

Wang Che knew that voice, but he did not turn to the speaker immediately. He needed to compose himself before he betrayed his true feelings. If he did, he might not get the outcome he wanted from the Wang family. 

The person behind him was his mother. 

Unfortunately, he did not have a lot of fond memories of Madam Wang. He could not remember when she had ever used a vulnerable voice to talk to him. He had to respect the feelings she put into calling him. 

Che… She had never called him so fondly, even when he was a child. She would casually call him the Second One when talking about him and by his full name to his face. And every time she talked to him, there was always a flicker of irritation towards him. 

Wang Che never understood the barely veiled dislike towards him. He did not know what could have possibly led his mother to treat him so distantly in comparison to his brothers. But he never had a chance to ask. 

After taking a composing breath, Wang Che turned from the wall of photographs. His face was cold and unfeeling as usual. He did not want to show unusual behaviours that could put anyone on guard against him. 

"Madam Wang," Wang Che said. 

"Che, why are you being so distant with your mother?" She choked out, her eyes becoming a little moist. For an old woman, she was not a slouch in acting like a wronged child. 

"What do you mean?" Wang Che asked. "We have always interacted like this. Do not act like we are close." 

Madam Wang did not show cracks in the façade. "I have always tried to be closer to you, but you always keep me at arm's length. What was I to do? I can only accept the situation. But that does not mean that I have given up on you." 

She looked meaningfully at the whole as if filled with nostalgia. "Even when you walked away from us, we found you. And I have been watching you and supporting you through your career and life. I can only hope that you will understand your mother's feelings one day." 

Wang Che felt irritation. Perhaps, he held his mother most responsible for his inability to manage his emotions. He knew that he should take responsibility for his actions and behaviour. After all, he was an independent grown-up now. 

But he did not need a psychology degree to know that his mother was the original source of trouble for him. 

Unlike a lot of mothers from the upper-class society, she was not someone who used her love as a reward or a tool for manipulation. Rather, she was just a withholding and neglectful mother when it came to Wang Che. 

She gave a lot of attention to her eldest son because he was her firstborn. As for his sisters, she was not too close to them, but they bonded when she taught them the skills they needed to survive the aristocratic world. 

As for Wang Ning, he was the baby of the family. His mother lavished him with love and attention, that he was a certified mama's boy. Everyone in Supreme City knew that no one could hurt Wang Ning without Madam Wang causing a scene.

"What feelings, Madam Wang?" Wang Che asked. 

"Do not be like this. You know I have always cared for you, and you were always on my mind." The woman replied. "Have I not reached out to you in the past few years to try to reconnect? You have always rebuffed me."

Wang Che pursed his lips. His mother had called him severally and even showed up at Clarion Motor City. However, he could not even dignify her claim that it was out of love. Every single instance was about her interests. 

For example, the time she had come to Clarion Motor City was because she heard that Wang Che was seen on several occasions with Zhong Feng. Therefore, she appeared to demand that he connects the Wang family to the Zhong family. 

He could remember the entire exchange clearly. The first conversation that he and his mother had face-to-face after so long was filled with disappointment. He expected it, but it still stung when his mother burst into his office unceremoniously. 

"Why are you ignoring my calls? I am still your mother." She said with a raised voice. "And how dare you instruct your people not to let me in here? Do you think you are all that now?"

Wang Che merely looked at her. "What do you want?" 

His mother took a deep breath. "I have heard that you are close with Zhong Feng. He can be very good for our business. Your father thinks that he is the key to pushing forward the company to higher heights. Invite him for dinner." 

"I was thinking of connecting your younger sister with him. If he takes an interest in her, everything will change for us. I could be the mother-in-law of the most powerful man in the country. I have informed your sister to clean up her act until the connection is complete." 

Madam Wang spoke like the deal was complete with a lot of pride. The entire scene was disgusting to Wang Che. 

"No," Wang Che responded directly. 

The woman was shocked. "Why not? Do you think that your sister is not good enough for Zhong Feng?" 

Yes, Wang Che thought that his one unmarried sister was not good enough. He was not in contact with her, but he had heard everything about her through the grapevine. She did a lot of unsavoury things, including hard drugs. 

But that was beside the point. 

"Madam Wang, you should know that CEO Zhong is married. This matter was announced very publicly, so I am sure you have not forgotten." Wang Che said. 

His mother laughed. "People get divorced all the time. And even if he does not get a divorce, we will be fine as long as your sister manages to get pregnant. All men are not invulnerable to temptation. I am sure Zhong Feng is not different." 

Wang Che was disgusted even more. And he knew that Zhong Feng was different. His love for HU Lei was indescribable. 

"Please leave, and do not come back here. Remember, not everyone is as cheap as the Wangs." He finally said.

Madam Wang's face turned into a mottled shade of red. She lifted a hand and slapped Wang Che's face. He could have avoided the hit, but he did not move until the palm landed on his face. The slight sting did not faze him.

"Do not forget that you are a member of the Wang family. When this little shop you have here collapses, do not come crying to us." Madam Wang shouted before she turned and left in a huff. 

That was less than two years ago. The change in Madam Wang's attitude was quite revealing. Wang Che did not need to be a genius to know that his biological family was in deep trouble. 

"Mom! What are you doing here?" A surprised voice asked. 

Wang Ning looked genuinely shocked, but Wang Che did not buy it. Madam Wang could not have appeared out of coincidence at that time. 

"You child, you told me that Che was here. How could I not come?" Madam Wang responded affectionately. 

There was a subtle change from the contrived emotions to a more natural maternal love. Moreover, Wang Che could not argue with her subtle deflection. She knew that he would not believe it was a sudden coincidence, so she used this method to dismiss doubts. 

"I told you not to come over specifically." Wang Ning whines. "Brother Che came to see me." 

"Fine, fine." Madam Wang said. "You kids talk. I have some things to do anyway." 

As she left, Wang Che had a desire to burst out laughing. Everyone was behaving as if the past fifteen or so years had never happened. It was like he was fifteen again, just after he won that competition and before his eldest brother decided to get rid of him. 

"Do not mind her. I know you do not get along, but she means well." Wang Ning paused with an awkward smile. "Well, at least, most of the time. Come and taste some coffee I got from a friend. It was imported from Ethiopia." 

Wang Che nodded and followed his brother to the patio. Once the two of them settled, Wang Ning leaned closer to Wang Che. 

"So, what happened with your boyfriend? I cannot believe he would leave you in such a public way, just like that." Wang Ning said. "Did he regain his memories or something? Yes, everyone knows about his memory loss." 

Wang Che took a sip of the black coffee. "It is nothing like that. We just fought." 

"Let me guess. You were an insensitive jerk." Wang Ning laughed. 

Wang Che frowned with annoyance. 

"Do not be surprised. I have lived with dad and Brother Lu all these years. Trust me. I know the source of relationship problems for Wang men." Wang Ning continued.. "You know, I can teach you the secret to overcoming the curse." 

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