

Following the Next Moment appearance, the TQA cast and Little Ninja Cat became a popular hot topic online. Therefore, the rest of the promotion tour proceeded without problems. Hu Lei enjoyed meeting her fans around the country, but she missed Zhong Feng immensely when she was away from Supreme. She called him so often that she transformed into a nagging wife.

As the two enjoyed their marital bliss, another family was showing cracks. The Murong family drama had escalated after the revelation of the existence of Murong Hong's side family. Hu Lei continued following the saga, partly because she wanted to see whether her mother would be able to keep the illusion of a perfect family or be crushed by the weight of her own ingenuity. However, she also wanted to ensure that she knew what was going on so that she could respond in time if Murong Fai was ever in danger.

In the latest incident, Murong Hong had taken a strike and revealed that Lu Liang was a divorcee with an adult daughter with whom she did not have a good relationship with due to neglect. This piece of news caught on for a while with some people condemning her actions. But most netizens claimed that divorce and related complications were common.

Obviously, Murong Hong had intended to imply that Lu Liang was a gold digger who had abandoned her daughter for a rich man. Unfortunately, Lu Liang had good standing to the public, and she had never truly hidden she was a divorcee. Most people in her circle knew about it, and the general rumour, possibly planted by the woman herself, was that she was in a bad marriage, and she had escaped a terrible situation.

Zhong Feng had wanted to stop the scandal in case it had a bad effect on Hu Lei. However, Hu Lei felt that it would be helping her cheap mother win a battle with ease. In the end, they compromised, and the protective husband kept her name from the public.

In the end, the public opinion did not affect Lu Liang that much. Divorces had become very common, and most people felt that they had no right to judge a woman who left a bad marriage. All in all, Lu Liang had a better water army than Murong Hong.

Two days later, a new scandal was revealed. Numerous young women, including some college girls, stepped forward to reveal that they had affairs with Murong Hong. Hu Lei could not help nodding in respect for her mother. That woman was calculating and vicious.

It had been obvious that her brief period of inaction had only been a short respite that she had offered Murong Hong and his family after revealing the initial scandal about his side family. She had probably withheld this card because she felt that it would be more devastating this way. If the stupid man had not given the story about being torn from his true love and filial piety, the impact of the other mistresses would not have been as high.

After all, almost all middle-aged men in positions of power had a few of their own secrets. By making himself out to be a saint separated from his true love by society, he had set himself up for failure. Hu Lei could imagine the victorious look in her mother's eyes.

Once again, Murong Cheng, Lu Liang and their two daughters stood forward to condemn the dirty behaviours of their relative. They swore that their family and the company would not stand for immorality. They would keep leading their people and their business in the right direction.

As expected, it did not take long for Elder Murong to make the decision to give controlling power for the company to Murong Cheng. He was thankful that this family had kept their company from plummeting after the bad press from his other son.

After the announcement, the family of four returned to their mansion in good spirits. The girls praised their stepmother because they knew that their life would have become much harder if the company had gone to their uncle.

Later in the evening, Murong Cheng poured a glass of wine for his wife.

"Lu Liang, you are truly the best part of this family. We could not have done this without you."

Lu Liang smiled as she sipped on her wine. "I swore to support you when I married you. It is my duty and pleasure."

Looking at the still beautiful woman, Murong Cheng felt a little amorous. He approached her and held her by the waist, his intentions clear. "It has been a while since we have enjoyed conjugal union." He whispered in what was supposed to be a sexy voice.

Lu Liang laughed even though she did not want to enjoy this kind of union. Murong Cheng was not an unattractive man He had some good points. But like many men past middle age, he was not cautious about his lifestyle. He ate and drank too much. Therefore, he had lost most of his appeal to Lu Liang.

Her mind drifted back to her first marriage. Even though there were a lot of bad times, Hu Ming had never failed in the marital bed. He had not only been naturally attractive, but he had maintained his youth through regular exercise and healthy eating. Moreover, as a physician, he had some creative tricks in bed. It was the reason there was a Murong Fai in spite of the bad ending to their relationship.

Thinking about Hu Ming helped her push aside her lack of attraction to her current husband who was slathering her neck with saliva. She remembered how Hu Ming used to touch her, how his face would look when he became passionate and the twinkle in his eyes.

She became less repulsed by her husband. Without further ado, she downed her glass of wine and allowed the man to drag her to their bedroom for continuation of the activities. As he enjoyed her body, he could not guess that his wife was thinking of a man she had sworn she hated with all her heart.

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