国自产拍 高清精品

Chapter 493

“Why Clara of all people?!” Marcel wanted to know because it didn’t make sense to him. Honestly, Clara Louise Alberta didn’t even have much power, all her family had was fame, reputation, and past glory. Heck, the monarchy system had long been abolished! Hence, they had only the title to go. So, why was Daniel so insistent on the both of them getting married?

If his father wanted more power, there were pretty other Mafia families that could benefit much more through marriage and they were more influential than the Alberta’s. Not that the Luciano family wasn’t a prominent family on its own. However, why was his father so obsessed with that royal line? Marcel had a feeling that there was more to the story and he wanted to know.

But Daniel ignored him and walked over to his car instead. The man opened the car door to climb in only for Marcel to snap the door close, and his hard gaze told his father that he wasn’t stepping a foot out of his place without saying a thing.

“Why must it be Clara? There are many other girls out there? Why must it be her?!” He snapped at him, the veins in his head bulging while his gaze was fierce with determination.

“Because I said so!” Daniel snapped back, losing his calm. He faced his son, and both of them would have been at the same height if Marcel hadn’t been taller by a few inches.

“Don’t feed me that bullshit, father!” He called him with sarcasm, “You can fool others, but not me.” Marcel stepped closer to the point that they were looking each other in the eyes.

He said, “I’m your great legacy, as you’ve called me so many times, which means that you would want only the best for me which Clara clearly isn’t and both of us know that. However, the only reason you would keep up with that is because of something, her title, why is her royal line so important to you? Why do you want to belong so much?!” He screamed in his face.

“Because it’s for your own good!” Daniel screamed back at him with a great ferocity that stunned him, “Everything I’m doing is for your sake so you don’t have to go through the same thing as me! No one would look down on you and your generation to come would benefit from your sacrifice! The Luciano name would never be sullied.”


“And when we do belong, are you ready to close the family business?”


“I guess you never thought about your great need to belong and its adverse effect on our family’s business? When you become royalty and schmooze with the upper-class people who are nothing but wolves in sheep’s clothing, what would you do when you attract the attention of the international communities? How long until you make a powerful enemy and bring our family to ruin? Or would you be their underdog just to get into their good grace and I wonder then, what’s the use of belonging when nothing changed?”

Something flashed in Daniel’s eyes and there was a tense silence between them. For a moment there, Marcel thought he got through to his father and that he would somehow change his mind, but Daniel replied instead,”

“Stop thinking nonsense. Our family has lasted three generations, what makes you think it would collapse now, or are you so desperate to be with your whore that you would spew any nonsense?”

“She’s not a whore and I dare you to call her that again!” Marcel growled, his body poised to attack with his hands clenched tightly at his sides. One more word from his father and he wouldn’t hold himself anymore.

“Look at you, Marcel,” Daniel looked at him with disapproval, “You have lost your way all because of a woman and forgotten all of my teachings!”

“No,” Marcel disagreed with him, “I didn’t lose my way, rather Arianna made me feel alive and that is something you would never know because you’re a sadistic psychopath that no woman is capable of running, not even your wife!”


A fist met Marcel in the face and he groaned. However, it didn’t deter him, instead, he snarled and punched Daniel to his shock and war broke out. As his father, added to the fact that Marcel had always taken his beatings like a good kid, it shocked Daniel that Marcel dared to retaliate and he knew that it was because of that girl, Arianna, Natalie’s seed.

Even when dead, Natalie was determined to not only ruin his life, but his son’s as well through her daughter this time. But that wasn’t going to happen, not on his watch. If only Daniel knew that Marcel had merely reached his breaking point and he couldn’t take his shit anymore. Marcel was provoked now because he dared to lay a hand on Arianna.

Marcel had taken his father’s abuses that he usually called, “lessons” lying down, but not anymore. No one would dare to lay a hand on Arianna, he would protect her to the end. Not even his father would be able to separate them.

Thanks to the fight, soldiers from both sides rushed to separate their leaders from killing each other. But the fight was quite intense that by the time they were separated, Marcel and Daniel had injured each other seriously.

Marcel had a black eye and some bruises on the corner of his face while Daniel was bleeding from the nose, busted lips, and swollen cheeks. At the wedding tomorrow, they will be quite a sight to their quest.

“You are a big disgrace, Marcel! If only you weren’t one, I would have made a person out of your younger brother than you, a failure!” He said.

“Sure, sure, make a legacy out of the imbecile you bred!” Marcel sassed back. Today marks the end of him giving in to Daniel. If he wanted a war, then a war he would get!

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