
Chapter 368

Tidas positioned him as Skye wrapped her legs around his waist. He slid into her easily, making her yelp slightly. Concerned, he asked if it had hurt for him to go so deeply, so quickly.

Skye smiled at him as she tightened her legs around him, and replied; “If I wasna so worked up, then probably.. But that wasna a pain sound, husband. It was more...pleasantly surprised.”

Tidas grinned; “To be fair, it is slippery in here..”

Skye chuckled as Tidas moved his hands from her legs, to her ass. He squeezed her cheeks, then slowly started to lift her up and down. Skye clung to him as she told him how good he felt. His skin, his breath on hers, his touch..

As she started to arch her back in time with his steady thrusts, Tidas reveled in her reactions. Skye had a habit of folding her bottom lip, and lightly biting down on it. He had the same reaction to it as whenever he saw her biting the tip of her thumb when thinking.

In that moment, Tidas tapped into his Tank trait to be able to hold Skye up with one hand on her ass, and one hand across her back. He held her against himself; pressing her to him as hard as he could without hurting her. Skye embraced him back as they slowed their pace a moment, and locked eyes.

A thousand words were said between them in the blink of an eye, then they kiss with all the love that they felt in that moment. Mutual warmth and need seeped into them as the kiss deepen, and galaxies came to life behind their eyelids.

Feeling Skye’s whole being vibrating with his, Tidas plunged deeper into her. With the kiss consuming them, Skye moaned into her husband’s mouth as she found her release. Feeling her body shutter against him sent Tidas over his own edge; slamming her down on his hardness in rapid secession.


Skye dug her nails into her husband’s shoulder as she road the extra waves of euphoria he was giving her. Feeling him release his Tank trait, Skye lowered her legs and released him as she said; “Is it just me, or is it gettin’ better every time?”

As Tidas loaded his Lufa up with soap, he kissed Skye’s cheek, and replied; “Aye, wife. Everything’s better with you..”

Skye quirked an eyebrow at him; “As compared ta with who?”

Tidas looked at her with confusion at first, then huffed with a sardonic smile before saying; “That’s-You know what I meant.. And you know that there’s no one else in my heart but you.”

Skye chuckled at his fluster, then replied; “Oh, I know. I just like ta keep ye on yer toes.. And ye know that yer my only, too.”

“...Wench. You’re lucky you’re cute,” Tidas quipped, then quickly kissed her cheek.

Skye grinned sweetly with a giggle, kissed him back, then they took turns washing each other’s backs. Tidas tried to be cheeky, and attempted to reach around the front of his wife to ‘wash her front for her’. But she knew that he was just going to tease her.

After some playful banter back and forth, they finished washing up, then got out to dress. Tidas always took his clothes into the bathroom, while Skye liked to lay hers out on the bed. When she came out, she tried to dress quickly since they had a million things to do before the night’s end.

As she rushed, Skye knocked a thin jacket that Tidas had bought himself from one of the shops in the Highlander city. She picked it up right away, but a piece of paper had popped out of the pocket, and landed on the floor. Skye didn’t usually snoop, but it wasn’t any kind of official paper, and it didn’t have much written on it.

When Skye opened the paper, she read the words to herself with a growing smile..

‘I am forever a desert in this world.

In a constant state of thirst for your love.

The Oasis that you have made within my heart.

Is the only thing that sustains me.

Or is it a profound ocean.

That stretches so far and deep.

That I cannot see it before my very eyes.

Only the glint cast by your radiance.

That catches on the surface of your boundless affections.

Can replenish the sanctum within me.

So vast and pure is your love.

That only your depths.

May claim me willingly.

And raise me into the light again.’

Skye felt overwhelmed. The depth of emotion within the poem had instantly made her eyes well up. As Tidas came out of the bathroom she jumped into his arms. He chuckled lightly as he swayed her.. Until he saw the paper in her hand.

What came next was a rare sight that Skye adored: Tidas in a full-faced blush. His cheeks, ears, neck, and the tip of his nose shined red with embarrassment as he tried to grab the paper without tearing it. When she looked at him sideways, he realized that he was acting ridiculous..

Sighing in defeat, Tidas said; “I didn’t want you to see it yet.. I don’t think it’s good enough..”

Skye smiled brightly at him, then jumped into his arms again as she replied; “Tis beautiful! Can ye not see the tears in me eyes?! I love it! ...Tis about me, right?”

Tidas huffed; “No, it’s about the other woman that I’m pathetically in love with..”

Skye quirked an eyebrow at him; “And what’s the name of this walkin’ dead woman?”

Tidas laughed loudly as he leaned back to look at his cheeky wife; “Her name is Skye Moonstone, and I wouldn’t pick a fight with her if I were you.”

