\'t bring herself to tell them that she has been on house arrest by her father, most especially when she had an evil wisher among her friends.

"Lime light indeed" The angry girl snorted, but Mi-Ok ignored her.

"Then you need to step back on the spotlight honey, cause we miss you. Come on let\'s hang out tonight. Let\'s go paint the town red tonight" The second girl chipped.

"Yes come on, let\'s go clubbing tonight. What do you say" The first girl added, making Mi-Ok go silent for a while.

"What do you say?" 

"It seems baby princess isn\'t allowed to go out" The other taunted, snapping Mi-Ok from her thoughts, before glaring at her.

"Sure let\'s go clubbing tonight" She said .

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