
Chapter 233 - 233 Prisoners alive

Lukas looked out over the city and the citizens running around in a panic, trying to guess where the hell he was. Alarms began to ring throughout the city and a barrier went up, preventing anyone from entering or leaving.

“Argh...Fuck!” Valko screamed in pain, feeling her skin burn in the sun. He crawled under the wreckage to get out of the sun and touched his wand in his pocket, conjuring up a blanket of blood that covered him like.

Valko tried to run, but a hammer hit him in the legs and crushed his right knee, before turning full circle and crushing his left.

Lukas crushed or severed the limbs of ghouls and vampires, keeping them alive just to interrogate them. He knew he was in a human city, but where was a mystery and how his daughter’s crystal ended up among vampires was an even greater mystery.

It landed on Valko’s chest, crushing her ribs until her lungs burst. Valko vomited up a lot of blood and tried to use blood magic to heal herself, but Lukas’ boots got in the way and prevented regeneration.

Destroyed lungs weren’t a fatal wound for a vampire, but it was still incredibly painful for them.

“All of you will come with me. I have many questions to ask.” Lukas got off Valko for a second, only to turn him into ice statue. He did the same to all the undead around him, taking care not to hit any of them in a vital spot.

“Are you okay? Were you hurt?” Lukas asked the human spies mistaking them for innocent citizens.


“We are fine thanks!” The human spies asked with complicated glances at the undead. which Lukas mistook for fear and confusion.

“It’s not safe here, so go away.” Lukas dismissed the spys, who looked at each other for a second before running away. They knew they couldn’t save their comrades, so they pretended to be victims and fled towards the other hideouts, to warn them of danger and abandon their bases.

“Now that we’re alone, let’s get you somewhere we can talk-” Lukas turned to Valko frozen at his feet, only for a crack to appear in the ice and a spray of blood to fly towards his neck. Blood flew like a spear into the gap between his helmet and breastplate, but the barrier of blue light blocked the attacks.

The spear of blood turned into a red mist that blocked his vision for a second, but Lukas shook off the blood mist with a simple nod.

“No!!” Unfortunately for Lukas, one second was more than enough for Valko. The vampire clotted the blood in his own heart and exploded, committing suicide. Valko knew that any undead captured by the order would suffer terrible torture until they spilled all the information they had, so suicide was the only way to die painlessly and avoid information leaks.

A vampire’s heart was their weak point and the only part of their body they were unable to regenerate. Valko’s body withered, turning from a man into ashes in mere seconds.

The other vampires did the same, while the ghouls unbalanced their cores and let the darkness devour their bodies, much to Lukas’ dismay. He hadn’t brought any items capable of sealing or paralyzing an undead. then was unable to stop them from committing suicide.

Lukas came here with the intention of fighting an army, not trapping a few undead in a city.

“Shit! All this for nothing.” Lukas started cursing in confusion and irritation, unable to understand how Emilia’s crystal ended up in the hands of a vampire base in a human city.

“Hey, just stand there! Who are you and why are you causing all this fuss??” a guard asked as he approached, catching Lukas’ attention. He belatedly realized that city guards had arrived and slowly surrounded the building.

He noticed that there were adventurers among them as well and mages busy casting their spells if a fight broke out. There were no priests or crusaders, as the church’s influence in a market town like Shiima was small.

“I am Lukas Ripha, master of magic of the order of magic, and I am here under orders from Water Elder Thersec to destroy the undead bases in this city.” Lukas shouted and displayed a medallion with his family’s symbol, causing the mages to stop their spells and respectfully greet him.

His plan clearly backfired, but Lukas wanted to share the blame with Thersec, if only partially.

“Ripha?” The guards and adventurers were confused and didn’t recognize the name of a noble family from a neighboring country, but the mages recognized the name of one of their elders and one of the most influential masters of magic today, so they attested to Lukas’ identity.

“Can we help you with anything, sir?” Realizing that the armored knight floating in front of him was a big shot and not a threat, the guard changed his tone and spoke respectfully. He had a lot of questions about the level of destruction and the human corpses on the floor, but those questions could be for later.

Undead were enemies of humanity and destroying them took priority.

“No need. I’m done here, so-” Lukas denied the guard’s help and was looking for an excuse to escape the city, but a distant explosion interrupted him and caught his attention.

A second explosion went off in a different direction and Lukas decided he needed to find out.

‘The timing of these explosions is very suspicious. Perhaps there are undead elsewhere in the city and they destroyed their own bases to erase the evidence when they saw my explosion. Maybe I still have a chance to find out what happened here.’ Lukas thought mistakenly.

“You go to the explosion in the south of the city while I go to the east. Try to capture at least one of them alive!” Lukas shouted orders and took off in the direction of the explosion. From the air, Lukas noticed that the blast he was headed for was in the city’s slums, while the other was in the residential zone for rich merchants.

“It’s going to be difficult to look for the undead if they get mixed up among the slum dwellers, so I need to hurry. The undead in the rich zone will probably escape the guards and mages, but I can’t be in two places at once. ” Lukas muttered and sped up his flight spell even more.

He reached the blast site in less than a minute, finding only the wreckage of what appeared to be a shop and people running around in panic.

Lukas used mana vision to search arond, finding only ordinary people and a few a little stronger, but they appeared to be just common thugs. There were several people wearing hoods to hide their faces, but Lukas couldn’t go around slaughtering people just on suspicion.

“Sytrer’s items of disguise are as annoying as ever. We’re going to need to separate the dead from the living so give me a hand, dawnlight.” Lukas spoke with the white saber floating at his back, which flashed as if answering him.

Dawnlight was her personal anti-undead weapon, possessing several light attribute enchantments. Its destructive power was weaker than average weapons, but it was the best at dealing with the undead.

The lightsaber began to glow brightly and Lukas grabbed it, swinging it toward the fleeing citizens below. Waves of light spread out with each swing of the saber and reached the citizens a few seconds later.

The light healed the confused humans without damaging a single hair, but a few individuals mixed in the crowd fell to the ground while screaming in pain. Disguise pendants changed the appearance of an undead to an ordinary human and even disguised their cores, but it was just a change of appearance.

The undead still retained their weaknesses to light even in human guise, and the waves of light seared their bodies. Lukas limited the power of dawnlight so as not to turn vampires and ghouls to dust, but the waves of weakened light were still enough to char the skin of the undead.

‘I found them.’ Lukas thought and his weapons flew at each of them, but this time they hit their necks to break them. Vampires and ghouls would not only die from having their necks broken, but would still cripple them until their bodies naturally healed.

He wasn’t fast enough to do it the first time, as the weapons were impaling their bodies at the time.

“Dawlight, spread light whenever the undead begin to regenerate. I need them alive, not whole.” Lukas screamed and flew into the prime area to see if the guards and mages had had any success, but it was obvious they hadn’t.

The guards didn’t have the means to identify the disguised undead and the mages couldn’t just cast random light spells on the city’s rich merchants, so the undead escaped the crime scene unnoticed.

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