
Chapter 130

The Vice Commander’s evaluation skills were sorely missed during the Mage Trials. She was not only the top evaluator for the past several years, but was utterly fair about it. Bribes, bloodlines; nothing swayed her judgment but talent and potential. Shasta even randomly dropped in on training sessions to give advice. Anything to foster potential sparing partners.

Fighting and having a good time were Shasta’s favorite things. The partying was relatively easy to accomplish, but finding someone to get a decent fight in with was nearly impossible for her. When Tidas and Zas weren’t around, the VC often had ‘Group Training Sessions’. Which was basically just Shasta having the top ranking trainees fight her all at once. The activity did force them to work as a team and coordinate their magic. But in all honesty; she just wanted a decent fight.

Magnus had been told of Skye’s potential by both his son, and the Fae representatives. Seeing it with his own eyes had cinched his decision to allow her to participate in the trials next year. The king wanted Skye in the RMC, but he honestly didn’t want her on the front lines. His decision to include the Pillars in the trials as obstacles had been majorly influenced by it. He saw her as a daughter, and felt the need to protect her quite strongly.

The king was no fool, either. He understood how strong Skye was already, and imagined that her wish was to get even stronger over the next year. If left to her own devices, she might miss important subjects that pertained to the trials.

Skye would have to simultaneously expand her knowledge, build her teamwork skills, and her three traits over the next year. To do it properly, she’ll need the best trainers available; and the Vice Commander was the best. Even with their traits being completely different, training with Shasta would greatly benefit the princess.

Skye had almost no combat skills. Due to it; her biggest threat would be Tanks, especially speed types. The VC could help her build skills and strategies to counter the princess’ comparative shortcomings. However; it was all a moot point if the two didn’t get along..

The crowds hollered and clapped as the passing competitors lined up near the finish line. The king’s party made their way down to the arena so the Pillars could offer words of encouragement, and Magnus could hand out medals. Team Six were the only ones to receive ranks with their medals; everyone else would start at the bottom of the ladder.

Zas offered general critiques, and Shasta offered insight to a select few she deemed to have above-average skills. Tidas offered advice to each competitor. He’d tried to find one major fault and one major advantage each had, and built from it. The entire exchange took about eight minutes, but it had felt much longer to Skye.


Marco stood next to her in utter stillness. He didn’t fidget or move at all, except for the occasional scan of the competitors, and a quick glance at her. If he hadn’t been standing next to her, Skye wouldn’t have been able to tell that he was even breathing. It was unsettling, to say the least..

Marco found Skye’s company pleasant. She didn’t talk unnecessarily like Karena did, and she was quite pleasing to look at. Her red hair had been attractive to him, but her gold suited her as well. He didn’t care about trivial things such as relationships, in any form. But Skye was a different matter altogether. Her power and beauty made her something worth having, but her disposition was a major issue for him and his Alcon. She needed to be tamed, and Marco wanted to be the one to break her.

The Crown Prince was beginning to calculate the true impact Skye might have on their way of life, if left unchecked. She was a princess, but not. She was a commoner, but not. The situation called for calculations, and he would need time for that. The combination of her arrival, the increase in magic users, and the introduction of Fae from the north; it all let Marco know that his time was drawing near. And that everything he’d ever wanted was lining up to fall into his hands...

After the pomp and ceremony, Magnus concluded the Mage Trials for the year, and left with his party to head back to the palace. The victors were given the option to bathe and dress at the palace, and they all took it. The showers at the palace had hot water; something most of Alcon didn’t have, except for nobles and royalty. It was a rare treat, and everyone took it as part of the perks of ‘palace life’.

Maevis rode with Magnus on the way back while Skye and Tidas rode alone. They discussed the traits and techniques used by the various competitors. The prince noticed his wife’s poor spirits, but there wasn’t much he could do for her. His body type and magic were completely different from hers, so training her himself was not an option. The only thing he could do was point her in the right directions.

Tidas told her that there was an entire section of the library dedicated to mages and magic. It covered everything from traits and techniques , to unison attacks and strategies. While he couldn’t teach her himself, Tidas wanted to ensure that his wife had access and knowledge of every available resource.

