国自产拍 高清精品

Chapter 372

However, Elijah merely sipped his warm coffee in peace while waiting for the good news. Although his arm was no longer in a bandage, it didn’t mean that it was completely healed, but he didn’t like the idea of it.

Seeing himself in a bandage made him appear weak and Elijah hated the thought of being weak. They were brought up to be fine, strong young men nor could he afford to be weak in this particular phase of his life. Right now, he was playing a very dangerous that could claim his life – before help could even come. This was the time to be strong, not weak.

“What is it?” He asked calmly yet was filled with anticipation, hoping that it was news about Arianna.

Elijah couldn’t explain it, but strangely, he missed her strongly. It was almost as if he was grieving her and he was beginning to regret prolonging this game in the first place. But then, he was in so deep that he couldn’t stop even if he wanted to.

“Arianna would be coming outside today,”

At the mention of that, Elijah sprang up immediately. Arianna was coming out in the open? What was going on? Was this some trap by Marcel to lure him out, by using Arianna? It wouldn’t surprise him if it was.

“Why? What’s going on, or is this another trap?” Elijah needed to be sure.

But Jason, his brother’s assistant shook his head, “Honestly, I don’t know, it’s quite strange.”


“Strange how?”

“As you wanted, a week ago, Marcel made an impromptu trip, I couldn’t find much about that since everything was kept under wrap. However, I kept my ears close to the ground and I stumbled upon something, Your woman would be making a trip to Daniel’s place. ”

“Daniel?” he tried to remember where he had that name.

“Marcel’s father,”

At the mention of that name, Elijah’s blood ran cold. Even if he doesn’t remember Daniel as a cruel underlord when he was still in power from his previous research, he knew him as the man who ruined aunt Natalie.

It wasn’t hard to know about aunt Natalie’s history when Eric was hovering around her like an annoying mosquito. Well, he didn’t know the details much except that Daniel can never find his aunt Natalie – the man ruined her life or so he heard. Seems he and Marcel were bound to be enemies then.

However, why was Marcel bringing Arianna to his father’s place? Was this some sort of punishment for what he did? With each pain he inflicted on his people, Marcel would return them on Arianna, is that it? That kind of torture was not lost to him and that was the reason Elijah never wanted to get involved with any woman. He had a soft spot for them and would never intentionally bring harm to them – especially the one he loves.

“Where are you going?!” Jason growled when he took a step forward.

Elijah shot him a hard look, his body tensed, “I need to rescue her.”

“Are you stupid?!” Jason scolded him sternly, “You would be killed on sight, not to mention that you haven’t even healed from your injury.”

“I’m good at handling myself,” Elijah sneered and tried to take another step forward when Jason reached out and grabbed that injured arm, his face slightly distorting from the pain.

“Don’t make me tie you up just to make sure you don’t land your stupid ass in danger. It’s only a fool that would take on both Marcel’s and Daniel’s men!” He tried to talk sense into him, but the boy was a stubborn ass.

“I’m smart. I’ll figure something out!”

“Elijah!” Jason growled a warning, his patience already at the edge of his wit, “It’s enough that I’m in cahoot with you in this crazy crusade of yours, you can only imagine what your brother would do to me if anything happens to you!”

Elijah groaned, running his hand through his hair and yanked tight. This was frustrating, he shouldn’t have let this drag on for this long, what had he been thinking?

” You shouldn’t think the worst, “Jason tried to comfort him,” Daniel wouldn’t be around nor Marcel from what I know. Which is why I told you everything is strange, the reason Arianna would be breaking into Daniel’s place,”

Elijah was able to relax a bit, but it didn’t mean he was calm. Whether Daniel was there or not, it didn’t mean he wasn’t concerned for Arianna’s safety.

“It’s probably a deal,”

“What?” Jason glanced up at him.

“She probably struck some sort of deal with Marcel. I know Arianna, she would never keep quiet for this long,”

And that had been the reason he fell for her in the first place. Her strong will and ferocity was unlike something he had ever seen. Arianna had probably grown tired of waiting for him to come to save her like some princess in damsel and must be making her own way.

He respected her the more – and of course, was more guilty. He promised to protect her and instead get sidetracked because of his damn pride. He was regretting all of it now.

“I still need to get to her.”


“She might need my help in there and who knows, there might be some opening and I might be able to rescue her and then we can leave this fucking place and act!” He argued.

But Jason shook his head, “No, it’s too risky and I know you -” The man was still saying when the door rang and both men turned, their gaze connecting instantly.

“You never told me you were expecting a guest,” Jason spoke, already searching for an escape route.

“Hopefully, that unexpected guest didn’t track you down here,” Elijah said, looking around to search for anything that would incriminate him as Elijah. There was nothing.

“I can’t go down,” Jason informed him, peering through the window, “Suspicious movement down there, Luciano’s people. I’ve seen them around quite a lot.”

Elijah breathed, his brows furrowed, “You think they found out?”

Jason cocked his gun, “Only one way to find out.” he tilted his head in the direction of the door.

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