
Chapter 95 - Chase... Near Death.

  'Danger. Toxic gas detected. Fatal to the body. Please follow the altered route immediately and increase your speed by 10%' 

Emma was the incoming gas with a widened eye. 'Why can't all these beasts behave like a normal earth animal.' Quickly, he switched his route and follow the available provided by the AI, also increasing his speed. However, his breathing became imbalanced, his chest going up and down.


Watching its prey avoiding its attack. The snake's fury increased, dashing after Emma like a bullet. 'Threat speed double. Please avoid traveling on a straight line.'

Fuck! Fuck!


Emma change is traveling route, avoiding the snake attack by an inch. The nearby tree that received the attack was turned into smitten. Moreover, Emma was already drenched in cold sweats while he was on his last leg. If was any ordinary human being, he would have been caught long ago. Two things help him so far. One, his increase in endurance and the support from the helmet AI.


Emma dodged another dangerous attack. While his speed began to reduce. Though he wanted to escape, his body failed to follow his order. He now relied on his will to survive to continue the escape. 

'Arriving at the location in approximately 60 seconds'

What! 60 sec! fuck!

"Can I survive for 60 seconds?" He looked at the furious snake at his back from the video feed coming from the helmet.

Boom! Boom!

Emma took another turn, following the predictive analysis of the AI. The AI could not predict 50% of the snake movement, helping Emma at the last moment. 'That was close.' He trembled.

'Incoming attack. Turn 45 degrees and jump.'

Immediately, Emma gather all his strength, he turned 45 degrees and jumped. However, his speed was too slow. Ah! Emma cried in pain. The snake attack scratched past his right side. However, the pain he received was no less than an actual attack. He crashed on the ground, rolling for a few seconds before a tree stopped him.

'Please, keep on running.'

"Shut the fuck up. I know." Emma shouted, standing up, and he ran like mad. Anybody looking at Emma would find it difficult to see his leg on fast he was running.

The snake halt for a couple and looked at its prey. However, it discovered its prey was still alive and kicking while it was escaping again. Hiss! It dashed after Emma, not letting its prey escape.

'Human detected.'

'Ghost Hunter Jojo detected.'


Hearing this, Emma saw light at the end of the dark tunnel. "Jojo!"

Meanwhile, Jojo was looking at the surroundings with widened eyes. Trees tall as sky scrappers with lush grasses taller than her. There was no sunlight but there was illumination, making it easy for eyes to see.

Everything was in harmony with each other. This! She couldn't believe what her eye was seeing. How could trees be as tall as this? The surrounding fascinated her. "Beautiful," She murmured before she heard her name called urgently. 

Immediately, she raised her guard and looked at the surrounding. "Repeat, over."

"Jojo, it is the commander." Emma's raspy voice came from the comm.

"Commander! What going on. What happens to your voice?"

  "Danger….! RPG….! 10 o'clock" Emma shouted.

Jojo didn't dillydally. She dropped on one knee and open the box on her left hand, bringing out an RPG, turning to her 10. Though she didn't know what the threat was. However, for the commander to be frightened. It is deadly serious. Jojo held her breath, waiting for the threat. After a few seconds, the ground vibrated.

Jojo furrowed. What could cause this? Then she saw the commander running toward her like a mad dog. 'What happened to the commander? Why is he coming from my 10?' she thought. However, her jaw dropped when she saw the enormous serpent chasing after him.


Emma dodged the snake attack by an inch while shouting. "Jojo! Now!"

Listening to Emma shout, Jojo woke up from her trance, aiming the RPG at the gigantic snake. Boom! Cloud of smoke raised to the sky, trees, and the grass was tuned into smitten. Emma and Jojo looked at the attack with rapid breathing.

After a couple of seconds and not detecting any movement. The smoke had yet to settle down, though. Emma breathe a sigh of relief while Jojo dropped the RPG with the shock was still obvious in her eyes. He walked toward Jojo. 'I knew RPG would kill it. The snake doesn't have a scary defense like the Kpriv.' Emma snickered.

'Life pulse detected…. Danger!'


Are you fucking kidding… me!

"Jojo reload!"


Hearing Emma's scream, Jojo was flabbergasted, but she quickly gathered her wit and began to reload the RPG. Swiss! However, something shut like a bolt of lightning toward Jojo, catching her off guard. "Jojo! Watch out!" She heard a scream, raising her head, only to see a blurry image.

Shocked. Scared. She stopped breathing while her brain couldn't process the situation. Everything stopped for a fraction of seconds in her brain. Only her instinct was screaming danger. 

If I don't do something, I will die.

Jojo summoned her 'Will' bending to the left by a foot while positioning the RPG on her chest. Boom! Everything happening in a fraction of seconds. Ah! The attack sent Jojo flying for a couple of meters before stopping by a huge tree. Thud! She crashed on the ground, puking out blood.

On her suit, there was a deep cut on her right chest, displaying a gruesome injury. The attack missed her vital spot by an inch.

Everywhere became silent. Emma stood rooted on the spot with his eyes widened, looking at Jojo and then the enormous strong tail of the snake. After a couple of seconds, the cloud of smoke settled down, and behold the gigantic head of the snake. The snake had various deep injuries on its body, red blood gushed out like an open dam.

However, the snake seems not to care about its injury. Its fang was out, hissing continuously while the fury in its eyes couldn't be more obvious. The snake looked at the puny human that injured him and then back to the man it's has been chasing for a while. 

If not for this stupid puny insect.

I won't be injured.

The snake coiled its huge body, ready for another attack. While Emma was already sweating. 'Where are the others? Shit.' He looked at Jojo but shook his head. 'I can't go to Jojo's side. This stupid snake may finish its work. Then…' He looked at the snake while the snake looked at the man.

But just then.....

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