
Chapter 199 - Made For Him

Eun-sun hesistated for a while as she didn\'t know what to say as this was a sensitive discussion. Mrs Lee glanced at her when she hesistated her reply.

"If you can\'t tell me you can leave it be, I don\'t mind. Maybe some other time" Mrs Lee said. She didn\'t want to force her into doing it saying anything that would make her uncomfortable. She knew difficult it was to open up to people sometimes. She had only be curious because of what her husband had said. She could easily investigate her background but she wanted to hear from Eun-sun first, she felt it was the right thing to do.


Eun-sun hesistated for a little bit more but she found her mouth parting itself as it began to move.

"My father left home when I was fifteen years old and he had not returned home since then, and my mother...." She paused for a while. She didn\'t know why she was saying this, especially when Mrs Lee had chosen to understand her but she just felt like saying it.

After pausing a while she continued, "My mother hasn\'t been the same till then. She picked up some habits that are not healthy for her or those around her, but I guess that was her coping mechanism." She shrugged before turning towards Mrs Lee.

"That\'s all there\'s to know" She told her.

Mrs Lee nodded her head as she looked at her, She studied her eyes and she noticed sadness in them, she also didn\'t miss the sadness lingering in her voice while she spoke, she could tell things were not as simple as Eun-sun had made them to be. She could imagine how tough things must have been for her when her father left, and when she said her mother hasn\'t remained the same, she imagined how a wife would change in the absence of she husband. Sometimes the children were neglected as most mothers fell into depression and did alot of things thus becoming liabilities to the children. In her small time of reaching out to people she had seen such cases, and she could relate perfectly. Eun-sun must have suffered alot and her heart ached for her. Daughters were met to be doted on by their father\'s but Eun-sun didn\'t even get that opportunity to be spoiled on. It was sad. She had always wished to have another child after Dan-Han most preferably a daughter, which she and her husband could spoil, looking at Eun-sun now she felt like she finally got her prayers answered, but it was only sad that she met her so late when she couldn\'t do much for her but she\'d make the most of the time she had left. There was this special connection she felt with her and she didn\'t want to lose it.

With a smile on her face she grabbed Eun-sun\'s hand and gently patted the back of her hand, slightly startling Eun-sun with her actions.

"It\'s okay. Everything will be fine. I\'ll make up for the time you\'ve lost." She said comfortingly. Her words felt so geninue it warmed Eun-sun\'s heart so much she found herself Eun-sun nodding head even though she didn\'t fully understand what she meant. How was she going to make up for lost times?

Mrs Lee didn\'t want to make the girl sadder than she looked already, so she said, "Come on, wear one of those dresses we got at the mall let\'s go to for a tea party. I want to flaunt you to my friends." 

"Tea party?" Eun-sun asked in surprise.

"Yes dear" Mrs Lee chuckled when she saw the expression on Eun-sun\'s face. She looked scared and nervous.

"I\'ve...never been to one" Eun-sun honestly told her. She has never been to one of those things and she didn\'t want to go where she\'d embarrass herself or Mrs Lee, especially when she knew such a place would be full of people like Mrs Lee.

Mrs Lee could see her concern written all over her face. "I know you\'ve never been to one of such gatherings, but don\'t worry auntie will take care of you." Mrs Lee assured her with a smile etched on her face. Eun-sun hesistated for a while before nodding her head. If she wanted to take her, then she couldn\'t turn her down, and she also wanted to spend more time with her.


"That\'s my sweet girl, now let\'s get ready" Mrs Lee chirped.

Both ladies went into different changing room after their session at the spa. Mrs Lee smiled when she Eun-sun came out of the changing room wearing a V neckline green emerald dress, that stopped right above her knee. Her face was bare of make-up but her skin was radiating. She knew the girl had a nice skin, she only needed some work on it and their session at the spa had done more enough. A few more visit and it would be perfect. She looked beautiful and elegant, and she stared at her in awe.

Mrs Lee crossed the space between them, she gazed at her face for quite a while, seeing her like this struck a cord in her heart. Eun-sun suddenly reminded her of someone. Someone she\'d love to see again before she dies.

She tucked a stray strand behind her ears and smiled, "You look beautiful, if only my son could see you now I\'m sure he\'d fall in love hear over heels in love with you, but I\'m sure he already is" Eun-sun couldn\'t help but blush at her words. Was she really looking that good? And why was Mrs Lee talking about something like that with her....it was almost embarrassing. And of course her son was head over heels in love with her already, but he has forgotten to call her since he travelled. 

She couldn\'t help but remember Dan-Han\'s words to her when he dropped her home that night, "I\'ll officially ask you out and make you mine as soon as I\'m back. I\'ll make sure you never regret giving me a chance" He had said before placing a kiss a between her brows.

Thinking about that, her heart pounded excitedly as she anticipated his return, her face flushed even more and it didn\'t go unnoticed by Mrs Lee. 

"I\'m sure you\'re not blushing because I called you beautiful but because of Dan-Han right. You like him already don\'t you?" Mrs Lee asked with a teasing smile making Eun-sun blush more shades redder as she pursed her lip in embarrassment. 

"Auntie??" Eun-sun cried out in embarrassment as she looked turned her face away embarrassedly. Why was she saying things like this to her??

Oh God!

Mrs Lee chuckled when she saw like acting like that.

"Well don\'t blame me, I\'m just impatient and I want you both to stop wasting my time. It\'s taking too long" She sighed, but her smile was still plastered on her face. How she wished for them to start dating soon. She wondered why they were both slow in noticing their feelings. Okay, maybe Dan-Han has but she wasn\'t sure for Eun-sun. But seeing the way she was responding to Dan-Han\'s name she had a feeling Eun-sun was beginning to develop feelings for her son too. How perfect would that be? She\'d give her a son some tips on how to win her heart.

"Auntie you\'re embarrassing me" Eun-sun said shyly. How was she going to tell her she does like her son, and they were probably going to date soon? She shook her head, she couldn\'t do that.

"Okay fine I\'ll stop embarrassing you now" Mrs Lee said teasingly. She opened her purse and brought out a lipstick from it, she opened it and slowly reached for Eun-sun\'s lips, slowly applying it. "Eun-sun I hope you open your heart for my son soon, he\'s a really good boy. I\'m not trying to emotionally blackmail you, it\'s just that.....I know you\'ll make a great daughter in-law and I don\'t want out on miss that" She said in a more serious tone as she applied the lipstick on her lips.

Eun-sun felt fluttered not just by her words but also by her actions. She was taking care of her like she was her own daughter. "You know my friend and I had always wanted to have children of opposite sex while we were younger so we could match make them, but unfortunately her daughter died because I knew she would have been a good wife to Dan-Han just like her mother. I was sad at the time, but now I think maybe things happened for a reason. Maybe Dan-Han wouldn\'t have liked her, and he\'d have fallen for you. And I couldn\'t be happier with his choice. I feel you\'re specifically made by for him, if only you can get to accept him. But anyway I\'ll wait till you love him back. " Mrs Lee said. She meant every word she had said, she was willing to pray and wait for them. She was more anxious to see Eun-sun falling for her son, and if they could get married before she dies that would be great. She was indeed happy that Eun-sun was the choice her son had made. The girl was the sweetest girl she had ever known, and for some reason Eun-sun reminded her of her friend. They were similar at heart and in character.

How strange.

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