Skye chuckled at his antics before finishing getting dressed and asking; “And why is that?”

As Tidas opened the door, he replied; “Because she’ll kick your arse.. She kicked mine.”

As they left their little love bunker, Skye laughed loud enough to catch the attention of the RMC members and Highlanders outside in the hallway. They all smiled and waved at the couple; used to their lovey-dovey attitudes after so many months together.

It irked the older ones a bit, but those around Ralph and Arthur’s ages and younger didn’t care. It wasn’t that Skye and Tidas had privileges they didn’t. The troops simply didn’t care about such trivial matters; such as how affectionate a married couple was with each other..

The first thing Skye and Tidas did was check Zazzy. She had been sleeping a lot lately, which worried Skye. She wasn’t sure if it was due to her newfound comfort level, or if something was wrong with her scaly bairn.

As she wished that she had Roland’s journals with her, Skye pictured them sitting on their shelf back in Alcon. There was something tugging at her memory, but she had learned so much in the past few months that Skye couldn’t bring the information to the forefront of her mind.

As they walked in and out of the bunker all day, Skye had to break off for a bit to do some last-minute fine-tuning on the machines that she and Gavin had made. It didn’t take long since he didn’t have much else to do for the day.

Thanks to Skye, all of his projects were caught up on. He wanted to spend some time with Amara, since she was going along on the raid this time. So, he went ahead and fixed the few issues with the stabilizers they’d been having.

There was still a few issues with some of the personal mounting apparatuses for the frontline soldiers, so once Skye finished that up; she made her way back to her husband..

The Highlander’s city buzzed with excitement as people ran about in their daily lives. She hoped that Alcon could become whole again, but the discussion she’d had with Tidas a few nights ago made her doubt it was possible in a peaceful manner.

Magnus was the string tying all the recent treaties together. Neither the Fae, or the Highlanders would’ve signed one with Marco alone.. ‘If Marco doesna prove himself ta be trustworthy to ’em before Magnus dies, some might call fer Tidas ta take the crown..’

As her worries distracted her, Skye walked right into Ralph as he was making his way down the main tunnel leading to the RMC bunker. The half stack of files he was carrying fanned out everywhere, embarrassing the hell out of Skye.

“Ima so, so, so sorry, Ralph! I wasna payin’ attention ta where I was walkin’. Ima wee bit...distracted.”

Ralph chuckled; “Well, of course you are. Big journey starts tomorrow, after all.”

Skye flashed him a nervous glance; “Yep.. That’s what it tis..”

“So it’s not..”

“How do ye know that?” Skye asked with a perplexed look on her face.

Ralph laughed loudly as her before replying; “I’ve been married for nearly two decades, my dear. You women get a tone to you when you’re being passive aggressive..”

“Passive aggressive? Really?”

“That! That right there! That’s what I’m talking about: the tone!” he nearly yelled as they walked.

Skye sighed and apologized before telling Ralph the gist of her worries. He chuckled lightly, then explained why when he saw the irritation in her eyes..

“Just tickles me that you and Tidas think so much alike. Why you two aren’t talking this through together is odd-”

“What’s odd?” Tidas asked as he poked his head around the doorway to the RMC bunker.

Ralph smirked; “That you two think the same, but keep the words in..”

Skye smacked Ralph, which earned them both a scrutinizing stare from Tidas until they talked. Since people were constantly passing by, they went off to the side, and spoke in low tones. Once Tidas had the general idea, he looked as Skye with confusion..

“I thought we talked about this a few days ago? If it comes down to it, I’ll fight my brother to keep the kingdoms safe.. With all of the treaties being so freshly signed, it’s likely that Marco will try to change what he can right off the bat. Which will cause tension with the Fae and Highlanders..”

Tidas sighed deeply as he added; “And if we’re not careful, Sync may try to make a move while we have all of this in-house fighting going on..”

At the mention of Sync, a creeping feeling a dread filled Skye’s heart as a possible scenario crossed her mind..

“What if Marco is the one behind the alliances in the south?”

Tidas scoffed and spoke before thinking it through; “Why would he do that? Alcon is his future kingdom-”

“Not if the people choose you! Why did ye have ta say it like that? Tis a logical thought..”

“Aye, but only if Marco assumed from the start that he wasn’t going to get the crown. My father has Never even hinted-”

Skye huffed testily; “Nevermind then. Apparently twas a stupid thought..”

Seeing an argument brewing between, Ralph smile and excused himself. After bidding Skye farewell for a bit, he walked over to Tidas and said; “A wee piece of advice: Beware the tone.. It’s the gods’ warning signal..”

Without another word, Ralph disappeared into the bunker as Skye stood laughing..

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