
Chapter 621: Can be looked up to, but hard to climb

In other words, Lian Dao has player options in the last year, but Lian Dao hopes to be 3+2 in terms of the number of years.

On this point, the two sides have some differences, but the impact is not great.

Moreover, signing a contract is not as simple as buying apples, which cost one yuan per catty or one yuan and fifty per catty, and give money to trade after the negotiation is settled.

There are many things involved here.

After that, the brokerage team is required to conduct review, negotiation, negotiation and so on.

At the end of the draft, Donny Walsh's face turned into a flower with a smile.

The general managers and head coaches of some teams thought he had found something.

For this reason, the general managers of some teams secretly read Middleton's draft report.

They were worried that they had missed something before and let the Knicks see something big.

But after repeatedly viewing Middleton's information, they were still at a loss.

That's right, this is an older rookie with mediocre talent, and the key is that there are potential injuries.

And the Knicks only selected such a player.

Um? !

Could it be that this player has any abilities that they don't know about?

Donnie Walsh didn't know that the general managers of many teams had become suspicious because of his smile.

Of course, if Donnie Walsh knew, he would definitely be happier.

The reason why Donny Walsh was happy was because he finally got over the most important thing in his heart, the renewal of Lian Dao's contract.

As for Middleton, Downey doesn't feel like he matters.

This pick, if Middleton can play it, he will earn it, and the label of Huiyanzhizhu will be stronger.

Even if he can't play it, he won't feel a loss.

After all, with the 30th pick, the stakes are high, so what bike do you need?

After the draft, Lian Dao also met Middleton.

"Hey rookie, welcome to the Knicks!"

Lian Dao smiled and said to Middleton.

With dark skin and a short hairstyle, Middleton looked excited.


Middleton stuttered nervously.

"Sickle, sorry, I'm so excited to meet you... oh man, this is incredible..."

He looked at Lian Dao in front of him both excitedly and nervously, even because of the excessive nervousness, his speech was a little incoherent.

His palms were sweating a lot from nervousness, and he kept rubbing the sides of his trousers with his hands.

In ncaa, no one does not know Lian Dao.

Especially in the past two years, Lian Dao's influence has far surpassed that of LeBron James.

Even Kobe was in decline in the face of Lian Dao who was in full swing.

In particular, Lian Dao led the Knicks to consecutive championships within three years of entering the league.

For many NCAA players, Lian Dao is their idol.

Just like the 96 golden generation who worshiped Jordan, they worshiped Lian Dao.

They haven't watched Jordan's game, they don't know how powerful Jordan is.

However, they have watched Lian Dao's game, and the strength Lian Dao showed in the game is like a towering mountain to them.

Can be looked up to, but difficult to climb!

Middleton remembers the envy and hate in the eyes of other draft players around him when David Stern pronounced his name.

The cheers and applause given to him by the fans even surpassed that of No. 1 pick Anthony Davis.

Even Middleton saw a trace of envy in the eyes of No. 1 pick Anthony Davis.

Big city in New York, championship team, teammate with the league's No. 1 active player...

If possible, some late lottery picks want to trade with Middleton.

Later, during the chat with Lian Dao, Middleton calmed down a little.

The two had some friendly conversations.

Middleton did not expect that Lian Dao, as the number one player in the league, would be so approachable.

This also made him gradually calm down, and then asked some rookies about their training methods when they first entered the league.

And, how to adapt to the NBA's game rhythm and training intensity as soon as possible.

Regarding Middleton's question, Lian Dao did not hide anything.

Based on his own experience and Middleton's historical growth trajectory, Lian Dao also gave suggestions and training methods.

For example, Middleton's body is not strong enough now, and his figure is relatively thin, so he needs to gain weight.

There are also training methods to enhance the ability to fight against shots, as well as training methods to catch and shoot after exercise, as well as training methods for running positions and three-point shooting, etc.

Middleton listened very carefully when Lian Dao spoke.

