
Chapter 139

“The best way to go against a long-range mage is being close range,” I said, not missing a beat on my onslaught on kayda.

“I know that but fuck.” Kayda cursed, making a small shockwave of magic appear around her.

“Hey, now don’t let your thought distract you,” I said, appearing in front of her and ignoring the mana wave. Striking at her with my hand, I tried to grab her head.

“Tsk,” clicking her tongue, she started to make a barrier.

“Nope,” I said, knowing she would do that. Taking out a giant ice shield. The moment the barrier and my ice clashed, it created an explosion and sent us both flying.

“Tsk, of course, you would prepare something other than your sniper,” Kayda said, taking the distance as an advantage to go higher in the air.

“Yeah, well, knowing how to counter it does make it easier, but the mana use is a pain,” I said, landing on the ground and looking up at kayda.


“Yea!” Kayda said, making multiple scorch spells around her and firing at me.

“This is why you always go for the kill against mages,” I complained, annoyed, running around and trying my best to dodge her attacks.

“Yes, but you don’t want to kill me,” Kayda said smugly.

“... Kayda, why the hell will you say something like that right now?” I said, feeling uncomfortable

“Uhm, I don’t know, sorry,” Kayda said, feeling awkward but didn’t let up on her attacks at all.

“Sigh, whatever,” I said, disappearing Flash Stepping away into a smoke cloud.

“Kitsu~, don’t try and hide now.” Kayda chimed while increasing her beam’s power.

“Tsk, you are really trying to kill me, aren’t you,” I said from the smoke. Moments later, thousands of ice bullets came flying out of the smoke.

“What the!?” Yelping in, surprised, kayda increased the amount of the beams, but the power was noticeably lacking.

“Damn, to think you can use the clone skill like this,” I said, intrigued, clearing the smoke and revealing me standing in the middle with 4 heavy guns, 4 meters long and half a meter in width and high, hovering in the air above me while firing bullets at kayda. That wasn’t the only weird thing. It was also that I only had 1 tail again.

“I see, so that’s how your clone skill works,” Kayda said, looking back at me or pacifically at my tail.

“Hmm, surprisingly, this sort of cloning doesn’t use even a fifth of creating myself. And most important is way easier to use.” I mumbled, moving the guns around with ease and that instead of 5000 mana, it took only 1000.

“New guns, I like it. Let’s test them out.” Kayda said, creating another dozen or more scorch beams and balls to fire at me.

“Ah fuck.” Cursing, I jumped up, dodging the attacks.

“Now, being in the air, wo- ah forgot you could do that for a second.” Kayda started saying before seeing me jump around on ice platforms towards her, still firing the hovering guns at her.

While getting closer to her, I created another chain, but this one was smaller and much, much stronger.

“Now that is something,” Kayda said, narrowing her eyes at the chains in my hand.

“I know, right,” I said, Flash stepping behind her.

“Ugh! No way!?” Kayda yelped, losing the feeling in her wings.

“And now we fall,” I said, looking at all my broken limbs.

“Wait, why are you in that state,” KAyda said worriedly.

“Huh, to get those pesky wings out of the way,” I said with a smile just before we hit the ground.



“Ugh.” Grunting in pain, I climbed out of the crater my body made in the ground.

“Kitsu, you really are way heavier than you look,” Kayda commented, looking between the craters we made.

Mine was noticeable bigger than Kaydas.

“Kayda, are you really calling your girlfriend fat right now,” I said, annoyed, glaring at her.

“No, I said you don’t look so heavy,” Kayda said, scratching her cheek awkwardly.

“Kayda, you calling me fat right now,” I said, Flash Stepping in front of her and grabbing at her head once again.

“No, I wasn’t,” Kayda said, jumping back, barely dodging my hand.

“You were, fucking Lizard. fuck it. Now we can start all over.” I said, fist-pumping my iced gloved hands together while bringing the heavy guns back.

“Tsk,” clicking her tongue, she jumped back, dodging my slam.

“Keep on moving, keep on moving,” I muttered, attacking kayda nonstop.

“Fuck off!!” Kayda yelled, slamming her foot down, creating a small glowing avalanche.

