国自产拍 高清精品

Chapter 232

They were back at the base and as soon as they got into the foyer, he handed her over to the nearest soldier he could find with instructions that didn’t sit well with Arianna.

“Settle her in the least comfortable room. The princess has been pampered long enough, it’s time she’s welcomed into the real world,” He said with so much spite that made goosebumps climb up her arms. This wasn’t the Marcel she knew.

“Yes, boss!” The soldier said and tried to grab onto her but Arianna realized the tricky situation she was in and held tight to Marcel instead.

“No, you can’t leave me with him!” She screamed just as Marcel pulled her grasp off him and the soldier took her away.

With her gone, Marcel took deep, slower breaths to calm down. His heart hasn’t stopped pounding since that incident and it was still a miracle he drove the both of them back home safely. He couldn’t get the incident out of his head.

How could she endanger her life like that? She was definitely crazy. Crazier than he thought. She’d rather die than be with him? Fine, let her die here then!

Marcel stomped over to his quarters where he went into the bathroom and grabbed a soft towel that he soaked in warm water and began to clean off his wound.

His head was not the only place he was injured, his arms and back hurt like hell and there were abrasions on his hand, but those pains were nothing compared to what he has been through so it didn’t bother him much.


Hence, Marcel simply popped some painkillers into his mouth and came into his room only to see his cousin waiting. He wasn’t really surprised by Victor’s appearance and wiped his face with the towel.

“You look good,” Victor said with pure sarcasm. Even a blind man could tell that Victor enjoyed this miserable state he was into. He was clearly mad at Marcel for what he asked him to do.

“Watch it, Victor,” Marcel warned him, “I’m not in the best of mood. Don’t be the number two on that list,”

But Victor chuckled instead, “I take back my words, you can be with Arianna. The both of you fit each other perfectly. To think that I have been looking for a way to royally piss you off yet she did me the favor without even trying hard,” He laughed further.

But of course, Victor’s laughter was equivalent to rubbing salt on Marcel’s wound and he couldn’t stand it. So he hollered, “Enough!” His eyes were fierce.

Victor stopped taunting him. He knew how much Marcel could take and didn’t want to try his luck pushing him to the edge. Cousin or not, Marcel wouldn’t care about that when punishing him. He has been warned.

So he remained quiet and Marcel was satisfied by that because he asked in the next minute, “And what about the thing I requested?”

“Sent to your phone already,” Victor said.

“Good,” Marcel said, taking off his shirt and walking into his closet where he chose a red-black t-shirt. All of his clothes were designers but he wore them whenever and wherever he wanted. Money was not his problem.

“You know this is a bad idea,” Victor leaned against the entrance, arms wrapped around his chest smugly. Whatever was happening entertained him or maybe he was just happy that he – Marcel- was in a hot seat with Arianna. His cousin must think this was karma paying him back for what he did – forcing him to kidnap Mimi. Maybe it really was.

“I didn’t ask for your opinion,” Marcel said in a gruff manner.

“Yeah, sure, you didn’t....” He rolled his eyes, “But guess what? I’m your consigliere and it’s my duty to advise you when your stubborn ass is about to make a mistake!” Victor hated his cousin’s intransigence so much. That was the one flaw Marcel possessed that vexed him. When he made up his mind on something, it was hard to change his fucking mind especially when angry. He was a stupid bull!

“Well, guess what, consigliere? Your services are not needed right now?” Marcel added, “And you think I haven’t been patient with her? I’m on the verge of losing my honor amongst my men – who thinks I’m blinded by her p**sy- all because of her unyielding ass and you think I’m about to make a mistake by putting her in her place? You of all people should know that a dog without control needs to be put down!” He flared up.

Victor snorted, “And you think threatening her family is the right way? Come on, even you wouldn’t stand it.“ He told him the truth in the face.

“If that would keep her in line, then so be it!” Marcel breathed.

“Fine,” Victor nodded, “Then do it. Capture her! Beat her! Do it Daniel style! I’m sure your father would be honored to hear that...” He added dramatically, “Oh my lovely son, you followed in papa’s footsteps. I’m so proud of you, mwah.” he made a kissing sound.

By this time one could tell that Marcel had reached his limit because he snapped at his cousin, “Get out!” his nostrils flared in anger.

“You don’t even need to tell me twice,” Victor shouted back,” I came here all alone and I’ll leave by myself,”

When he reached the door, Victor added, “And I hope she beats your ass this time!”

Marcel turned around in time to see him giving him the middle finger.

“You little piece of -”

Victor shut the door on him.

“Aah!” Marcel screamed out his anger and frustration, punching the wall next to him. Why was everyone getting on his nerves today?

As if the universe was messing around with him, his phone rang at that moment and he pulled it out of his pants only to realize it was Clara calling.

With an anguished roar, he tossed the phone against the wall and the screen shattered yet the phone wouldn’t stop reading.

Agitated, Marcel began to stomp it all over with his feet. This was a better therapy than wolfing out on Arianna and making the already precarious situation worse. He continued doing so until the screen blackened and his anger was satisfied.

Now, he was going to talk to Arianna calmly like a responsible gentleman and not the leader of a mob contrary to Victor’s expectations. He would prove him wrong.



Yeah! Today’s my birthday and there’s a picture of me in the comments section if you want to catch a glimpse of me or you can visit my Instagram handle @Young Sommie. Thanks so much for your wishes. And by the way, I’m much older than I look. Baby face here??.

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