
Chapter 273 - ADD

Unlike in the past, humans were alone and had no support from any other species, so they had to play the roles of all allied species during the age of chaos alone, something almost impossible for humans in the current age.


In the ruins of one of the coastal cities, at the same time the humans were discussing strategies.

The evolved demihumans were celebrating their victory over the church troops they had just destroyed, while devouring the corpses of crusaders and paladins in a huge feast.

Evolved demihumans had no problem eating human flesh, so they feasted on the raw corpses of humans, only stripping them of their clothing and armor.

They were setting up camp in the ruins of the city and while most were busy resting after the battle, a few were watching the surroundings, watching for any attempt at ambushes or espionage.

The aberrations had shared with everyone that there were powerful humans among the enemies capable of exterminating the first wave’s evolved demihuman armies and would most likely attack them as well.

The demihumans didn’t believe there were any humans strong enough to stand up to them individually, much less be able to defeat entire armies, but they still took the warnings to heart and put the demihumans with better senses on the lookout.

Dozens of Formorians, the race with the best eyesight among demihumans, were busy surveying the surroundings. Evolved Formorians were a race of demi-humans approximately 6 meters tall and black-skinned, with no special features, with the exception of the single giant eye on their forehead, which took up the entire upper part of their face.


Formorians possessed two vision-related racial abilities, the first called mythcal eye, which extended their field of vision by almost a kilometer and the effects of any eye-related abilities.

The second was evil eye, which consumed a large amount of mana to fire a black laser with extreme destructive power and causing a series of curses to victims who survived.

Common Formorians would be temporarily blinded after using evil eye, but were able to overcome this weakness after they started to evolve and would only become unable to use eye abilities for a short time.

“Hey, do you really believe this story that are lone humans strong enough to eliminate our brothers who came first? I know they were just rejects who didn’t even pass the first barrier of progression, but it should be impossible for a single human defeat us. ” An evolved troll asked the nearest formorian as he dismembered corpses and ate only the arms as snacks.

“I have my doubts too, but orders are orders.” The nearest formorian spoke with a shrug, but continued to keep a close eye on his surroundings.

“I believe it’s possible to have humans strong enough to kill one of us, but an entire army is hard to believe.” A merman spoke, but one of the formorian guards cut him off.

“Um, what’s that?” One of the formorians pointed to something approaching in the distance, drawing the attention of everyone around him. A lone human was approaching the ruined city quickly, not bothering to hide his presence.

The human was wearing red armor of ancient dragon scales, carrying a double-headed ax almost as big as he was. The ax was made from dragon bones and the head was made from fangs, its blade being serrated to maximize the cut.

“Attention, enemy attack! One of the strong humans came to us!” The formorian shouted excitedly, alerting all the demihumans in the city ruins. Everyone simultaneously turned their faces towards them and took up arms, preparing excitedly to face him.

Even though the demihumans had been warned that humans capable of exterminating entire armies of demihumans existed, they weren’t scared but excited.

They were superior to the first wave demihumans and thanks to the mermans obliterating the humans during battle, most had energy left over for a fight.

The human walked up to approximately 100 meters away from the row of demihumans, curiously observing the characteristics of each one of them.

“Human, you must be one of the strong ones who killed our weaker brothers during the first invasion, right?” one of the mermans asked cynically, pointing a trident made of water bigger than the knight himself.

“Sorry, but I don’t speak your language and I have no idea what you’re talking about. I don’t have much time either and I need to destroy two more camps before noon, so let’s start the fight at once.” Kian Avant’s voice sounded from under his helmet and he positioned himself to attack.

“Crush this human!” The merman screamed and hurled the trident like a harpoon, but Kian was faster and crossed the distance between them in two strides, reaching the merman’s feet in an instant and slicing through the demihuman’s ankle in an instant.

Before the merman could register the attack, Kian leapt up and decapitated the merman with the axe, before kicking out the muscles in the neck and moving on to the next.

The dragon slayer ax was capable of cut the muscles and bones of evolved demihumans like butter. Even semi-humans like evolved minotaurs with their absurd resistance would be cut with ease.

The ax formed a blade of energy around its head to increase its range, in addition to its different enchantments increasing the raw power of the ax several times over.

Kian had no interest in complex enchantments and his weapon reflected this, all of the rune sets were focused on increasing the power and range of the ax itself, while the armor conjured multiple overlapping shields to protect it.

‘We will try to be quick and efficient. Things are going to get annoying if those mermans make it back to the ocean and hoard water.’ Kian thought, feeling slightly uneasy at the thought of dealing with the massive enhanced tsunamis.

It wouldn’t be a problem for him, but it would still be annoying and delay his schedule.

With a quick glance, Kian found the mermans among the army and hurried to eliminate them first. He ignored all the stupefied demihumans and only concentrated on those he considered the greatest threat.

The demihumans finally snapped out of their stupor and registered what had happened, roaring furiously and tried to attack him, but Kian was simply too fast and small compared to them.

Kian attacked the mermans from behind as they tried to make their way back to the sea, slicing the demihumans in half without a care. The mermans used the water and ice weapons they carried to try to block it, but Kian just kicked the air to change his trajectory and slash the demihumans.

He had no affinity for air, but could move through the air by releasing small bursts of mana through his limbs to propel himself. Every time Kian walked past a merman, heads were severed or deep gashes appeared on the mermans’ bodies.

“Kill the human, even if you have to hit our brothers!” The orc general shouted at the formorian, who cast an evil eye around kian, blocking all of kian’s escape routes.

Formorians were the only ones able to follow Kian’s movements and they hit him with the precision of a sniper.

Kian was able to dodge the lasers easily while in the air, but he preferred to take the attack head-on. Evil eye was a powerful racial ability and several lasers at once would be enough to bring down an enchanted fortress.

Kian, however, only needed to cast a single spell to defend himself. His mountain shield spell conjured a 20 meter high stone shield overheated, mixed with light element to increase durability.

The black lasers collided with the mountain shield and generated a huge shockwave upon impact, but the spell held its own against dozens of lasers.

‘These lasers are more powerful than expected. They won’t be able to break through my shield, but I can’t waste my time and energy on a war of attrition.’ Kian thought as he killed the last of the mermans and dropped to the ground, stepping out of shield cover and exposing himself to his enemies.

The formorians’ black lasers changed direction almost immediately and followed their position, along with the onslaught of dozens of evolved orcs and ogres.

The orcs were the first to reach him because of negative karma, and the ogres followed soon after, after absorbing the air, water, and light elements of world energy.

Dozens of aura blades flew at Kian from all directions, each blade the size of a house. The aura blades left deep grooves in the ground where they passed or distorted the air, showing the destructive power of each blade.

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