国自产拍 高清精品

Chapter 293

Looking around now, she recognized that the room was Marcel’s. She must have fallen asleep and he brought her here.

Seriously, why didn’t he take her to her room? The thought of his men seeing her leave this place and creating more rumors about the both of them made her want to cringe.

She wasn’t Marcel’s lover neither would such a thing work between them. It was time to make her stand clear; he should stop having ideas.

She had to leave this place. Dahlia decided and just let out one leg down the bed when she froze and slowly lifted her leg back up the bed. Because lying on the floor at the entrance of the room was no other than the mighty Lion, Samson.

Arianna groaned, what was Marcel doing? Was he trying to get her killed? If only she knew that the lion had been her watchman throughout the night since Marcel had not slept in his room. Knowing that he wouldn’t be able to control himself around her, Marcel let her sleep all by herself.

“Okay, calm down, Arianna,” She told herself, steadying her breath. Marcel told her that the wild creature was domesticated.


Who in his right mind domesticates a fucking lion?! A breathing lion several pounds heavier than her and could tear her apart with those razor-sharp teeth. Oh God, she can’t calm down! Arianna was freaking out.


Where was her phone? She needed to call for help! Oh right, she hadn’t touched or felt a phone for the past month now. If someone told Arianna that she’d be able to stay away from phones for this long, she would never be able to believe it; she had become so addicted to her device.

However, no matter how freaked out Arianna was, she watched Samson who only opened his amber-colored eyes – which was kind of cute now she looked at it – when he noticed she was awake and closed them back again.

It was as if he didn’t even care about her existence and Dahlia couldn’t tell if that was an insult or what. Was that lion looking down on her?

Maybe she was freaking out over nothing? Arianna thought so when Samson didn’t react to her presence. Perhaps, Marcel must have given him an order not to kill her?

Come to think of it, if the lion wanted to end her, it would have done so while she was asleep. You know, enjoy her delicious flesh and all. Was it as tamed as Marcel claimed?

Although she still had her fears, Arianna still crept closer to the edge of the bed and waved cautiously, “Hello, carnivores buddy?”

Samson opened his eyes and looked at her. Arianna didn’t sense any bloodlust there and was glad. Maybe the lion wasn’t as bad as she thought and they could become friends the same way it was friends with Marcel.

However, her joy was short-lived because the lion shut his eyes after releasing a snort-like sound. Arianna was stunned. She was definitely right, the lion was looking down on her.

“Alright, I know that you don’t like me but I have no interest in coming here either. Your master forced me to leave my place, my life, my family, my future, and here I am talking to a lion that probably doesn’t even understand me...”

Arianna sighed, realizing how stupid she must look right now – even to the lion. But to her surprise, Samson lifted his head and her brows raised.

“Whoah!” Arianna was stunned by its reaction. Did it hear her? This has got to be unreal. Oh my gosh! The lion understood her! Okay, maybe, this was the first step to being great friends in the future. A lion as a friend would be so superb.

“So in human relations, we start by knowing each other’s name,” Arianna really talked to him as if he could hear her, “I’m Arianna and I know yours, Samson the lion. That’s kind of ironic, do you know that, considering Samson killed the lion in the Bible. Your master is the worst at naming!” She laughed all by herself while Samson just kept staring at her, blinking occasionally.

“Now, as a gesture of our friendship...” Arianna slowly climbed out of the bed, letting one foot down before the other, “I am going to leave this room and you are not going to eat me or anything, right?”

Arianna said, cautiously heading towards the entrance where Samson was lying down by the side.

“I might be a sweet adorable girl but my blood tastes bitter and my bones are quite skinny, so you don’t want to eat me. You won’t enjoy it at all.” She coerced him as she stepped closer and closer till she was standing near Samson.

This was the crucial moment and Arianna didn’t dare to move carelessly so as not to startle him. She barely made friends with him and can’t destroy it now.

Unfortunately, all her concerns were for nothing because Samson didn’t mind her movements till she successfully made it out of the room and closed the door with a gentle click.

“Yes, I did it!” Arianna was over the moons. She finally got over her fear of the lion, her next agenda would be to get close to the creature. And to do that, she’d need Marcel’s help massively. Well, he – Marcel – was useful for something good in the end.

However, while Arianna was celebrating, Samson finally stood from his lying position and climbed up the bed, and laid down.

For a young lion, he was spoiled by his Marcel and lived in luxury. Samson had his own accommodation but he loved Marcel’s room better and the only reason he hadn’t hurt that woman was because she smelt like him.

Now, not only does he have to contend for Marcel’s love with that annoying chihuahua – that would taste good for breakfast – the woman has become his second competition.

Well, he’d think about how to get his master’s affection back after he has his beauty sleep. It wasn’t easy staying up all night and keeping a watch on that woman.

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