
Chapter 56 - The One Who Should Be Worried Isn't Our Ying (2)

Li Xiuying strolled down the hallways of the hospital with Song Zexi by her side to meet her doctor. Today, she had a prenatal check-up and she'd been nervous ever since she woke up that morning. 

At this moment, the issue about her divorce was forgotten and she couldn't care less about the public's opinion on her separation with Mu Jianyu. All that she could think of right now was her baby in her womb. 

Her hand instinctively rubbed her abdomen. There was already a small bump on it but still unnoticeable unless seen closely. Song Zexi had been doing a good job reminding her to take her prenatal vitamins and prepared nutritious food for her to eat. 

Li Xiuying could tell that even her playful bodyguard couldn't wait to see her little bun. 

Looking at the other pregnant women seeking the doctor's help with their husbands made her heart constrict with pain. She and her baby would never receive such treatments from Mu Jianyu as he was resolved to abandon them for Lin Meirong and their child. 

"Miss?" Song Zexi called her attention when she noticed that Li Xiuying was spacing out again. 

Li Xiuying snapped out of her daze and turned to her bodyguard. 

"Yes? What is it?" 

Song Zexi frowned but didn't dare to point out that Li Xiuying was thinking of that man again. She wouldn't dare to ruin this good day by mentioning that bastard's name. 

"I think we're in the wrong place. Dr. Kang's office is in the opposite wing." She told her miss. 

"Is that so? No wonder I don't recognize this part of the hospital." 

They turned and went the opposite way, missing the chance of seeing Lin Meirong sneaking inside the maternity department to see a doctor. 


They walked into the doctor's office and were greeted with a big smile by Dr. Kang. She'd been working with the Li family for years and was trusted by the family to keep everything about their family members' health condition confidential. 

"Miss Ying, I see you're starting to gain weight since the last time I've seen you. How are you feeling now?" She asked Li Xiuying. 

As Li Xiuying's bodyguard and personal attendant, Song Zexi was the one who answered the doctor's question truthfully. 

"Our miss suffered from morning sickness for the past two weeks and didn't have an appetite to eat anything. Good thing that once her discomfort diminished, she was starting to eat more again. Although I can say that her sleeping pattern had changed dramatically. She's been taking longer naps lately." 

Li Xiuying was speechless. She could only look at Song Zexi with bewilderment as she reported everything she'd done for the past weeks she hadn't seen her doctor. 

"I see, then that's good to hear, Miss Ying. Would you like to see your baby now?" At that question, everything was tuned out from Li Xiuying. 

"I can see my baby?" She asked with excitement. 

The middle-aged doctor smiled and nodded. 

"Although your baby is still small, of course, you can see your baby." 

A nurse came and helped Li Xiuying to lie on the bed and turned on the apparatus to do an ultrasound on Li Xiuying's stomach. She was startled when a cold cream was rubbed on her tummy while Song Zexi held her hand when it should be Mu Jianyu who should be sitting next to her to see their child together. 

Her eyes turned to her bodyguard and Song Zexi gave her a small smile, letting her know that she would be fine. Li Xiuying was really thankful that she wasn't doing this alone. 

"Miss Ying, are you okay?" The nurse asked her. 

Li Xiuying nodded although she was starting to feel uncomfortable with her stomach being exposed to coldness. 

"Yes, I'm fine. Please continue," 

She and Song Zexi watched as the device moved over her stomach before shifting their gaze to the monitor. The screen changed from black to grey and the two barely saw the image of Li Xiuying's womb and were trying to find the baby but instead what they saw was a distinct round shape on the screen. 

The doctor changed the angle of the device on her hand and Li Xiuying felt a slight pressure on her stomach and wondered if it was normal. The next second they all heard the loud and fast heartbeat. 

"Did you hear that? That's your baby's. I see no problem so far." Doctor Kang told her. 

"My baby?" Li Xiuying repeated. She couldn't believe it herself. 

When she first got pregnant, she didn't get a chance to see her lost child like this. Li Xiuying had an accident and fell down the stairs which led to her miscarriage. At that time, she didn't know she was pregnant. 

If only she'd known sooner, she would've been more careful with her body but alas, it was already too late as she'd lost her child. 

Tears welled up in her eyes. She promised she wouldn't make the same mistake again.

"Doctor, before Miss Ying forgets to ask you, we want to know if it would be okay for her to go on a long trip." 

"I don't see why not? As long as she doesn't do any strenuous activity, the baby should be fine." 

Song Zexi released a sigh of relief upon hearing the doctor's opinion.. She was the one who would be escorting Li Xiuying overseas and Miss Chuntao would have her head if something wrong were to happen to Miss Ying while she was under her care. 

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