The prince understood Skye’s dedication, and knew that the next year for her would be busy; which worked to his favor slightly. The amount of work Tidas had was beginning to pile up. Zas and Shasta could only do so much; many of his duties required his physical presence. The majority of Alcon thought Zas was the Commander of the RMC, but the charade was about to end.

The prince’s free time wouldn’t be so free anymore, and he wouldn’t be able to spend nearly as much time with his wife as he wanted to. He wanted to make sure that she had enough hobbies and things to fill her time with. That way, whenever he was available, he could monopolize her without issue.

The two talked all the way back to the palace. It was later than their normal return, due to the incident. Peggy was lined up with the rest of the servants when Skye and Tidas pulled in to the main courtyard. She looked irritated when Skye stepped out from the carriage. A number of reasons popped into the princess’ head for why her faithful servant was mad. The most obvious was her state.

Peggy hurried her down the hallway, and into her room. A fresh dress was laid out on her bed, with fresh undergarments as well. Skye was grateful for it; her dress was dirty, and her underwear needed to be changed, thanks to her husband’s impatience. Skye’s grin quickly disappeared, however.. As soon as she shut the door; Peggy snapped at her.

“What the Bloody Hell were ye thinking?! Ye knew Maevis was supposed to stay behind! Neither her, nor Nic, were supposed to be seen yet!”

Skye looked down guiltily; “I know.. I let her talk me into it. She just wanted to see-”

“I don’t Care! Do ye have any idea how much trouble ye would be in, if you weren’t You?!”

“Aye,” Skye looked Peggy in her eyes as she spoke; “But twas a good thing she was there, or I might be dead right now.”

Peggy stopped mid-pace; “What?! Why?! No, wait! I don’t wanna know.. Whatever it is, it’ll probably give me a heart attack..”

The two fussed back and forth a minute before Tidas entered the room. Peggy immediately glared at the prince; not knowing if he was involved or not.. She wouldn’t put it past him; the amount of love he had for his wife was sometimes blinding to him. Seeing the surly expression, Tidas stated; “I had nothing to do with it, whatever it is.”

“Oh, Ima sure ye did Nothing,” Peggy’s sarcasm was sharp.

“Maevis,” Skye had shrugged her shoulders.

“Ahh.. Don’t mind it any, Peg. My father and her get along very well. So you have nothing to fear for Skye,” Tidas had set his hand on Peggy’s shoulder in a comforting gesture.

“We’ll see.. Kings are usually fickled creatures,” Peggy replied.

A bit more banter later; the royal newlyweds were ready for the Victor’s Banquet. Skye wore a dazzling blue dress with golden trim that nearly matched her hair. It was one of the dresses that Marie had purchased for her, so the bust line was incredibly low.

Tidas both loved and hated how his wife looked. She was gorgeous; her dress fit like a glove, and her flowing golden curls shined against it. He wanted to keep her all to himself for the rest of the night, but it was impossible. As the top Pillar, Tidas had to put in an extended appearance. Plus, his father had an announcement to make: Tidas’ supposed promotion.

By the time the three made it to the banquet room doors, it’d been about hour an a half since everyone had arrived. The victors were clean and dressed, and the king sat comfortably in his throne. The Herald announced their arrival as the couple entered.

The people gathered applauded the prince for his victory in the demonstration match. He and Skye moved gracefully towards the kings, then bowed. Skye kissed Tidas on his cheek, then took an open seat next to Zas. Shasta had waved at her in a friendly manner as she walked behind her; unsettling Skye greatly. Zas made a drinking motion with his hand, then pointed to the VC.

The night was literally just starting, and Shasta was already drunk. Skye snagged a glass of wine from a passing servant’s tray, slammed it, then grabbed another before taking her seat. If she was going to have to deal with a drunken Shasta, she might as well gain some liquid courage herself.

As Magnus announced Tidas’ promotion to Commander, Zas stood to give Tidas his official badge and stripes back. Afterwards, he glanced at the two females sipping their respective drinks. An odd nervousness settled in his stomach as he whispered to himself; “I think this is going to be an interesting party...”

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