
Chapter 306 - Girl From Smiths Land...!

Chapter 306 - Girl From Smith's Land...!

"You have to say something, my dear husband?"

Jennifer asked in her sweetest voice. Despite the sweetness, her expression was in total contrast with that mocking smile.

Her raised brows and lifted eyes already gave a hint to Javier about her wordings. She wasn't being mean but the same brought an unsettled frown on his forehead.

"I..I.." Javier's lips parted but no words seemed to come out at this point. Rather, he found no sentence to revert back.

Lack of response brought a chuckle out of her lips when she held the certificate against her chest to show him. "That is your name, isn't it? Also, the name of the university, Javier… is the same university which I have studied at."

"Isn't this quite a coincidence already?"

Surprise and shock were evident on his face where he wondered how she found his things? "Jennifer.. this is.. how.."

"How, where, why, and whatnot!? I guess this isn't the time to talk about that at all. What concerns me the most is… why did you hide this?" Jennifer didn't give him any chance to revert back or deny the allegation.

Neither was he planning to do so nor would she let him keep her at the bay? At least not anymore when she is done with lies.

Walling closer to his rigid body, Jennifer kept her hands on his chest, "This heart of yours, actually belonged to me when you said that you loved me. But was your heart not the one telling me lies as well?"

"You are misunderstanding things, Jennifer." He was able to mutter but she didn't find it to be much beneficial, "Is that so? I don't think I'm. It clearly states you have studied there."

The cold aura of mist that lingered in Jennifer's eyes was beyond control. She wasn't any weakling girl, instead, her strength was coming out.

"You knew me before we even met. You told me that you have kidnapped me because of that Lucas. But after seeing these documents, I don't think that Lucas's bride was the sole reason for your actions." Jennifer just bluntly asked what came into her mind.

She doesn't know if this was the ultimate truth or not. However, his weak and pale face already has given her enough hints to understand his deep inner feelings well enough.

Taking a deep breath, Javier closed his eyes when he moved his hand around his ears. Massaging his temples, he finally opened his eyes to stare at her fierce gaze in his direction.

"Alright. I Will tell you everything.." with this, he took her hand into his when he brought her on the bed.

Making her sit, he bent on his knees to sit on the ground while not moving his eyes even for a mere second from hers. "Yes, I have studied in the Backline University of North...along with Ryan."

"Yes, I did know you all along, from the very first day." This time, he didn't even try to hide this anymore

The honesty flashed on his face which she could easily see. "Why did you lie then?"

"I never lied. Or maybe I did. I just didn't want to reveal things that soon to you. You remember the time when I used to tell you about, I will explain things at the right time."

In return, she nodded her head. How can she forget that he always mentioned these things, and she patiently waited for him to do so?

"This was what I wanted to tell you. Jennifer Taylor..I have been to the same university as you. We might not know each other but I do know you from a long time ago."

"But how..?" She was confused. The puzzled look on her face was evident when she wished to learn each and every piece of information right now. As her heart grew more inpatient, it has reached the stage where the urge to know the entire truth already took the lead.

Javier sighed as he looked at her face, "Since the first time you came to university. You know, you were famous for being… from the lands of Smiths, the people who are most conservative and do not even let their daughters study outside."

"You were very popular and I gained my interest. That is how I… ended up seeing you, although from far but that was enough for me to have the initial interest."

Hearing this, Jennifer blinked her eyes twice, to actually digest the same. For her, she could never imagine someone having an eye over her.. at least because she rarely interacted with guys. The only boy, whom she befriended was Austin, and that too because circumstances led her to do so.

"If you knew me by then… then why did you never say this earlier? Not like..I would have.."

"...Won't have done anything. But Jennifer there is a lot more to it.."



5 years ago.

The young Javier was present in his dorm with his batchmates. He's one of the closest friends, Frick was currently in talks with his other friend outside the dorm. Meanwhile, Javier was working on his laptop on his bed.

But then, his attention shifted when Frick came by his side, "Javier you can at least come outside and join us now. It is raining outside..:"

"So what? That isn't new. It is the season of rainfall?so it will continue to rain for some time now." Javier answered without moving his eyes from the screen of his laptop. The way his eyes focused showed how attentively he did his work.

Unfortunately, his friend disagreed with the same

"It might rain for some time from now onwards but you can...at least come with me. C'mon Javier, Don't act like any jerk!" Frick was ready to keep the man's laptop on the side table. But before that, Javier moved to the other side avoiding Frick's hand completely, "Don't disturb. I have completed this work at the fastest rate."

"The work sent by your...uncle?" he asked to which Javier just gave him a slight nod.

Frick sighed at the sight of a friend, overdosing with current work. The only thought that crossed his mind was how can a man like him actually work when other friends of theirs were interested to have the joyous celebration in the lobby of their dorm.

"Alright, you do your work. I'll be making my way where others are." Frick finally ended up saying.

Taking his snacks along with a can of juice, he was ready to step out. However, he stopped in the middle to turn around and stare at Javier once again.

'Gosh...he is so engrossed in work. Looks like I will need to tell him..' he found that to be the only solution when Frick opened his mouth, "You know, the girl from the Smith's land is also outside."

"She is also enjoying the rain with her best friend. Also heard some boys saying that she does look beautiful…" he stopped in the middle to notice Javier's unfaced expressions. There was no frown, neither the furrowed eyes giving him the double thought.

"As per your wish brother, I will be going out. See you tomorrow morning then.." Frick finally bid him goodbye, closing the door of the dorm with a thud!

The dazed Javier was still on his laptop, yet his speed slowed down. The no-change expressions of his didn't make the hidden but the mind of his turned doubtful, 'She is out? What is she doing there under the heavy rain?' his eyes went towards the window to see the intensity of the rainfall...

Enough, to make him frown and the attitude of his turned gloomy, "She will feel unwell then.." he wasn't sure why the concern arose in his heart either.

Neither was he intended to go out rather than finishing work prescribed to him. 'Why should I go out? Not like, we do know each other and..she is from Smith's lands. Not my work..'

Convincing himself with this mere thought, he brought himself back to the work rather than letting his thoughts wander here or there. Doing the work physically on the laptop with his heart and mind was already mentally present to her else.

"I better go and check that lady before…." Javier had no idea what took over his mind.

At that point, without letting anything else affect him, he kept his laptop aside and pulled out the jacket over his body.

Stepping outside of his dorm, he noted the entire lobby was empty since all the students gathered under the shed to start a bonfire in this weather.

He had no intent to be intermingled in the celebration so, he finally moved to the end of the building where he saw the ground empty….until his sight caught a girl.

Wearing the top of her half sleeves with her hair open, she was roaring and jumping like a two years old girl who saw the rain for the very first time. Being soaked entirely, some of her curves were visible, making Javier's lips turn into a straight line.

'She is...stupid..' he had no other word to say when he saw her playing with the rainwater The happiness that was reflected in her eyes wasn't unseen by him. The brightest was so much that it was overflowing and already caught the signs as well.

Seeing her like this, brought a sleepy smile covering his face. The corner of his lips turned upwards into a smirk.

However, this smirk didn't last long enough when his gaze traveled to slightly left, in the other building to see some people..


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