
Chapter 75


“Did you say something?” I said, standing straight from the flaming Hugo on the floor.

“You already won. Why are you still burning the kid like that?” The king said, pointing at Hugo.

“Huh?” Looking at him, confused, I looked back at Hugo. He has lost his mane, and most of his hair on his body except his back was mainly fine if you ignore the words burned in. “Oh, you mean the word. I just thought ‘I am the Best Sucker’ just fits him. I mean, there is a lot of different ways you can read it, and I think it will come in handy for him in the future.” I explain, shrugging at the king.

“fuck fine. But can you stop your mother? I don’t think he will last long.” the King said, frustrated, pointing at mom, who had the duke in a body hold.

“Nah, it has only been 10 minutes. he should be able to go on for another few minutes.” I said, waving the King off. Turning back at Hugo, I asked Kayda, who was still standing next to me. “Do you want to add some features?”

“No, I am fine, but isn’t he going to bleed out from his new hole.”


“Good point,” I said, nodding. Making a small fireball. I dropped kicked it into the new hole, making him grunt in pain. “There that should do it until Sirone comes.”

“Those marks on his back won’t his hair hide it in the future.”

“No, I damaged his skin enough, so it will be impossible to heal enough for his hair to grow back,” I explain, chuckling.

“Sob, hick, sob.” Hearing a crying sound from Hugo, I laughed before looking back at Mom just to witness the Duke pass out.

“Did you pass out? How disappointing. Hey, Kitsuna, come here. Do that to him too?” Mom said, waving me to come closer.

“I am done!? Dean Draig, get your wife and daughter under control!?”

“Fuck NO!?” Dean shouted from the castle.

“Amari Draig,” The king said with desperation.

“NOT HAPPENING!?” Amari shouted back from the stands.

“Can someone just stop them? I don’t want to lose the last Duke house?” The King shouted, making me look at him with a raised eyebrow.

“Who cares,” I mumbled, looking down at the bloody Duke at my feet.

“Ignore him. Go on burning his hair already.” Mom said with a smirk.

“Yeah, yeah, I am busy,” I said, lighting my finger.

(2 hours later)

It’s been a couple of hours since the Furry house got its make-over. I am pretty certain the king is mad at us for what we did, but then again, we don’t care. Well, that’s old news. At the moment, I was sitting on a bed with Hugos’ harem or my harem in front of me on chairs or on the floor, looking at me, not very amused at what I just told them.

“So let me get this straight. You only want us to gloat in front of the Furry.” The tallest girl said, looking up at me. Her name is Rin, and she is a bunny demi-human with white fur. A scarce color for a bunny demi-human to have, it was properly why Hugo wanted her.

‘what sort of taste did he have? Tall bunny girl, catgirl, Mouse girl, ram girl with horns, a loli cat girl, and more. Like every sort of wufai is here.’ I thought, looking through the group sitting on the bed.

“My queen isn’t a pervert like the Furry. She only wants to use you guys to gloat,” Chinada explains, seeing me not saying anything.

“We don’t know that. With Hugo, we at least know he won’t touch us until he turned 18, but with your ‘Queen,’ it is another story. We just can’t trust her.” The catgirl said puffing her chest.

“Come on, Brit, at least we are free from that hairy freak.” The Ram girl said, smiling at me.

“Don’t call Lord Hugo a freak, Mia!?” The Mouse girl shouted angrily, glaring at the Ram girl.

“As stuck up as ever I see, Ava,” Mia said, glaring back.

“Yeah, no, we aren’t getting any were with this. We need to be in the Throne room in 10 minutes.” I said with a sigh standing up. I looked through the group making eye contact with each one.

“White bunny, the catgirls, ram girl, black doggie girl, Chinada, miss raccoon, and mouse girly. You guys stay, and the rest of you leave.” I said after looking through them for a while.

“Master, where should we go.” One of them asked meekly, looking down.

“Don’t call me master. Go to the Draig family moto. I will sort everything out after the meeting with the king is over.” I said, waving them off.

“What are you going to do with us?” The mouse girl Ava said, glaring at me now.

“Your one brave little mouse aren’t you,” I said, looking back at her.

“I am not little.” She said, putting.

“Ava, shut up. what are you planning to do with us?” Rin asks, narrowing her eyes at me.

“Hahaha, I really don’t understand how that idiot got his hands on you guys. I mean, all of you guys are quite feisty,” I said, smirking while sitting back on the bed lotus position.

“He used hunters to catch some of us, some joined him because they wanted to, and some were bought from their families. In the end, we all are slaves to him, now to you.” The loli cat girl explains, making most of them depressed.

“Ah is see. let me guest the mouse joined because she wanted to.” I said, grinning at the nods I got.

“What he is hot. Am I not allowed to want to be with a hot guy?” Ava said angrily.

“Hot? In what way?” Everyone said, looking at her, confused.

“Whatever time is limited. All I want you guys to do is sit around me when we have the meeting with the king, okay.” I said, standing up again getting ready to walk out.

“Why should we?” Brit said, standing up from her seat.

“Don’t you want to see the sort of face the Furry is going to make seeing you guys all over me?” I ask with an evil smirk.

“I am in.” Mia, the ram girl, said, grabbing my arm.

“Yeah,” the rest said hesitantly except Ava.

“I hope Sirone healed him as I told her to do,” I said to myself, walking out with the rest following behind.

(Shino POV)

We have been sitting in the throne room for almost 10 min now. I was sitting in my seat as the princess with Yami next to my left, and big brother was sitting to the front right of me with mother sitting next to him on his right. all four of us was looking down at all the nobles who came to witnesses the pledges that the Boei family has to do tonight.

“It has already been 10 min. Where is that damn fox? When I get my hands on her, I am going to strangle her to death.” Big brother said, frustrated. When he said it, the main doors opened, revealing the said fox with a wardrobe change and some girls walking around her.

Instead of her button shirt and jeans, she wore before the dual. Kitsuna, at the moment, wore a white suit with a red bowtie and white shoes. She also didn’t have her scarf on to hide the curse on her neck.

The instant she started, the walk-in whispered went through the crowd, and most of them weren’t something good they were whispering about.

“Took you long enough,” Big brother said, looking relaxed at her while crossing his legs.

‘What happened about strangling her.’ I thought, looking at Big brother weirdly.

“Yeah, we had some things to talk about,” Kitsuna said walk to the Draig family, or so we thought until she walked past them to the spot the Duke family usually use in meeting like these. stopping at the spot she tapped her foot on the floor and the room instantly got colder.

Rubbing my exposed arms, my jaw drops when I saw that an ice throne came out of the floor in front of Kitsuna. It wasn’t that far from big brothers’ throne design, having the length at the top and being a half-moon with swords coming out at the bottom. Maybe only the armrests were just bigger but being white made it stood out more and looked way prettier than my brothers’ red and gold throne.

“Hey, hey little sis, can you make me something like that?” Big Brother asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.

“I can do that,” I said with a sigh.

“You don’t have the copyright to my throne.” Kitsuna joked while sitting down on the throne.

When she sat down, the girls that followed her went to stand or sit next to her except for the loli cat girl. She jumped to her lap and curled herself up, lying down, making Kitsuna pet her head cutely. There was also the white bunny girl and ram girl that went and sat on each side of her on the armrests, smiling happily at her. The rest of the girls stood behind her, keeping their smiles except the mouse girl scowling at them.

“So, when are we starting?” Kitsuna said, crossing her own legs looking at big brother.

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