“Woah, calm down, kayda,” I said, not sounding very serious, freezing the lava.

“Shut it!” Kayda said, looking at me with narrowed eyes.

“Oh shit,” I said with widened eyes jumping away as fast as I could.


“I didn’t think you would do that,” I said while, for the first time, making distances from kayda.

“We never said we cant transform,” Kayda said, looking down at me in her dragon form.

“I thought it was an unwritten rule, but okay,” I said, shrugging.

“No, it was just that you couldn’t use yours, so it was no fun using mine,” Kayda explained, making me nod.

“... Are you sure you want to do this?” I said, flicking my ears.

“Yes, why.”

“Okay,” I said, appearing next to kayda in my fox form, swinging my claws at her.

“What the hell was that!” Kayda yelled, surprised, trying to dodge my attack but failed.

“When you transform, your defence and strength increase, right?” I explained, standing away from her and started to walk around her.

“Yeah, but what the hell does that have to do with that absurd speed you just had,” Kayda said, looking at me while I was walking around her.

“Well, I am busy explaining. Anyways, so seeing as those aspects of your triples, what do you think happens to my stats?” I said, sounding like a professor explaining things to their students.

“Speed and strength, I guess,” Kayda said, humming, waiting for my answer.

“You are correct,” I said with a smile before picking up my pace.

“Tsk, I guess there is one place you can beat me in right now,” Kayda said, annoyedly clicking her tongue.

“Nah,” I said, slamming her with my tails across her head.

“Tsk, I can’t even see them coming at me,” Kayda complained, not hurt at all by the attack.

“How annoying. I think I hate tanks more than mages now.” I said, annoyed, uppercutting her head with my claw.

“Eh I bitgh me tungugh!” Kayda mumbled net, even trying to block my claws as they did little, nothing.

“Can we stop now?” I said, back off from her.

“Yeah, I agree that only felt like pats more than anything else,” Kayda said, not even trying to annoy me wither an answer.

“Yeah, and using magic won’t even help a little bit,” I said, annoyed.

“Hmm, probably yeah. well, your lighting could have done some damage, but not a lot.”

“Yeah, anyway, I have been holding this in from the devil skirmish,” I said, getting in a lower position.

“What?” Kayda said, confused.


What followed after Kaydas’s words was a roar that shook the entire training ground making dust fall from the roof, and some cracks appear on the ground.

“Sigh, that’s way better,” I said, feeling more satisfied than ever, changing back to my human form.

“Haha, my ears hut, you know,” Kayda said, also changing back. Looking at her, I sighed again, seeing that she didn’t even have a little scratch on her in her human form.

“Man, it’s unfair that you stay clothed, but I always need to undress before changing,” I ignored Kaydas’s complaint.

“Privilege of being a dragon, I guess. Anyways let’s continue.” Kayda said, shrugging.

“Yeah, no, sadly, that’s all I am capable of right now,” I said, sighing in exhaustion.

“Huh? You done?”

“Yeah, my head is killing me, and I still need to heal you,” I said, beckoning her to come closer.


“you promise? Kitsu, if you are going to surprise attack me, I will rip your tails out.” Kayda said in a threatening tone.

“Eeh, please don’t joke about pulling them out. I might really die out of the amount of pain.” I said, paling at Kaydas’s threat.


“I wasn’t going to attack you. You are too paranoid.”

“You are Stacys’ daughter, you know,” Kayda said, sighing before walking towards me.

“Ah, fair point,” I said with a chuckled.

“Sigh, now heal me,” Kayda demanded sighing.


“yeah yeah,” Kayda said, sitting down next to me with her back turned towards An and Katie. Moving to Kayda, I put my head on her lap, starting to heal her with my blood into her leg wound.

“Sorry, I shot you in your leg,” I said apologetically.

“It’s fine, but I can’t believe you destroyed my barrier twice. Especially the second time.”

“Haha, thanks, it was smaller versions of the flower spell I used against the devils.”

“Oh, nice work making it so small,” Kayda said, praising me.

“Thanks,” I muttered shyly.

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