
Chapter 602 - A PORCELAIN DOLL

The faces of the Furukawa family transformed to an ugly shade as the truth was revealed. They could not believe the information, but Hina's calm face did not change to indicate it was a joke. They needed to accept the truth. 

The risks of a springing durable power of attorney were well-understood. In essence, Shun had given Wang Che the authority to act on his behalf in all matters. In other words, Wang Che could make any decision on behalf of Shun. 

Things would be fine if it were only on the financial front. However, it seemed that Shun had also signed over the power over his healthcare to Wang Che. If they disagreed with him regarding Shun's care, there was nothing they could do to stop him. 

How could Shun do something so careless?

Even though the Furukawa family liked Wang Che, they could not help but become angry. At this point, they felt like Wang Che was holding the power of life and death in his hands. If he decided to control Shun for the rest of his life, he could find a way as long as he had this authority.

For a moment, they forgot that Shun was well and awake. 

"There has to be a mistake." The Eldest Brother recovered first. "Shun would never sign such a document. He knows better than that." 

The family was too focused on Wang Che and overwhelmed by fear and anger that they did not notice Shun's hands clutching his bed covers. But Wang Che noticed his crestfallen face and the tension in his thin arms. 

"This document cannot be valid." Kenta was also fired up. He did not like that his son was now in the control of someone else. "I will call our lawyers, and they will straighten this out." 

The rest of the family agreed with him as he took out his phone. They had forgotten everything else. For now, they just wanted to free Shun from what they saw as an oppressive situation. 

"Can you all stop it?" Shun yelled with anger. 

The Furukawa family looked at the patient, but Kenta did not put away his phone. The other family members were also not going to encourage him to do so. 

"Do not worry, little Shun," Sara said with tears in her eyes. "We will get you out of this." 

Shun could not stand it anymore. "All of you have not changed after all these years. I might not know what happened five years ago, but I am sure that I found a way to get away from you." 

"Shun! Stop with this nonsense. We will discuss this when you are better." Kenta cancelled the call which had just connected to deal with Shun first. 

"No! I will not stop. All of you people claim that you love me, but you never see me. You have never let me be a true part of your family." Shun said with tears in his eyes. 

"Shun, how could you say that?" The Eldest Brother asked in a heartbroken way. 

"It is true. All these years, I have been like a lucky cat or a household god to you. I do not know what happened in this family before I was born. All I know is that you treat me well, but you do not allow me to be one of you." Shun said. 

"We were just trying to protect you." The Third Brother said. 

"What is the point of all this protection if I am unhappy?" The tears in his eyes finally fell to his cheeks. "I want to have my own life. I want to experience what other people experience. I do not want to be a porcelain doll in a glass case." 

Shun had never gotten to say these words in the past. He had chosen the easy way out by going to Supreme City and starting a new life there. He would visit his family regularly, but he never stayed for too long. He was afraid he would go crazy. 

Or he would end up saying something that would ruin his relationship with his family forever. 

But after losing his memories and seeing his family treating him as a stupid child once again, the feelings that were concealed from childhood burst out. He finally expressed what he was feeling without a care for the consequences. 

"I should give you a moment." Hina felt awkward about being in the room and seeing the messy situation. 

"No, that will not be necessary, Dr Nishimura," Shun said with a lift of his head while wiping his face with the back of his hand. "If I assigned Wang Che to act as my legal agent, the choice should stand. I will trust in myself." 

The heartbroken faces of the Furukawa family were a terrible sight. The pain they experienced was deep because they felt like they were losing Shun. However, a part of them knew that the words he spoke were true. 

"Shun, let us talk about this at home," Sara said. "We are a family. We have hurt you, but we always have your best interests at heart." 

Shun looked at his mother. "I believe you. That is why I am confident enough to choose to stay with Wang Che, even if I do not remember him. If we were not close and he was not good to me, you would not let him be here." 

The Furukawa family was speechless. Had they shot themselves in the foot? 

Wang Che lifted a hand and rubbed Shun's longer hair a little with affection. He felt so proud of his little bunny for standing up for himself. Moreover, he managed to leave his family speechless. Even though he was a small animal, he was tough and brilliant. 

Shun felt a rush of warmth in his heart due to the gesture. For a moment, he felt like he had known that gentle touch before. He tried to remember when he felt this touch that seemed to belong only to him. But before he could grasp the memory…

"Aaaargh!" Shun cried out in pain and clutched his head. 

"My baby!" Sara cried out again before turning to Wang Che fiercely. "What did you do? You know he has a head injury." 

The Furukawas all glared at Wang Che like he had committed a sacrilegious act.

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