国自产拍 高清精品

Chapter 61

One of her eyes first opened before the other and she glanced up, only to see that it was no other than a cute-looking snow-white chihuahua licking her face.

“Gosh,” Arianna was vexed a bit, she had been having a good dream when it woke her.

In that dream, she was with Elijah and they actually had a life together. By having a life together, Arianna meant they had kids – two kids actually, a boy and a girl – and lived happily before the dog decided to lick her back to reality.

And reality sucks.

“Where did you come from?” Arianna muttered, pulling the dog from her face.

The last thing she remembered was asking about Redhead before losing consciousness. And right now, she was attached by wires to a recording monitor alongside an Iv drip. Who knew he cared so much for her life?

His people didn’t.

Arianna found the tag necklace and read, “Redhead?”


“Huh?” Her brows were furrowed.

Wait a minute, does this mean that the Redhead Marcel wanted her to meet was a dog? What the hell was wrong with this guy? Moreover, the dog didn’t even have a red spot on its body, why name it Redhead?

This man Marcel was confusing her more and more.

“Nonetheless, you’re a pretty little thing,” Arianna broke into a smile, running her hands through its furs as the dog leaned closer to her.

“I’m glad you like him,” A voice said from behind and Arianna’s hands froze at once, her back stiffening. She hasn’t even heard him come in.

She slowly lifted her gaze, her green eyes staring into teasing gray ones. Marcel looked carefree as usual with his devil may care attitude.

“What do you want from me?” Arianna asked immediately, she wanted to get this over with, “Because if it’s about Elijah, then trust me, you’re in for a loss. I would never tell you what you want to know.”

“Isn’t it too early to start the interrogation? I was hoping that we could at least get to know each other first of all,” Marcel said to her astonishment.

What the fuck is wrong with this guy? Arianna was dumbfounded. She had thought Elijah was shameless, but that was nothing compared to Marcel’s.

As if that wasn’t enough, he sat down on the edge of the bed and that made her shift back. She didn’t exactly trust him, not after what his people did to her. Marcel was a predator and she was prey.

“How do you feel?” He asked, surprising her once again. But Arianna would not let her guard down, this was nothing but a trap.

She knew what Marcel was planning, he wanted her to lay down her defenses around him and when it seemed as if nothing would happen, he would then strike where it hurts the most.

So Arianna snorted, “As if you care?”

“I do care, Arianna. You would be surprised how much I care,” He said so softly like a whisper down her soul and she would have been entranced by its charm if she didn’t know who she was dealing with.

“You’re a monster, Marcel,” Arianna told him, quite surprised at her bravery.

She was sitting face to face with Marcel, the man who shredded her happily ever after at the airport; the man whose people almost tortured her to death. For him to have such power and resources, Arianna finally came to the conclusion, Marcel was in the Mafia.

“Don’t monsters deserve to be loved?”

“What?” Arianna was stunned by that question. By the way, when did their conversation move in this direction?

“In every story and fairy tale, the good ones always have their happy ending. Why does no one write about the villains? We, the villains, are the reason the plot seems interesting in the first place yet no one tells of our contribution nor creates our happy ending. Why’s that?”

By the time Marcel was through with his question, Arianna’s jaw had already dropped to the ground.

Marcel was weird, really weird.

While she was supposed to be afraid of him, she couldn’t help but compare the fact he looked like a curious school kid while talking.

She said to him, “I don’t know what you’re talking about? Moreover, I’m not a storyteller. Perhaps, if you still want an answer to your question, you should schedule an appointment with any of the best-selling authors out there. I’m sure they would your questions correctly,”

Their gaze held once again and for a moment, they didn’t say anything, just trying to gauge each other’s reaction and intention. But something strange happened.

Marcel suddenly bit on his lips and Arianna’s gaze followed the gesture and it turned out to be a mistake.

