
Chapter 609: I just want to end your suffering as soon as possible

Even if it is misunderstood to show favor, it will not work!

A show of favor after losing two consecutive games in the finals?

This indicator is too strong.

It will give everyone a feeling of "Durant was defeated by Lian Dao".

"KD knelt under the iron hooves of God of War!"

"Kevin knew that Sickle couldn't be defeated, so he chose to surrender!"

"Kevin lost the courage to resist before the finals were completely over, and he took the lead in choosing to admit defeat!"

Although this is just a hug, it has to make fans think about that.

Now that Durant has fully reacted, he finally knows Lian Dao's sinister intentions, and he also fully understands Lian Dao's insidiousness.

Although he was extremely angry after losing, he also wanted to express his anger to the fans, and he still had no determination to admit defeat.

But now, all the explanations, all the anger, after the two hugged, became indisputable.

Fans will not believe Durant's explanation, they only believe that they saw Durant was beaten.

Even if they meet in Oklahoma, the Thunder will be much weaker than the Knicks in terms of momentum.

Durant was extremely angry now. He tore up all the newspapers reported by him and threw them into the trash can.

But even so, his subdued personality has become an established fact that fans and the media believe.

If he wants to change and clean up his personality, he needs to prove himself with a victory in the next game after returning to the home court.

Otherwise, he may become a "soft guy" in the eyes of fans next season!

press conference.

Facing the long guns and short cannons below, Lian Dao was very calm.

"I have said more than once that no team can take away the victory from Madison Garden this season. You see, my words have come true again!"

"Today's Thunder did not bring us any pressure, not at all."

"At the same time, I don't think the Thunder will create any difficulties for us when we go to Oklahoma!"

Lian Dao's words were like a sharp knife, piercing the hearts of Oklahoma fans. They were angry and felt irrefutable.

Although some reporters wanted to refute, the Thunder's performance in the two away games was really exhausting.

In the first game, the Knicks responded with a wave of devastating offense and directly beat them away.

In the second game, Thunderclap was beaten so helplessly that they lost without even making a resistance.

Although in the hearts of Thunder fans, it is still believed that the three Thunder players will definitely turn the tide when they return to the home court.

But the Thunder's performance in the first two games really made the fans of Goose City lack confidence.

However, the media in Oklahoma still questioned Lian Dao sharply.

"You mean, do you think your team can continue to win the next two away games?"

"I must remind you that the Spurs in the Western Conference Finals were also the first to take a 2:0 lead, but they were eventually overturned by the Thunder 4:2!"

"Furthermore, the Thunder are undefeated at home in the playoffs!"

"So, don't you think what you say now is a little conceited?"

Lian Dao was not angry, he looked at the angry Oklahoma reporter and smiled slightly.

"Thank you for your reminder, Mr. Reporter!"

"I think you must have misunderstood, we are not the Spurs, and we will not give the Thunder a chance to comeback!"

"Also, I didn't say that the Knicks will definitely win the next two games!"

"I just hope that the pain of the Oklahoma City Thunder will end earlier, and your pain will end!"

Lian Dao didn't think about it at all, but said the most domineering words in a calm tone.

Of course, this is not Lian Dao's quick talk.

It's that he knows that the Oklahoma City Thunder's confidence has been completely shattered.

This can be clearly seen from the fact that Durant missed three outside shots in the fourth quarter.

Lian Dao has left a deep shadow in Durant's heart.

People who have not faced up against Lian Dao in person, and have not personally experienced the game, they do not know how terrifying this game is.

I don't know how painful it is to face up against Lian Dao.

Among the players who played against Lian Dao in the playoffs, none of them wanted to meet Lian Dao again in the game.

"Really? You mean earlier end, when?"

"Of course, the sooner the better, I certainly hope that it is best to sweep the 4 games!"

After Lian Dao finished speaking with a smile on his face, he looked at the astonished expression of the Oklahoma reporter who asked the question.

"Sweep? Are you sure?"

"This is the Finals. How many times has it not happened in the entire NBA history? Hahaha, I want to say that you are whimsical!"

The Oklahoma reporter looked at Lian Dao like a madman, with disdain in his eyes.

"I don't care how many times it's happened, and I don't care how many teams haven't done it. I just know there was a sweep in the last Finals, and it wasn't that long ago?"

"Other teams can do it, and the Knicks can do the same. We are no worse than any championship team in NBA history!"

"Okay, that's the end of today, thank you!"

After Lian Dao was done, he stood up and left the press conference gracefully.

He didn't give the frustrated reporter a chance to come back.

Although Lian Dao said these words to choke those reporters who deliberately found fault, he also knew that these words were likely to anger the players of the Thunder team.

But he doesn't care. If he was afraid of angering the Thunder players, he wouldn't talk trash to Durant after the game.

After two games, Lian Dao has figured out the full strength of the Thunder team.

According to the current strength of the Thunder, it is still far from being able to knock down the Knicks.

When the Knicks defeated the semi-champion Miami Heat 4:2, Lian Dao was thinking about what kind of score they would play against the Thunder.

Now, he basically has the answer in his heart.

Historically, the Heat settled the battle in 5 games in the Finals.

But Lian Dao felt that 5 games were too many, and he was unwilling to give the Thunder any chance if they could sweep the team.

Since you want to eliminate your opponents, you should destroy them and not give them any chance to breathe.

Of course, this is just Lian Dao's idea, but how the game will be played depends not only on the strength of the two teams, but also on the situation on the field.

After all, the NBA is a business league.

Playing one more game in the finals will bring a lot more benefits.

This includes broadcast revenue, advertising revenue, ticket revenue...

The income brought by each final is an astronomical figure for most people.

If possible, what NBA Commissioner David Stern wants most is to play seven games in each Finals.

However, David Stern still has a certain bottom line. Although he wants to make money, he will not exhaust his resources.

Now there will be referee whistles on the field to favor, but the traces of human manipulation will not be too strong.

At the same time, the referee will not be allowed to dominate a game.

But in later generations, when Xiao Hua was the president, all kinds of whistles could no longer be described as favoritism, but should be described as manipulating the game.

Although this brought certain economic benefits to the NBA, it also made the NBA lose its competitive sportsmanship.

On the second day after the finals G2 ended, Lian Dao's speech at the post-match press conference made him once again hit the headlines.

The reason is that he said in the press conference that he hoped to resolve the battle 4:0.

In the history of the NBA, the experience of sweeping the championship in the finals has only happened eight times.

Especially with the improvement of NBA rules and the stage where the level of competition develops in a more intense and cruel direction.

It will only be more difficult for Lian Dao to solve the battle with 4:0.

His speech at the press conference was also called conceited and arrogant by Oklahomans and people who hate cheap rice.

"Sickle wants to sweep the Thunder in 4 games? This is just a dream! Be careful, is stepping into the footsteps of the Spurs!"

Spurs: I'm going to be dug up by you and flogged the corpse after I'm dead, right? !

"Sickle will pay for his ego."


Of course, there are those who hate Lian Dao, and there are also those who are optimistic about Lian Dao.

Especially the domestic fans, all of them are supportive of Lian Dao's remarks.

"What's wrong with 4:0, the Thunder hardly had any power to fight back in the first two games. This is no longer the impact of home and away games. This is the gap in real strength!"

"I support what Lian Dao said. Since the NBA has swept the finals eight times before, why didn't there be a ninth time?"

"Whether it is conceit or self-confidence depends on the results of the game. I only know that the one who was beaten and unable to fight back was Durant, not Lian Dao!"

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