
Chapter 49 Desperate Mortal's Plea To Goddess

"You will die in 50 years! You need me, or else all of you die! " I shouted with a desperate tone.

I wasn't desperate but I wanted her to see me like this. If she thinks of me as a mere mortal that is scared of death, she may take pity on me.

While I was thinking, Ilelia took back her aura and looked at me with a calculating gaze.

"Tell me what you know." Ilelis demanded.

"I will tell you if you fulfil my conditions, I will even help you to survive. I will even swear on my soul." I said with a weak but determined expression.

Probably I was just a weak mortal in the perspective of the Goddes but i wasn't just a weak mortal. I was a weak but 'determined' mortal who won't give his knowledge for the goodness of a goddess without any benefit.

"Swear on your soul then, puny mortal. Swear on your soul that you will speak to me only the truth from now on. If you even lie for a single thing, i will make sure you suffer for an eternity." Ilelia spouted with a commanding tone.

'It will be troublesome to not lie to Ilelia but I think I can manage it or I can just tell had truth and stay silent when I don't want to speak the truth.'

"I swear on my soul that I, Kayle Ceuire, won't tell any lies to Goddes Ilelia from now on and if the Goddess Ilelia fulfils my conditions, i will help her to survive in the disaster that will happen in the future with the best of my abilities." I swore with a calm and collected tone.

After I swore, a connection that looked like frozen blood formed between us and disappeared like it was just an illusion but it wasn't. It was proof of my promise to Ilelia.

Every divine being can sign a contract with someone via swearing to something they own and if they don't fulfil their end of the deal, they will lose the something they swore to the world itself, as the world is more powerful than most gods resides on it. Hence the world can easily fulfil the punishment itself to the gods.

After swearing, I opened my mouth.

"You will die in 50 years, all of the gods will die, but I believe that I can help you with your imminent death." I said truthfully.

Well, she is going to die in 20 years, but I said 50 years to give her false hope of we have too much time on our hands. Though I will try my best to save her from the apocalypse, as I swore to help her to survive the apocalypse. Though I don't have to help her after the apocalypse.

Ilelia looked at me with wide eyes, probably she didn't believe my words at first but she can't deny my words. As of right now, I can't tell a single lie to Ilelia.

"So, you were telling the truth huh..." Ilelia said and slumped her shoulders. Her whole demeanour changed as if her harsh personality was a lie.

"I wouldn't even believe the words of a mere mortal that says all of the gods will die, but I can't deny the reality when you swore on your soul while didn't die. This means, what you said is true or you are a madman that believes what you have said is true with your whole being and you can't be a madman as I can see that you are completely sane." Ilelia stated respectively.

"Do you believe me then?" I asked with a curious expression. Ilelia's sudden change of demeanour may be fake to deceive me, so I began to inspect her facial expressions.

"It is hard to believe but even if I believe you and it turned out to be a lie, I won't lose anything other than time, which isn't too much for me." Ilelia said with a cold, sadistic smile.

'Her personality shifts too much. She must have personality disorder or something like that.' I concluded after seeing Ilelia's sudden emotional changes.

Anyway, what Ilelia said was true. As a goddess, she won't die because of old age and probably she would get me as her angel or personal torture doll because of her loss of time.

Though this won't happen as long as this world doesn't stray from the novel's plot, which is very low change because the apocalypse happened in the novel because of the excessive use of mana reduced this world's overall mana quantity and in turn the world's will concluded that this world needed more mana, hence it opened portals to the mana rich environments of a different dimension, effectively invited abyss creatures to this world.

"I will do my best to help you in the future, as you know, my goddess. I know too many things for a mortal to bear." I said with a sincere tone and put my hand to my heart.

"I don't want any treasures or miraculous techniques, all I want is to live freely, which is why I request your protection and promise to not harm me, kill me or seal me directly and indirectly." I said and deeply bowed my head.

It was a sincere request of a desperate mortal to a goddess. Even though Ilelia was harsh in the beginning, she is a goddess and all gods are inherently good. That is their nature after all.

They can be neutral or good but can't be evil.

For example, if Ilelia begins to think that killing me is evil, she won't kill me. Though she can choose evil action for the greater good but this isn't that kind of scenario.

That is why I was trying to make myself look like a weak mortal burdened by a great burden, which is my knowledge.

If I can deceive her right now to swear to not kill me, I can do anything afterwards as she won't be able to kill me, she would just stay neutral to my actions.

While I was bowing my head, Ilelia opened her mouth.

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