国自产拍 高清精品

Chapter 476

After the embarrassing night, the first thought that came to her mind was seeking Daniel. Clara had been determined to fight her battle by herself, but she couldn’t, Marcel had gone too far and she couldn’t hold back anymore. That was why she was here spilling her guts to Daniel.

Marcel was stupid not to realize that he had a nice father. Clara hasn’t even opened up to her own mother to this level, but she bared her soul to Daniel because he was always there to listen and help her. He was the father that she lost. Clara knew that Daniel would always stand by her, no matter what she had told him. Daniel had never failed her, he would not fail her now. That woman better watch her back now.

Even though she loathed their occupation and pretended not to know what the Luciano family was capable of, Clara had a feeling that Marcel’s secret lover was in trouble now. Marcel might not love her but Daniel likes her and she was his daughter-in-law, which meant Marcel had no say in this arrangement. In one word, she was sure that the wedding would hold.

But as pleased as she was with Daniel’s impending revenge on that woman, it still didn’t brush away the feeling of embarrassment she received today and Clara pushed her face further into Daniel’s chest, crying hard and didn’t get to see the furrow on his face.

Daniel was beginning to see reasons why his son didn’t like the girl. Clara was a crybaby and no member of Luciano’s family was a loser. It was a dog-eat-dog society and all of them fought for their place in the family and through hard work, got to the position they are today.

It seems he made a bad choice of a daughter-in-law. Instead of Clara complaining to him, she should have just solved her problem herself. She could get rid of the girl and nothing would happen to her because he was her backer. For sure, Marcel would throw a tantrum but would come around in time.

Even at that, Daniel had no plans of canceling their marriage. To gain, one must lose as well. It might seem hard at first but it got easier with time and that was something Marcel hadn’t understood yet. In a position of power, some sacrifices needed to be made and Marcel was too zealous to take note of that yet.

However, it wasn’t surprising, because he too made the same choices when he was around Marcel’s age, but life happened and he matured, and he had no doubt his son would too, especially with a Valeria by his side. Fate was really messing with him.


As far as Marcel married Clara, Daniel gave no fuck if he kept Arianna as a mistress. Yes, that was where she belonged, as a whore, beneath his son. He wished Natalie was up there in heaven watching it happen and knowing that she was unable to stop it from happening – ghosts can’t manipulate fate. Haha, in your face, Natalie!

It would have been better if she had a grave, perhaps he could go piss on it. But then she fell into the damn water! He hoped the sharks made good dinner out of her body because the thought that the wave carried her away and washed ashore at another location where she would be buried irked him.

The fact that her body was never found bothered Daniel over the years because he has this stupid thought that she survived, but it was impossible. Even if she hadn’t drowned, the bullet to her stomach would have done the work. He snorted inwardly, to think that she would rather die than be with him annoyed him greatly.

However, if by some miracle Natalie survived, then he would do her the favor by ending her permanently. Yeah, no resurrection, no ghosts the second time. He was unable to kill her in the past due to petty feelings, but not anymore. He has changed over the years and that was why her daughter would bear his wrath. This was the universe giving him justice for what he did to her.

Daniel would rather die than have a Valeria spawn his heir, and would have had to remind his stupid son of that while he fucked the whore, but not anymore, the girl had to go. He would have tolerated her if she knew her place but she had to intercept his plans and almost ruined her place. He would get Marcel on that altar even if it meant getting rid of her.

Her family had scorned him in the first place for being low blood and now, this was the opportunity to climb up the social ladder, a Valeria comes to ruin it? It would never happen. She had to go. The Luciano’s would no longer be just a bunch of low lives with their dirty money, their status would be upgraded and they would mingle with the true bourgeois of the society.

But that would only happen after his son and Clara were wedded. Perhaps, when he was done, he would seek the remaining Valeria’s outside the country. Was their old man still alive? If he was, Daniel bet he wouldn’t have time left when he comes to demand his daughter’s hand in marriage because If he could remember much, there was still a younger daughter. Daniel might have once loved Natalie, but all that affection was filled with hate now and he would destroy all she ever cared for.

So Daniel put up with Clara’s tantrum even if it was annoying as well. Very soon she would be Marcel’s mess to deal with, but until then, he could not spook. Thankfully, he had shown Marcel firsthand how to put a woman in her place. In no time, Clara would learn her role in this family, and who knows, she might mature as well just as Penelope did.

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