
Chapter 11 - Repair

Two months had gone by before anyone knows it. Emma had transformed into a perfect athlete-built body. All the excess fat in his body had been burnt off. His muscles were now in equal proportion. His chiseled face with a pointed nose, his blueish eyes elongated with his tidy shoulder-length hair made him a charismatic young man. He looked manly and mature.

"198, 199, 200" Emma exhaled. He stood up with a few sweats on his forehead. He finished his morning exercise with the pushup.

[Your body is now quite manageable now. Get some rest and let dive into today's lesson.]

Emma did not utter a word. He walked inside another room and sat on the bed. He stared at the bulb lost in thought. Since two months ago, his life had taken a drastic change. He wouldn't believe it if he was told he could be like this two months ago. But now, he had changed both physically and mentally. He had thrown all his wide fantasy out of the window. He sighed.

'If my parents were to see me now. They wouldn't believe it. I guess that isn't possible anymore. My last life was a waste. Hmm! But this one, I won't leave my life as an ignorant fool. Power dominates all things.' Emma exhaled.

After a while, Emma walked out of his room. He walked into a big room with a lot of books scattered everywhere. At the center of the room was an enormous table with papers littering the table. There was only a single chair inside the room.

[Welcome to today's class.]

"Why do you talk like that?" Emma asked.

[Why, am I not your teacher?]

"Nope. You're my assistant."

[Assisting you in what. I'm your teacher or I won't teach you again.]

"Whatever." Emma raised his hand.

[Good!–Your Calculation process had increased a lot. You're not lacking in the physics and engineering aspect likewise your knowledge in computer technology and programming is okay for now.]

The Okay of lily was not to be looked down on. Emma had already finished all the books he brought from the old library. With is powerful soul. His comprehension was ten times higher than a normal human being. While Lily an advanced Ai had change all the theoretical aspect that was lacking or wrong in those books and even add many topics. The topic taught by Lily was so advanced that Earth technology had never dreamed of going in that direction.

Emma was confused at one point with how advanced the topic was. He asked Lily. Lily shrugged it off. This knowledge was a common thing in my universe. Nothing special. Emma could only accept whatever Lily dumped into him and learn it with all his heart. Lily even go far to create a time plan for him.

5 hours – Sleeping.

3 hours – Exercises.

4 hours – Math

4 hours – Physic and engineering.

4 hours – Computer tech and programming.

1 hour – Chemistry

1 hour – Biology

1 hour – Miscellaneous, thinking, and Assignment.

1 hour – Resting.

Humming! Humming!

The light bulb went off and came back in a few seconds. Emma furrowed and raised his brow. "I guess I need to fix the power supply."

[Yes. That was my intention. The reserved battery won't last long anymore. The reserved battery was not meant to be used. It was meant to keep this place in good condition.]

[As from today. We'll move from the theory aspect to the practical aspect. Though those books had already become redundant anyway.]

[We have to get this place up and running.]


Emma went off the room and went into another room. He brought a medium size tools box with him. He walked out of the room and went deeper into the facility. Emma arrived on the last floor. He looked around the heavy machine. He saw an enormous metallic box at the far end of the floor. He hastened toward the box with a large stride. He had wanted to fix the facility but stopped because of his lack of knowledge on how to fix it.

However, the past two months were not for fun. He had gone to the old library many times to look for books relating to the machine on the last floor. He learned everything with the help of Lily.

Emma stopped in front of the enormous metallic box and exhaled. The enormous metallic box was the underground transmission junction box. The box had many cables coming and going out of it. it was the brain of the underground electricity. He opened his toolbox and brought out a plier.

"I hope the facility would not have been disconnected from the main electric network," Emma murmured.

[That's had to say. But it's the architectural design of this facility was meant to be self-sustaining. So, the probability of it still being connected to the electric network grid is 7/10.]

"That's refreshing."

Emma quickly cut off all the locks on the junction box. He opened the box and saw many circuits. There were many analog circuits, digital circuits, Mixed-signal circuits, and Advanced signal array circuits. Seeing this, Emma gulped. 'if I did not do my assignment very well. I would have made a fool of myself.'

All the circuit was dead as a graveyard. Emma worked on each grid of the circuit. One hour pass and Emma had not even detected any form of electricity in the junction box. He doubted the presence of current in the box. 'What would I do if there is no current'

Emma looked at the last grid circuit with hope. He tested one fused to another. Shortly, Emma's testing tools touched an integrated circuit and a fuse.

Humm! Humm!


Electric current sparked everywhere. Emma stumbled back. He found it difficult to stand. Shortly, the sparks receded. Emma rubbed of the sweats from his forehead. He looked at the junction box and smile.

"Yeah!" He yelled in joy.

[I have already detected traces of current right from the beginning. But am quite disappointed on how long for you to detect the source of the problem.]

"This my first time with electricity and this. Give me a slack. Everything I know was just theory." Emma retorted with a frown.

[You're right. But next time you must be quick and concise when doing anything.]

"Yes, mam."

[That's more like it]

Emma smile, shaking his head. Following the source of the spark. Emma detected why the facility had now light. "Hmm, the capacity of the incoming current was greater than what they designed this box for."

[Right. I predict after the long years. Somehow the point where the current is coming had been increased. Because of the high demand for light.]

"But how? It's over 30 years now." Emma puzzled.

[If the electric current is coming from the main substation. It won't be difficult to achieve that. And the probability of it coming from the main substation is very high.]


"I need to replace all the burnt fuse and circuit."

Emma dashed out of the underground. He went into his room and went to the corner of his room. He opened a small wooden box and brought out a blue Elementor phone. The phone was slightly broken but if repair it would work. Emma found the phone in the junk site. He didn't know what to do with the phone previously, but now he knew.

Emma put on a hood and went out of the facility. The weather was clear and people follow their daily routine. Emma's change in physique made it difficult for people to identify him. He entered a repairing shop and saw a middle-aged man at the counter.

"Hello, I don't know maybe you're interested in buying this." Emma went directly to his point. He brought out the Elementor phone and show the man.

The man looked at the phone for a while before nodding. "Let me take a look."

"Sure." Emma gave the phone to the man.

After taking scrutinizing the phone. "$500" the man announced.

"That's too small. But I don't mind if you could provide me some old materials."


Emma recounted all the material needed for the repairing of the juncture box. Listening to the materials Emma listed. The middle-aged man furrowed. "Those materials are old. What do you need them for?"

"Just some side project."

"Ok, follow me"

Shortly, Emma came out of the shop with a smile. He gained more than what he demanded. And on top of that with $500. Quickly, traveled back to his abode. He did not bother looking back. With the help of Lily. They had devised a way to move without been detected.

Emma returned to the facility and began to repair the junction box. He brought new tools from the middle-aged man that assist his work to become faster. After two hours. Emma had replaced all the damaged parts from the junction box. Now the last step was for him to pull a lever.

Emma took a deep breath.

[What! What's with all this drama.]

Emma ignored Lily and pulled the lever. At first, nothing happened. 'Did I fail'

Humm! Humm!

The ventilation system started working in full swing. While all the major lights were switched on.. The dormant machines roared to life.

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