
Chapter 211 - 211 Supreme elder

‘Pfft...!’ Canan laughed at his performance, but Eirin ignored it.

“Yes, supreme elder. The elder of light, air and fire has already arrived and is in other rooms awaiting the start of the trial.” The mage informed, pouring the wine and asking if she needed anything else.

‘The light elder is an ally of the dark elder and the new leader of the faction after he was arrested, so he is a guaranteed ally. The elders of fire and air are neutral and avoid getting involved in political discussions, but they must not oppose the dark elder paying for his crimes on the front lines.’ Eirin thought, glad that her adversaries were not yet present.

‘Having all your opponents gone is not a good sign, Eirin. It means they’re together and planning something big.’ Canan warned her, throwing cold water on Eirin’s excitement.

‘I know, that’s why I need to meet with the neutral elders and secure their cooperation. They may not be the dark elder’s allies, but I hope they are my allies.’ Eirin answered. She had tried to gain the elders’ support, but their responses had been lukewarm at best.

Both said that they would not oppose the other elders’ decision and did not intend to intervene in the trial, participating only because they had to.

“Tell them both to come here, I’m requesting their presence.” Eirin spoke, realizing she had been silent too long and the mage was starting to sweat with nervousness.

“Understood, supreme elder. I will notify them of your request immediately.” The mage bowed and left the room, leaving Eirin alone.


‘So, any ideas on how to turn those two elders over to my side?’ Eirin asked her brother, as all her previous attempts had been in vain.

‘Try to get a deal. You’ve tried to provide resources and financial support for your magic researches before, but any mage who rises to the rank of elder already has his own sources of magic resources.’ Canan criticized her previous methods.

‘Offer knowledge, a way to overcome the growth bottleneck they’re stuck in, or something that only you can offer and they can’t refuse. That’s the basics of negotiation.’ Canan was exasperated by his sister’s lack of negotiating skills.

‘You know I already tried that, you were there to laugh at my attempts.’ Eirin growled. ‘The only one who is in a growth bottleneck is the fire elder, but that woman is stubborn and insists on overcoming her limitations alone.’

‘Your research is also something unique that I don’t have knowledge of, so I don’t have useful knowledge to share. She would need to share her secrets and research with me so I can understand and then help her, but we both know that’s impossible.’

‘And the elder of the air? I’m sure he wouldn’t refuse your help or knowledge, even if it’s not your area of expertise.’ Canan suggested, realizing that it would be useless to try to convince the Fire Elder to do anything. That woman was too stubborn to be talked into doing something she didn’t want to.

‘He is the one I intend to convince today, even if I have to make some disadvantageous concessions here. The air elder is a weather mage, runesmith and a golemancer, so we have knowledge we can trade.’

‘Just avoid sounding desperate and revealing too much. That mysterious bastard is as cunning as a snake and his intentions are unknown to us. The only thing that matters to him is the magic research itself.’ Canan warned her.

‘I know and that’s why I want your help, brother.’ Eirin asked, making puppy dog eyes as she ruffled her hair, the same gesture she used whenever she wanted to ask a favor. It was a mania he’d had since he was a child, over a millennium ago, but Canan always gave in.

He was about to answer, but a knock on the door interrupted the telepathic conversation.

“Supreme Elder, both elders have agreed to meet with you and are waiting here.” The mage spoke from outside and only entered when Eirin gave permission.

The mage entered, followed by a woman wearing a red cloak and a metal bird on her shoulder.

The woman wore a red cloak that covered her from head to toe and her face was scarred as if she had just woken up, yawning lazily. The woman appeared to be in her mid-40s, with long black hair streaked with age-gray streaks. His name was Valk Seit, the fire elder.

The metallic bird was approximately 50 centimeters long and had silvery feathers. He looked exactly like a silver hawk, except for the magic stones for eyes. The bird was a golem created by the air elder, remotely controlled by magic.

Eirin just nodded at the strange pair and offered them a seat. The woman and the bird bowed their heads slightly in respect and the woman sat down, while the bird just stood on the arm of the couch.

The assistant mage bowed and left the room when he received a glare from Eirin, leaving the elders alone in the room. He knew a secret deal was going on here, just as he knew he should pretend he didn’t know anything and erase from the records that the elders had met before the trial.

Similar things had already happened in the past and all jailers who tried to say something mysteriously disappeared, while those who kept silent received a promotion and a huge salary bonus.

It was the reason why he applied to serve the supreme elder, as it was the fastest way to a promotion.

“I thank you for granting my request and for meeting with me today. I believe you already know why I have called the two of you here, but let me repeat myself. It is strictly necessary for the dark elder to participate in the war that is to come, and I want your support to ensure he’s there on the front lines.” Eirin spoke in a serious tone, but both elders knew that and had already given their answer.

“With all due respect, supreme elder, both the fire elder and I are aware of the situation we find ourselves in and have already given our opinion on the matter.” The metal hawk spoke, its voice fully human despite the fact that it was speaking through a golem.

“As the bird said, I have no intention of getting involved in stupid power struggles. Besides, that stupid old man has committed countless crimes and is now paying for it.” The fire elder spoke as she tried and failed to hide how uninterested she was about the trial.

She grabbed a bottle of wine and downed it in one gulp before continuing. “The destruction of the portal tower was an accident and not a terrorist attack as the water elder tried to make it out to be, but that wasn’t his only crime.”

“Elder Louis possessed a list of crimes longer than a giant’s arm, some heinous crimes that even someone callous as I abhor, and others that go against all laws of the order. Countless careers of talented mages have been destroyed at their hands. ”

“Personally, I believe he should be imprisoned for eternity, but I know that’s impossible. I also know that the opposition is no better than he is and I’m sure they have a list of crimes almost as long, so I I remain impartial in judgment.” The fire elder honestly spoke her opinion and the bird nodded in agreement.

The air elder was the dark elder’s longtime business partner, but that was the extent of their relationship. He would never risk opposing the Water Elder’s faction for someone else.

“I know this and I agree that the dark elder deserves the worst of fates, but his power is still needed, so I suggest he pay for his crimes on the front lines rather than uselessly rotting in a cell.” Eirin understood their position, but she couldn’t give up here.

“That would be doable, if Louis weren’t a cunning, traitorous bastard. The same power that makes him so indispensable to war also makes him a dangerous variable. If we’re really going to put him on the battlefield as a prisoner, who will watch him and make sure he doesn’t run away?” The golem bird spoke.

“He is a powerful mage and an even better necromancer. Only another elder could restrain him, then it would be necessary for another elder to keep watch over him. Or does the supreme elder intend to watch over him personally?” Valk questioned her about something that bothered not only her, but the entire upper echelon of the order as a whole.

For some reason unknown to them, Eirin had declared that she would not participate in the war against Doravon.

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