
Chapter 251 - 251 Retreat

The priests panicked and those who still had large-scale spells cast towards the evolved minotauros.

Giant spheres of light appeared above the priests and shot out huge beams of light. The female minotaur was agile enough to roll to the side and escape with only superficial damage, but the male was hit in the back and the beam knocked him away, leaving deep grooves in the ground.

Its giant body was extremely tough and even a large-scale spell was unable to kill it, although it severely injured it and crushed several bones and muscles in its back.

The same could not be said for the humans who stood in his way as his body was pushed by the beam of light. The male minotaur was pushed towards the crusaders and

anyone who tried to attack the minotaur would be crushed by its huge body, the few who survived would have bones or limbs crushed.

“You will stop now, bugs!” The female minotaur screamed as she found the priests who controlled the spell with mana vision and crushed them with her claws or impaled them with her horns.

Unlike the male, the female was more used to her body and could easily dodge the hastily cast spells by the priests. Any spell below the fourth layer was unable to harm his tough skin, while his attacks shredded the defenses of the priests’ robes as if they were paper.

The male minotaur finally stopped being dragged by the beam of light and staggered to his feet, spitting out a mouthful of blood. He had corrected his stance to lessen the impact and used the disperse skill to spread the attack’s burden across the rest of his body, but he still took severe damage.


“Surround him and kill him before he recovers!” The bishop shouted as he cast his light prison spell to seal the minotaur’s movements.

Five pillars of light appeared above the minotaur, striking him in the back and limbs, forcing the minotaur back to the ground and applying pressure to keep him from getting up.

“Kill him for Eishin!” The closest paladins surrounded the minotaur as they shouted, slashing at the minotaur to the best of their ability. Despite using all of their strength, the attacks only caused superficial wounds.

“ROAR!” The minotaur roared in response, releasing its aura to intimidate the paladins and using all of its strength to get up and break the bishop’s restraints. Unfortunately for the minotaur, all the paladins had been drinking lion’s heart potions, numbing the sense of fear and increasing resistance to intimidation abilities like aura.

“Paladins, help me seal it while the crusaders help the priests!” The bishop realized the urgency of the situation and changed his orders.

The priests had realized that it would be impossible to kill the minotaur, so they used spells to seal its movements or at least slow it down. The minotaur broke most of the restraining spells, but the priests used the number to overcome it and surrounded it with dozens of chains of light.

The bishop realized that the situation was beginning to come under control, but a powerful bang caught his attention. The evolved demihumans reached the beach and smashed at the hexagram shields with all their might.

Those close behind spread out along the barrier to try to get past the shields, forcing the bishop to spread out the shields to not let them pass.

The sky knights continued to attack them from the sky, but the demihumans only intercepted the attacks and ignored the deaths of the weakest among them.

After being attacked by the goblins’ suicide tactics, they stayed vigilant with their surroundings and kept their distance from the demihumans, the pegasus keeping spells at the ready and just waiting for others to try to teleport.

‘Aside from the goblins and these two evolved minotaurs, it doesn’t look like anyone else has teleportation crystals. The light shields won’t break easily and the cannons are constantly dealing damage. We still have a chance!’ The bishop thought hopefully, realizing that the two evolved minotaurs were seriously injured.

The attacking paladins realized they couldn’t cut minotaur flesh no matter how hard they tried, so they pierced the most sensitive eyes or throat.

His eyes and throat were still surprisingly hard, but nothing platinum white couldn’t pierce.

‘Yes, now the priests can focus on magic again and crush these bastards.’ The bishop thought happily, but his expression quickly turned to terror.

The ogres that were at the front line punching their shields suddenly stopped and leaned against the barrier in a defensive posture, blocking the beams of light.

Other ogres, trolls or minotaurs behind them used them for support and climbed like ants, climbing higher and higher. Demihumans were already big individually, so each demihuman climbed almost a dozen meters.

The orcs that came after leaned on the shoulders of the demihumans above and jumped as high as they could, passing the light shields.

The bishop tried to stretch the light shields out to block the demihumans, but the orcs kicked the light shields like a platform and jumped even higher.

” Be crushed!” The orcs screamed as they fell on the crusaders, crushing them to the best of their abilities.

The Crusaders raised their shields in response, trying their best to defend themselves to their best abilities, but to no avail. They were unable to coordinate their attacks as perfectly as Louis’s zombies, so their separate defenses were unable to defend themselves.

The orcs crushed them almost without resistance, their weight of over half a ton plus their power increased by negative karma crushing the crusaders into a pulp of flesh bloody and platinum.

Dozens of simultaneous strikes against the ground also generated an earthquake, knocking down thousands of crusaders. The demihumans that stayed behind continued to try to climb up and spread out to get past the light shields, but the bishop spread the shields even further to stop them.

“Hahaha! You’re no big deal after getting past those annoying shields!” The orc commander shouted as he slashed his greatsword to the side, releasing a blade of aura that sliced ??dozens of crusaders in half.

The crusaders rose to fight, but the evolved orcs just huffed and slaughtered everyone who approached. A single blow was enough to kill the crusaders and generate shock waves that drove away those farther away.

The spells of light cast by the paladins behind the crusaders fell on the orcs, but it only took a single skill to destroy the spells. Some were hit by the spells and injured, but they didn’t suffer severe enough damage to be knocked down.

‘It’s impossible to win.’ The bishop noticed, watching helplessly as the orcs slaughtered the crusaders.

The orcs weren’t even seriously attacking, just swinging their weapons from side to side as they advanced, killing anything that got in their way.

Even when a crusader managed to dodge the attacks and close in, the orcs would just stomp and squash them like insects before continuing forward.

‘God Eishin will have to forgive me, but there’s no point in continuing this pointless fight. We’re just throwing our lives away for no reason.’ The bishop thought as he made his decision.

“Retreat! We are retreating! Paladins, stop the orcs from advancing and priests use what’s left of your mana to hurt them as much as possible. Sky knights, cover us!” The bishop shouted as loud as he could and spoke into the communicator at the same time.

The crusaders were surprised by the order to retreat, but they obeyed anyway and took advantage of the shields of light conjured up by the paladins and the bishop to retreat.

“You cowards! It’s not enough shame to hide behind tricks, you still dare to retreat?!” The orc commander shouted indignantly, the idea of ??running away and turning his back on an enemy something inconceivable to him.

The orc tried to shout something else, but countless spears of light rained down on him, forcing him to shut up and focus on defense. The priests had done as ordered and spent what was left of their mana in a last ditch effort, making their attacks stronger than they should have been.

The crusaders fled to the opposite side of the island, where several ships were anchored. The bishop left the light shields behind, the only thing stopping all those demihumans from invading the island and slaughtering everyone.

The sky knight were also left behind and hurled all the alchemical items that were left at once, generating a strong explosion of light and flames above the demihumans, the radius of the blast so great that it affected the demihumans even if had been blocked by skills.

Those at the top took the most damage and the impact knocked them off balance and knocked them off their feet, creating a domino effect that ended up toppling the entire makeshift pyramid of demihumans.

The demihumans weighed at least half a ton and dropping dozens of them at once generated huge waves in the sea and bought the humans desperately needed time.

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