Even when some key points were involved, he took out his mobile phone and opened the memo to record.

Lian Dao likes this serious attitude very much.

At the same time, Lian Dao also hopes that Middleton can rush out of the Knicks who are full of masters.

Although, this may be more difficult than the path he has taken in history, but if he can really grasp the opportunity, the height he will reach will definitely be higher than in history.

After the draft, Lian Dao did not stay in the United States, but flew back to China with his younger sister.

However, before returning to China, Lian Dao also signed a contract extension with the Knicks.

After negotiating with the brokerage team, the renewal contract was signed as 3+2 if the final amount remains unchanged.

This contract will automatically take effect after the rookie contract ends, that is, the 2013-2014 season will start to take effect.

In fact, most players prefer to sign a long-term contract with a maximum salary.

Because it is safer and more in line with the players' own interests.

You must know that anything can happen in the NBA.

In case of injury or decline in state, having a big contract and long-term contract is the greatest protection for oneself.

Even if it is waived by the team, it is in the form of a team buyout.

For some players, they still have nothing to lose in salary.

But top players, especially players who are extremely confident in their form, or players who always aim for a championship.

Sometimes they would rather sacrifice part of their money to give themselves more freedom.

Like the historical LeBron James.

After jumping out of the contract from the Heat and returning to Cleveland, he only signed a two-year contract, and it was still in the form of 1+1.

The advantage of this is that if Cleveland has no potential to win the championship in the future, he can retreat in time to find a better championship team.

If the Cavaliers hadn't made it to the finals and showed endless potential, James would not have renewed his contract with Cleveland.

Especially the signing of three contracts in three years, and the third contract, James' contract is as high as $100 million in three years.

This is not only due to the soaring salary cap of the league, but also due to James' pursuit of short contracts.

And those players who signed long-term contracts basically regretted it.

This is not two or three hundred dollars.

And sometimes, the gap between the two contracts can reach tens of millions of dollars.

Just like Pippen back then, he also signed a 7-year 20 million contract with a huge loss.

But when the salary cap of the league rose later, he suddenly discovered that some role players who signed new contracts received higher salaries than himself.

Pippen himself also regretted signing such a long-term contract prematurely. He didn't look at the long-term and didn't expect the salary cap to rise sharply in two years.

But Lian Dao is predictive of the future.

Especially in the future, the salary cap of the league will skyrocket, reaching more than 100 million.

The maximum salary contracts of some superstars average more than 30 million per year.

The future contract of Jinzhou elementary school student Curry has been awarded 215 million in 4 years. It can be said that 30 million is conservative.

Moreover, Lian Dao has confidence in himself.

He will not sacrifice a greater contract and freedom for a secure long-term contract.

The most important thing is that Lian Dao wants to control his destiny in his own hands.

Once he is unhappy with the Knicks, he can leave in time.

Instead of making himself a bargaining chip in the future.

However, when Lian Dao announced on social media that he had completed his contract extension with the Knicks, it still caused quite a stir.

Among them, what attracted the media most was the contract amount of Lian Dao.

You must know that the "Liandao Clause" was formulated for Liandao. Although he was not the first beneficiary, as a party to this clause, he is also the one who attracts the most attention. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

And the Knicks offered a five-year 103 million maximum salary contract, which was also expected by everyone.

No one would think that the extension contract offered by the Knicks is too big. On the contrary, if it were not for the constraints of player years and rookie contracts, Lian Dao's contract would only be bigger.

You must know that this is the first person in the league, leading the worst team in the league, and a great existence who has won two championships.

If James Dolan agrees to trade Lian Dao, any team owner can directly get the entire Lian Dao Stud team without thinking about it.

The New York media was even more jubilant, with voices of congratulations everywhere.

"New York God of War completes contract renewal!"

"Congratulations Knicks, congratulations Sickle!"

"The Knicks are generous, and the five-year 103 million maximum salary extension is the first player in the league!"


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