国自产拍 高清精品

Chapter 29

The two words could barely leave Arianna’s head even after the ceremony went on as if nothing happened. It dawned on her that she had just four days to escape this hell hole. Like a patient with a terminal disease, it was just four days to live and Arianna was sure as hell that she would take full advantage of it.

It was as if Arianna became a different person after Big Joe granted her that favor. If there was anything she knew about men, it was the fact they valued their ego, and for someone like Big Joe with growth restriction, his own pride would be over the roof.

So she had a plan and it was to buy over Big Joe’s trust in three days. Yeah, you heard her, right, she had just three days to buy his trust and the fourth day would be her executing her plans of running away. And the best way to win over Big Joe’s trust was to stroke his ego.

In the Bible, it was said that on Herod’s birthday, Herodias’ daughter, danced before the king and his guests. Her dancing pleased Herod so much that in his drunkenness he promised to give her anything she desired, up to half of his kingdom. When Salome asked her mother what she should request, she was told to ask for the head of John the Baptist on a platter. Although Herod was appalled by the request, he reluctantly agreed and had John executed by beheading in the prison.

Big Joe craved attention and he must want to show off the fact he had an obedient beautiful wife to the world to boost his pride. Wasn’t that Kenith’s intention for bringing her here? Unfortunately, she would turn everything to her advantage. She, Arianna, refused to accept this kind of fate.

“Aren’t you going to retire for the night?” Arianna asked Big Joe, who was watching a dance performance by a group of lovely women clad in little articles of clothing.


“Do you want to sleep?” Big Joe asked back, his gaze staring right into her.

Arianna pulsed her lips, “I would say sleep is essential for your well-being....” and growth, she intentionally didn’t add that one seeing that he was quite sensitive to that, “But then early to bed, early to rise. I have just four days to get to know you so I have to take advantage of tomorrow, don’t you think so?” she threw back the question at him with her head tilted at the side with a smile.

Mimi always told her that her side features were a killer and she had to test that theory now.

Surprisingly, Big Joe looked dazed for a while as if he let down his defenses and that lit up hope inside her. As expected, men were men – tall or short – and they couldn’t resist a woman’s charm.

“A-hem,” He cleared his throat when he recovered from his daze, “I’ll have Kenith take you back then,”

At the mention of Kenith, the smile on Arianna’s face fell at once. That bastard!

“Must I leave with him?” She intentionally pouted her lips, appearing to be throwing a tantrum. Big Joe must not find out her suspicions about Kenith.

“He’s the one I trust the most amongst others and he’d take care of you,” He ended the conversation and in less than a minute, the always smug Kenith had appeared by her side.

“You called for me, boss,” He bowed his head with respect before his gaze flickered to Arianna who didn’t bother to look at him.

“She needs rest,” Big Joe said so nonchalantly that Arianna even began to wonder if she made any progress with him tonight. Big Joe seems so apathetic or maybe, he was pretending? Either one, she was not backing out of this challenge.

Arianna didn’t need to wait for Kenith to help her to her feet because she was already standing and before everyone’s watchful eyes, leaned over the armrest of Big Joe’s throne.

At first, Kenith seemed apprehensive and wanted to make a move thinking she was about to harm the boss but to his shock, she pecked him on the side of the cheek instead, saying with a sly smile, “Goodnight Big Joe,”

Everyone was shocked by her move – Big Joe included. He clearly didn’t expect that gesture from her. Truthfully speaking, Arianna could have been a lot cheesier but there was a clear borderline between being sweet and cheesy and Big Joe was not stupid enough to fall for that.

“Goodnight Arianna,” Big Joe said this time and failed to fully mask the goofy smile that appeared on his face.

Arianna wondered if he even knew that he called her by her name and names were the first step to a close relationship.

With a hidden smirk, Arianna turned dramatically and with grace drawing quite an attention as she retreated for the night. Unlike the first time she came in, she was now confident and proud.

Arianna didn’t speak a word to Kenith as he escorted her to her place and it wasn’t until he reached her door that she said, “Thanks for your good work,” And tried to shut her door on him but he forced his way through.

She was shocked by his behavior as he backed her into a wall causing her to glare at him, what was he up to now?

“What are you doing?” He growled at that question.

“I should be the one asking you that question, Mr. Kenith!” Arianna retorted with a formal tone that made him freeze up.

He unconsciously let go of her and Arianna was relieved. Standing to her full height, she said to him with a cold tone, “I don’t know what’s up with you Mr. Kenith but I think you should watch the way you behave around me. We don’t want Big Joe to have the wrong impression of us, don’t we?”

Kenith snorted a laugh, “So you spend just a few hours with him and you think you’re now his woman?”

With a deep breath, Arianna took a forward step till they were staring into each other’s eyes, “You tell me? Wasn’t that your intention of bringing me here in the first place or is there another reason I don’t know?”

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