At first, it had been an innocent staring, her eyes couldn’t help but go there. However, her gaze couldn’t help but observe Marcel’s lips, it was pouty and looked soft, supple, and kissable – what the...

Arianna’s face burned with embarrassment upon having such improper thoughts, but when she saw the smug smile on Marcel’s face as if he saw through her, she understood at once what he did.

“Get out!” She yelled, outraged. Her heart monitor began to beep, having sensed her heart rate increase significantly.

“Where to my lady when this is my room?” He smirked and the red tint in Arianna’s face increased. Only that this time, it wasn’t just embarrassment, she was angry.

However, as much as Arianna wanted to hit him, she couldn’t. If that evil woman could almost torture her to death, who knows what their leader, Marcel is capable of doing to her. So she bore the anger in her heart while praying Elijah was safe wherever he was.

“You should have let me die,” Arianna hissed and his face distorted at once as if he couldn’t stand the thought of that.

“Why should I let a beautiful woman like you die, it would be a huge loss to the world,” Marcel said.

“Stop calling me that,” She warned him.

“Mia Bella, why shouldn’t I?” he retorted, a teasing smile on his lips.

Arianna shut her eyes close, she didn’t know which one was worse. His teasing smile or his flatterings that pissed her off so much. How could someone be so irritating?

With that anger, she shot back,

“Because you don’t have the right to call me that. You kidnapped and brought me here where your people almost killed me. What gives you the right to -”


Arianna was surprised when he cut her off by pressing his finger against his lips – thankfully, it wasn’t her lips.

“Before you heap down the accusations you’re more than willing to lay on me, let’s go down memory lane, because if I could remember, you were the one who stole from me first,” He reminded her.

“Your life wouldn’t have been intertwined with mine if you had kept your pretty little hands to yourself,” He added immediately, “Although I do like your hands on me, the only disadvantage was that I didn’t feel them until you were gone. Perhaps, the next time, you go a little slower. I don’t really mind,”

Was he flirting with her? Arianna had to blink twice to confirm what she just heard wasn’t part of her imagination.

Unlike before when she was scared, Arianna crawled closer to Marcel till they were on the same eye level, their breath mingling together.

Arianna tilted her head, whispering into his ears, “You are sick. And trust me, the only time you would feel my hands on you is me crushing your balls,” She threatened.

However, Marcel laughed instead, it was a deep melodious rumble in his chest, “Oh honey,” He was back to holding her gaze and Arianna didn’t back down from the challenge.

He said, “I like it hard,”

Arianna’s eyes widened, a blush creeping up her face, “Oh my God, you’re unbelievable!” She panicked.

What kind of human being was he? Must everything he says allude to sex?

Her reaction was so cute that Marcel couldn’t help but burst into laughter. She was so innocent and there were a whole lot of things he wanted to teach her. Or maybe he just craved to paint her soul black, only then would a monster like him get his mate.


How funny?

“As much as I’ve enjoyed my conversation with you, duty calls,” Marcel said, standing up to his feet.

“You’re leaving me here?” The question slipped off her lips unintentionally.

Marcel smiled, “You seem too eager to spend time with me,”

“Keep on dreaming,” she rolled her eyes.

Marcel put his hands in his pocket only for his brows to furrow while Arianna looked the other way.

“The keys, Arianna,” He demanded.

Arianna sighed, why did he find out so soon? She had no choice but to pull out the bunch of keys from beneath the sheet. She had slipped it from his pocket earlier when she leaned closer.

She tossed it towards him and Marcel caught it.

“Quite a good skill you got there, it’s quite unfortunate that we don’t be spending much time together,”

That question made Arianna turn around at once, “What do you mean by that?”

But Marcel wouldn’t answer her, “Be a good girl and don’t even attempt escaping, Arianna, I would always find you. Also, I named the dog after the color of your hair,” He informed her.


Arianna tried to go after him only to be held back by the wires attached to her body and before she could look up, Marcel was gone.

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